How tall is everyone?

The more appropriate question, in my case, would be how short am I? 60 inches... Looks like I am in good company, lots of shorties here! I am envious of Aussie's 6'2.
5'10" 👍🏻😊 It seems to intimidate guys, but then those are the sort of guys I would have no interest in 😏
5' - 11 3/4" ...just 1/4" more and I would have made 6 foot, but no. grrr!

size 9 shoes.... Why do kids today have big feet?

In 3 or 4 generations time they'll have clown feet, flapping all over the pace.....

I'm 5'9"...

I've not noticed this big feet on kids today, thank you for enlightening me, Jaime. :D