If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Show up in a cheesy stripper-cop costume with a boombox playing cheesy stripper music and put on a show. Tips are appreciated.

Demand that he puts on a show. But only tip him if he can swing his boom box around on the end of his shlong. Do it! Do it! Do it!
Demand that he puts on a show. But only tip him if he can swing his boom box around on the end of his shlong. Do it! Do it! Do it!

Ask her why she skipped out of the bar the night before after she got me to buy her all of those drinks. :rolleyes::D
ask her to dance with me.

You must be the person they told me to find so I can exchange my life savings of pachinko balls.
You must be the person they told me to find so I can exchange my life savings of pachinko balls.

No Ma'am, that's him over there; but I'll be glad to take your hand and escort you through this dark alley.