Like Me, Have You Ever

LMHYE done infrared sauna nude?
I'll admit that I've never even heard of an infrared sauna, but it sounds like something people would do in the nude.

LMHYE hooked up with an ex soon after breaking up with someone else?
No its very high on my bucket list though. Not sure how to make it happen.

LMHYE gone to a nude beach?
Not so far

LMHYE asked someone who was not a sexual partner to get naked?
Oh, yes, a few times. Saw my first "live" dick after asking a guy to skinny dip in my parents' pool. Saw my first "live" naked girl (other than PE at school, of course) after asking her to go streaking with me. (We got to third base afterward in my car. No orgasms, unfortunately. :() These were both in my teens.

As an adult, I tried to lure a male friend into a game of strip poker, and when he denied me, I simply told him that I wanted to see him naked. He obliged, but when I tried to get him to have sex, he reminded me that he was dating my friend. I found that very conflicting. Oh, well. I got to see a great cock at least.

LMHYE ... gotten naked (or partially so) for someone you thought you were going to have sex with but then didn't because you got interrupted? Mine was that his mother walked in on us as I was getting ready to go down on him. Similar thing happened with my first shot at sex with another female, too. That was embarrassing because she was my second cousin. Oops.
Oh, yes, a few times. Saw my first "live" dick after asking a guy to skinny dip in my parents' pool. Saw my first "live" naked girl (other than PE at school, of course) after asking her to go streaking with me. (We got to third base afterward in my car. No orgasms, unfortunately. :() These were both in my teens.

As an adult, I tried to lure a male friend into a game of strip poker, and when he denied me, I simply told him that I wanted to see him naked. He obliged, but when I tried to get him to have sex, he reminded me that he was dating my friend. I found that very conflicting. Oh, well. I got to see a great cock at least.

LMHYE ... gotten naked (or partially so) for someone you thought you were going to have sex with but then didn't because you got interrupted? Mine was that his mother walked in on us as I was getting ready to go down on him. Similar thing happened with my first shot at sex with another female, too. That was embarrassing because she was my second cousin. Oops.
Yes lol. I was with my new wife in our tiny studio in San Francisco. We had a house guest who had to move out of her parent's place suddenly and we were the only people in our friend group who had any place to call our own. Anyway she and her boyfriend had stepped out for a bit and we were massively horny from having to be modest around her for three days. I had stripped my wife's panties off and ravenously ate her pussy until she came. She turned on the bed and I wiped out my rock hard cock. She was closing in with her mouth and then we heard the key in the lock...

LMHYE gone skinny dipping in front of others hopping they would join you only to have others not swim, go in underwear or find swim suits?
No. I’ve been in a couple threesomes, just different circumstances.

LMHYE been in a room when a couple started having sex because they thought you were asleep ?

LMHYE been invited by your boss to a naked pool party at his house AND he adds the party often extends to sex play.

LMHYE been invited by your boss to a naked pool party at his house AND he adds the party often extends to sex play.
No, but I've had a few bosses, mostly men but also one woman, who I would have loved to have this happen. Too bad, too sad, I guess.

LMHYE had sex with a coworker and thought it was going to turn into a relationship, only to have them come in to work, act like it was no big deal, then turn around and fuck another coworker AND start dating them. Yes! Yes, it happened to me. How embarrassing!