If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

If I met Azuldrgon in a dark alley, we would have a karaoke showdown.
If I met Azuldrgon in a dark alley, I would ask some firebreath to light up a torch.
If I met _Valkyrie_ in a dark alley.. I would ask her to come with me dancing
If I met MrsNaughtyCat in a dark alley, I would lend her my "Alley Cat" faux leather jacket.
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A dude on horseback with a lance? I'd probably be running for my life.
If I met Taegul in a dark alley, I would give him an LED lights beanie for him to wear.
I'd yell, "Happy birthday!" Then I'd lead all the random alleyway strangers in singing, "Happy birthday to you" even though it's not her birthday.