OOC: It takes a Village...Strategy Game Thread

Your in just have to do up your profile so you get all you deserve...and a good storyline.
Hey Jagged

Yea Jagged Get This Lovely Lady's A Story You Lazy Bum.
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My most humblest apologies

sonali00783 said:
thanks a lot and by the way i am a gal not a guy
name is Sonali

My most humblest apologies my lady :rose: . Your name could have been taken as that of an Italian man. As a courtesy you may stop by my island with no port charge. And you have my deepest apologies for the confusion :rose: . I look foward to seeing your character information & pictures always help.

Lord Tufa Der Munthas
Visigoth warchief
Naw, don't bother with the Visigoths my Lady. They'll probably all be dead soon anyway. :p

You Can't Kill Me You'll Have No One Else To Play Against. And On To Of That I'll Just Grab A Handful Of Pretty Roman Boys And Get Your Troops Distracted :)
Hell, I'm just eager to start playing again...

And Ton, who said -I- was gonna kill ya?? :p
Not much longer....dealing with some real world stuff and I promise posts and even some new threads. Sorry guys reality has been screwing with my fantasy like never before....Mantra has a note from me. Then you will see my again soon. And more then just to post hi...and bye type of things.
Just a follow up for everyone concerned:

Jagged has been having a run of bad luck and real world troubles which have kept him away lately. He has some family business to take care of this weekend, after which he hopes to be back on the ball with replying to posts and getting Sonali Into the setting.

Paitence is a virtue, let us all be virtuous a little while longer..... Jagged, good luck and do what you gotta do. :cool:
First the turn of many to be done...but I feel I am back on the zone.
Updated for those who need the information.

Living Space


The basic family living space for a peasant. The hut holds roughly 5 people and their possessions. The structure provides some shelter in a fight, but not much. Kicking in a door or burning it down is easy.

Materials: Need wood manly. Stone or brick helps.

Large Hut

A step up with no major skills needed to construct. This design is more solidly built and requires stone and wood. Unlike a hut with a cook fire this design has a chimney. It can hold 10 people and has a store room so each home has its own supplies. Also it has a garden to at least give that family some food. Also a small shrine is there to your tribe's relevant god (for peasants often the main god.)

Materials: Timber, stone, and tools.


The farmhouse is the same as the large hut but with a few important additions. It has a larger storeroom, workshop to repair tools, and which allows the residences to craft some items. This living space as the name suggests takes in a crop or livestock (ex. horse farm). It has a well and a shrine also to provide the residence with their own water supply and place to worship.

Materials: Timber, stone, tools, and skilled builders.

Hunting lodge

Similar to the farmhouse, but generates food by hunting wild animals. These peasants are able to serve in combat. Unlike the farm the lodge sits outside the village boundaries. There they can slaughter the meat before bring it to market or the store house. In addition to the main lodge building where hunters eat, sleep, and spend most of their down time there is a shrine to the hunting god of their tribe, and slaughterhouse. Depending on the method of hunting used a kennel for dogs or aviary may be present.

Materials: Timber, stone, and tools....and skilled builders.

War lodge

The "warrior factory" these places are for heroes and their families. Many of your veteran troops prefer living in this type of build then the barracks. This compound can hold up to 30 families and often display the trophies from the past campaigns and hunts as well as captured booty. Banners hang from the rafters of the main hall where most events happen while others sleep in rooms of to the sides. Besides the main building there is a large workshop for making and repairing arms and armor, a shrine to your main god or war god, and a small hunting lodge and ale house. A low stone wall surrounds the compound as a defensive measure. Depending on the tribe some lodges keep cemeteries reserved for fallen heroes and their families. Some warriors take prisoners and make them slaves so sometimes dungeons and other residences are on the land.

Timber, stone, and tools....and a skilled builders, craftsmen, and veteran warriors.

Fortified Farm

This type of building complex is often held by wealthy warriors, merchants, and minor nobles. It is a combination of a large farmhouse, hunting lodge and a small war lodge. Depending on who owns it appearance varies but always has a wall around the main buildings and a gatehouse. It always produces a surplus in case of siege or for economic reasons and has storerooms to collect the extra food and trade goods. Unlike other structures which have room for basic living and little else these homes have conference areas or large grand dinning rooms to conduct businesses. Often times peasants working at these facilities will live in huts nearby if not in the compound.

Timber, stone, and tools....and a skilled builders, craftsmen, servants, soldiers, and gold.


For the permanent residents of a village or those who can afford the rent these facilities allow for business and residence. They are the size of a large hut with space for doing business and a workshop and store room with the family usually living above.

Timber, stone, and tools....and a skilled builders, craftsmen, and stock.

Sizes (these are citizens, slaves and troops don't count.)

Hamlet 20 to 100 people

Village 100 to 500 people

Town 500 to 1000 people

City 1000 to 10,000 people ( a impressive city usually dominates a region and popular for trade.)

Capital 10,000 to 20,000 (a marvel of the ancient world normally well knows and has many impressive sites, resources and is center for government and commerce usually.)

