Lit-related *Urban Myths* 👀 *Real* [crazy] Stories* & *Conspiracy Theories*

I have not heard of this GB email vilification thing or any of the other aforementioned things. Of course, I am never in the loop on anything. I am now very curious though. Care to share the story?

If it were just my story, I’d share it. I tend to be an open book. But, several other people are involved so it’s not just mine to tell. I’m confident that most involved, if not all, would rather let it lie.
I have not heard of this GB email vilification thing or any of the other aforementioned things. Of course, I am never in the loop on anything. I am now very curious though. Care to share the story?

If it were just my story, I’d share it. I tend to be an open book. But, several other people are involved so it’s not just mine to tell. I’m confident that most involved, if not all, would rather let it lie.
If it were just my story, I’d share it. I tend to be an open book. But, several other people are involved so it’s not just mine to tell. I’m confident that most involved, if not all, would rather let it lie.
Appreciate your discretion. I too know a few stories, but they are not mine to tell. And, in the end, the ones I know are not all that interesting - mostly sad, really.
Also - I have never heard a word about me being involved in any rumors - which I am perfectly happy with. Would rather just float above all that. lol

Which raised the question

Are there any pussytars? 🤔

And how would men feel about them if there were any?

It was a question 😂😂😂
I'd like to think I am above that, but, having lived through the Playboy-Penthouse "Bush War" of the 70s...I would be as blinded by a pussytar as a boob-a-tar...and have been. (I don't think she's around any more)
I am not sure about the term pussytar so looked at other possibilities

Beavertar (I think this sounds like a quaint little village)
Vaginatar sounds like a kitchen appliance you’d see advertised on infomercials. It slices, it dices, it shoots your vegetables out in a perfect pattern, it’s the Vaginatar! 😁
If you’re feeling left out, I can send you one.

Not of me. It’s much more entertaining to send random dicks.
If i wanted to see a cock with no context there's plenty of threads around here to go to

But thanks for your generous offer
I am not sure about the term pussytar so looked at other possibilities

Beavertar (I think this sounds like a quaint little village)
Unless the avatar is showing the entrance to the vagina I'd go with vulvatar

Cuntar? 🤔

What about skankatars? By Mo
I am not sure about the term pussytar so looked at other possibilities

Beavertar (I think this sounds like a quaint little village)
I would also vote "twatatar" but my favourite made up word (after cromulent of course) is "twatwaffle", and that is kinda negative.
I would feel honestly and genuinely weird to find out that people are talking about me. It's not something that even crosses my mind!

Well, how do you feel about X? *waggles brows* LOL.

Do you feel like you are more subject to mythologizing because you've been an active poster in multiple areas for a while, or because you're mod, or both? I'd be curious if your pre-mod experience is noticeably different from your mod experience.

I think that my Lit years have taught me a lot, especially that what we see in the forums can lead us to draw conclusions that are not even close to the reality. People often think they know what vague posts are about, and they are quite often wrong.

My personal experience here has been overwhelmingly positive. I’ve made many friends. I’ve also been in my fair share of drama. I’ve had my heart broken twice; I broke someone’s heart. I lost good friends, repaired a few friendships. I’ve lusted over two particular Lit men for years, lol. I know a lot of the Lit stories from over the years. I think I’ve used all of this to be a pretty understanding and fair mod. I’m well aware of the risks here and pay attention when others appear to be vulnerable or in trouble. I try not to infer, but to take things as they are written. I try to react appropriately and I (mostly) stay out of drama now.
I don't know about any of this, but surely nobody would be horrible enough to share other people's photos with someone of that reputation! That's pretty low. And I certainly don't think you would.

Also, am I the only one who will be now looking at Litster names beginning with V? 😂 :unsure:
I'd argue we shouldn't be sharing photos without expressed consent from the person in the picture at all on this platform.