OOC: It takes a Village...Strategy Game Thread

I know you all must be tired of excuse but I have been fighting the flu for the last few days. Feel alot better now and will do some updating. Lately every time I down to write the only thing I can think of is having the whole town getting sick or flooded with chicken soup...
Happy Holidays

With this being the last week before Christmas for me, I know I'm not going to be on much. So I wanted to take this time to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Years. I hope next year we'll be able to make this one of the most talked about threads on the online role play forum.
So all be safe, be merry, and please caring to someone who needs it.

Josh Rigelwood
aka Tonofnoise
aka Tufa Der Munthas
chocolatemouse said:
Hello all

Is there still a room for a pesting mouse.?
I would be interested by the amazones or by a bucaneer queen if such a nation can be created. ( some ideas are tickling my mind). Is there still a room for a new nation?
If youes i would accept with pleasures any advices gave by the veterants of this saga.

Nose kisss :p :rose: :kiss:

Greetings little mouse. :rose: There is always room for more.

My advice, creativity is the key, that and take advantage of every opportunity. The beauty of this world is that so many cultures and to a lesser extent, time lines mix, that wild possibilities can be made. For example, I have cavalry who have the ability to ride double with Amazon warriors, Roman cities with Japanese Geishas and Viking mercenaries support my armies on the seas.

Use your imagination and let it mix with a handful of history, add a dash of mythology and *POOF!* Instant Empire.
Dressed as Fredrick the Great Jagged enters...the circle of camp fires nodding to all his warrior children. I am sorry I have been away so long. The campaigns shall continue very soon....Please sit with and tell me what you want.

Jagged said:
Dressed as Fredrick the Great Jagged enters...the circle of camp fires nodding to all his warrior children. I am sorry I have been away so long. The campaigns shall continue very soon....Please sit with and tell me what you want.

I want what every man wants......Absolute Power
I don't want absolute power...I just wanna rule the world and seduce the Russian Czarina. :rose: :devil:

As for the game, I'd like to see a bit more variety. For example, in my quests for mineral resources, I have found some small iron deposits and gold. Reading the posts for others, I noticed that no one else has found anything other than gold or iron either...

There are so many options and possibilities we could harvest as resources, copper, silver, ivory, coral, salt, saphires, furs, syrup... it would also allow the growing empires a sense of uniqueness as well. Say the Romans have diamonds while the Russians have copper and tin deposits. Now we have something unique to offer one another. Or Roman diamonds can be used to bribe the Pirate Queen to help raid my enemies, the Persians.

Stuff like that.

That help?
:p I had a thought about the early settlers and their maple trees while I was typing.

But I could have just as easilly used sugar cane, tobacco or hemp as examples too :)
Not dead just way to delayed....check again in the next 24hrs for more posts to come. I am back on my game thanks for the concern people and I hope all is well....and I have not forgotten about our fantasy thread either.
sonali00783 said:
hi jagged are new players still allowed?

Well, Of course, Jagged it the boss, but I've never seen him say no to a potential player.

Do you have a character or nation in mind?
Mantra....read over you post and work will start shortly. As well as for our very interested new player...she has sent many pms. Yes I have turned away one or two but only because they had ideas that would not fit the game.
thanks mantra and jagged yes i have this in mind..Name: Sonali
Age: 18
Physical Description
Eyes: blue
Hair: waist length auburn
Height: 5’4
Other: fair/sunkissed skin, an hourglass figure with high round breasts and long legs.
Brief History: Sonali grew up as the youngest daughter of the tribe’s former leader Sachin.
She was sent to an ashram (school) to learn all traits of life reqd. for a royal prince/princess.
At her school she met few prince and princess of suroounding tribes being a natural born diplomat soon she became friendly with them and they started taking her as their leader in their small games, but soon her leadership qualities grew to a level where all of them started to follow her uninhibited.

She was a good student with a fine mind bent towards technology she was always asking questions from her teacher Ravikant-a very wise men he was and he impressed by her started teaching her sciences and all the other branches of education which no other discipline of his ever studied. She lived in the ashram for 10 years.
At time she became 18 she was very beautiful and her hard work started showing. She was an expert warrior and a very sharp and expert diplomat, administrative and had a nick of improving all things technically around her.
Being a good and helpful person all other prince and princess were never jealous of her but they all grew closer. Also her fame was spreading around as in past 50 yrs there was no student of her callibure in the ashram (school), many said she was destinied for something big something that had never been done on this small island

Now it was time to return home her teacher told her but on reaching home she found a plague had hit her village killing plenty of people her entire family is dead except her elder brothers two sons who were just 3 and 5 yrs old.

However all the city buildings were ok.

*The village was southern most and surrounded by mountains and rivers
well jagged i am sorry u dint let me join in early, else i would have posted a turn by now, however i am going on a tour for 5 days and if u allow me to play i will put my turn in immediately. Hope all is well.

I HATE NOT HAVING A COMPUTER. I'VE BEEN 2 MONTHS WITH OUT A COMPUTER. THIS SUCKS, BITES, AND EVERYTHING. Thank you for hearing me out. Between trying to get my future wife moved out of her place, finding a house, my SCA life, and work I've had no free time. But I promise I will try and help get this thread back into the main stream. Just give me another couple weeks.

Just so I know please reply if your still posting???

PM Manta you better post I still need to meet you face to face.

Yeah, I'm still here.

I'm up next but Jagged's been having a rough time getting away from real life lately.
I am still here as well sorry people I won't even promise I will work on it this weekend, but I will try. I have a weekend full of extra training....without pay..sigh

Anyway I have some notes and it should go fast. Thanks for hanging in there with me....Mantra and TonsofNoise shall be meeting soon and our Russian princess shall soon be Czarina.

Wish our Viking and Samurai friend were still with us...anyway I will be back to work soon people.
Like I said before Jagg, Do what you gotta do. Your loyal players will always be around waiting.

But in the meantime enjoy what you can in life.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
This week I plan to have all in order my dear...glad you back. Please checkout my new thread as well.

Just wanted everyone to know I am back in the grove and this thread is far from dead. Glad you all still like playing.