If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

As long as she is willing, push her against the wall and while passionatly kissing her start removing her underwear...
Ask if he wants to recreate a scene from Dumb And Dumber with his moped, but then I'd probably think better of it and go back to fighting these ninjas that tried jumping me.
I would ask Alley which holes she wants us in, but I would prefer spitroasting. DP would be awkward.
If meeting BurningButterfly in a dark alley, I reckon it might be helpful to throw a fire blanket over them.
If meeting BurningButterfly in a dark alley, I reckon it might be helpful to throw a fire blanket over them.

I would be so curious to see what she was up to in a dark alley. It would be no doubt something very interesting!! ;);):D:D:devil::devil:
I would be so curious to see what she was up to in a dark alley. It would be no doubt something very interesting!! ;);):D:D:devil::devil:

I'd boop her on the nose then run off into the darkness cackling like the crazy person I am. :D
If I met Taegul in a dark alley, I would put an orange strobe light atop his beanie.
If I met Taegul in a dark alley, I would put an orange strobe light atop his beanie.

With an orange strobe light atop my beanie, I think I'd have no choice but to start dancing "The Robot". Come on, Val. Dance The Robot with me and we'll scare the heck out of any passersby!
If I met Taegul in a dark alley and if I were to align with his proposal to scare any unaware passersby, I reckon they'd would have to contend with a Good Robot, Bad Robot routine — on one hand, with Taegul dancing to Styx, with the aforementioned strobe light acessory and on the other, myself and my flawless Terminator impersonation.
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If I met Taegul in a dark alley and if I were to align with his proposal to scare any unaware passersby, I reckon they'd would have to contend with a Good Robot, Bad Robot routine — on one hand, with Taegul dancing to Styx, with the aforementioned strobe light acessory and on the other, myself and my flawless Terminator impersonation.

I’d ask if she wants to meet my wife.
Tell them Pathetic Desperate Douche Dark Alley is three blocks away.