If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

What the feck?! Who the hell cloned me?!

Ah, what the hell...I'd put a new meaning to the self high-five! :D:rolleyes:
Organise a fund collection over passers-by, it's a cat playing a guitar.
I swear I thought this thread had WWJD in the title. Seemed so '90s. Its Lit though you know, so I was gonna get off here with everyone else doing their WWJD only its not. And now I'm confused.
I swear I thought this thread had WWJD in the title. Seemed so '90s. Its Lit though you know, so I was gonna get off here with everyone else doing their WWJD only its not. And now I'm confused.

I would talk about religion. Hahaha.