Lit Limericks - one line at a time - 2

My name is Cami she said
And she wore a cute cap on her head
Her last name was Soul
My name is Cami she said
And she wore a cute cap on her head
Her last name was Soul
And she danced on a pole
My name is Cami she said
And she wore a cute cap on her head
Her last name was Soul
I see what you did there. 😜

My name is Cami she said
And she wore a cute cap on her head
Her last name was Soul
And she danced on a pole
Until her thighs were rubbed red.
It was either Soul or Flage
She had a beam like a barge
She drew a large draft
When sat in the batht

(some creative spelling there)
It was either Soul or Flage
She had a beam like a barge
She drew a large draft
When sat in the batht
Plus-sized was her décolletage
She liked her sausage in a bun
But only if it was well done
One day she got it undercooked
She liked her sausage in a bun
But only if it was well done
One day she got it undercooked
'Cause the chef overlooked
She liked her sausage in a bun
But only if it was well done
One day she got it undercooked
'Cause the chef overlooked
So she told him no more fun.
He went into the forest to wank
But a tree branch got caught on his crank
With tears in his eyes
He went into the forest to wank
But a tree branch got caught on his crank
With tears in his eyes
He thought he would die
He went into the forest to wank
But a tree branch got caught on his crank
With tears in his eyes
He thought he would die
Till his dick thankfully shrank
She loved her clothes shiny and black
and thought wearing bright colors was whack
But a goth she was not
She loved her clothes shiny and black
and thought wearing bright colors was whack
But a goth she was not
She just knew she looked hot
She loved her clothes shiny and black
and thought wearing bright colors was whack
But a goth she was not
She just knew she looked hot
And the guys loved eyeing her crack