Gifts of the Gods....
(All tribes)
If you have at least a shrine and a priest you can bless weapons making them stronger and more deadly. If you have a temple you may create holy banners, weapons, shields, and armor that bolsters bravery and will not dull. In battle priests may heal warriors (not bring them back from the dead.)

Offerings are required since your priests will not do these actions for free...

Shrine......Good for blessings and healing.

Chapel.....Same as above but on a larger scale (two swords blessed instead of just one at a time for example.)

Temple....Holy banners, armor and weapons blessed in massive numbers. Also natural bonuses for work done on holy ground or by monks and priests.

More worshippers and the more faith the better the results.

So here are two troop types. They are general terms but with so many different cultures being used in the game some common terms are necessary to identify what is being dealt with in the RPG.


A term I find mostly in medieval text, but it is very useful for the RPG. A Man-at-Arms is a warrior of great skill and prowess on the battle field. A master of many weapons of his own culture as well as enemy and ally. Often speaks more then two languages and is stronger and fasters then the rest of his unit. He is the NCO who has been with every army over the centuries in one form or another. He is a natural leader and keeps the troops together and even after the death of the officer this individual can often keep things together or at least insure the unit survives the fight. In peace time he keeps order and sees the training is maintained. If this is individual is part of a militia unit he often works as a body guard to his ruler, constable, game keep, or even an enforcer.

To create a Sergeant you need a veteran soldier who is highly skilled in the type of unit he is being assigned (best swordsmen in his unit of swordsmen). Next he is given better gear and trained in the art of leadership. Many times you will have veterans in your villages long before you begin your campaign so it is up to you to seek them out and train them.

An alternative way to use this class is form whole units of these elite warriors. With better gear and training they can turn the tide of battle and put fear in the hearts of men. They are battle hardened warriors that won't run and are of great loyalty. They are the killer elite.

The knight

The elite mounted warrior of noble birth. Like the Men-at-Arms this soldier is the leader in battle, but this time is the cavalry elite. A master of over 20 weapons and of horsemanship. They are the land owning class that fights. Unlike the Men-at-Arms who will gladly take an increase in pay The knight will want large spoils like land and treasure. These armored fighters are loyal to you and often have ties to religious institutions in your community. They are professional soldiers though and sometimes wish to go off on quests or fight for gold or land for other leaders in time of peace as they continue their search for glory.

A whole unit of knights from many noble families is very expensive to maintain and keep together, but is a powerful force on the battle field. As I said above this troop type more then others is adventurer class. They travel where there is work and glory. So while at war you may find more then a few come to join your banner, but in the dull winter months or a peaceful summer they may be off to the next "hotspot" for battle.

Another plus side to these warriors is as they gather wealth they will build "strongholds" where they will produce food, weapons, and even troops and other knights.

What I have written here is a guideline for players to create troops to help them in battle. Often cultures have their own but this gives us some common ground. Also the guidelines help in creating troops like cavalry for cultures like the Aztecs who never developed that type of troops. Well I hope this helps and please give me feedback and ideas.
Let us all welcome Sonali to our game as she brings yet another new culture to the game. I am interested in seeing how she writes as I learn more about India's culture. So let us make another place by the fire......There are now four active players and of coarse we always leave space for those who had to leave. I always hope they will return but amd always happy to see a new player. Now two female and two male........besides the war god of coarse.*smiles*

*raising a glass* to the future.

Welcome Sonali, and good luck to you.

Jagged, I'd like to propose a new type of structure. The fortress.

Basically, it doesn't 'produce' anything, but it can house and service a host of soldiers that may be assigned to it. Smaller than a castle but larger than a fortified farm. It's general purpose is to anchor or defend a strategic point of territory.

Something along that line.
Your turn.....to be responded to is on the Main thread dear. Check it out I believe your the last post.

A fortress more of military structure that has barracks, armory, and store house? What would a castle be more of a Ubber fortified farm??
A castle and fortress could pretty much be the same thing...although I always saw a castle as being the home of a lord or some other leader type and would also serve as a 'political office' of sorts. For semantics, they could be the same type of structure.

Consider the difference between something like Hadrian's Wall as opposed to Camelot.
HHHmmm........fortress military defense structure. Castle military structure add noble and political center. I know our Egyptian player had a palace though it was not a very tough structure. She did experience a raid after all. Our Asian player had a palace as well though not a castle if I remember right.

Okay Mantra write up a fortress and a castle and we will add it to our list of excepted structures.
A good start.......my dear. A new player culture to our world. Your off to a good start and shall see a reply soon.
Jagged can we have a trading post, Market and warehouse it will help to move everybody towards civilization.
Trading Post can serve as a position which is known by all villages in that region ad where traders from other villages can gather to trade, taxes on this trading will help theeconomy prosper.
Market- aplace where all goods can be sold barter system or coining can be used.
Warehouse- Store the goods safely for longer periods.

Hope these can be added
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