If the poster above you were arrested, what would be the crime?

For stealing an Enigma from a Naval museum. She was looking for a second one to steal so her and her lover could send secret messages to each other.
I'll tell you up front it's not art theft or forgery. The "Bacchanale" is on loan from the Guggenheim.

(Bumping 'cause I'm feeling snarky.)
Art theft
I already dispelled that when bumping the thread ☝

I'll tell you up front it's not art theft or forgery. The "Bacchanale" is on loan from the Guggenheim.

(Bumping 'cause I'm feeling snarky.)

Impersonating James Bond on a motorcycle and riding through a plate glass window of a lingerie store when he lost his concentration and forgot to stop.
He actually was arrested six times in 2016 for repeatedly stalking Wilford Brimley, trying to get him to say "diabetes".