Pmann’s Reasons Why Women Won’t Talk To Me (You) Thread

Creative intros are fun. When I was doing the dating app thing I'd message people with the intro "Hey there, I'm making a Home Depot run. You need anything?"

I've always been afraid of doing something like that. I'm crazy as hell, and they'll figure it out soon enough. Why introduce it to them from the start? :p
I've always been afraid of doing something like that. I'm crazy as hell, and they'll figure it out soon enough. Why introduce it to them from the start? :p
Lol nah I get it. Here's the thing though, if they get it and play along right off? That person is for you. ❤️

Trust me, doing this got me laid once. 😜🤣
if you ask 2000 people if they want to get fucked, statistically speaking you’ll get laid. You might also get slapped.

But that’s just a bonus anyway…
Lol I definitely didn't send 2000 messages. But I did get slapped. I asked nicely. Ahhhh Tinder was fun.
It's the shotgun vs the sniper rifle.
Wait, what body part are we talking about here? :p
Turn off: when men message women with just “Hi” or similar interactions …


This is your ONE chance … you have ONE chance to shoot your shot. Make your message interesting, inquisitive, etc. something like .. why you messaged me, what about me compelled you to send me a message, why should I give you a chance, what are you offering.

Fucking SOMETHING …, a fun fact… a tidbit about your day.. a question you want to ask.

“Hey” will get ignored, blocked and your shot is over.
Also there’s a huge market at colleges for adderall. So if you’re not adhd and need a lift, that’s what all the college kids are doing.
Am ADHD. I have so many Adderall bottles lying around my house. I hate the stuff but I keep refilling my Rx thinking I'll start taking it again...🤨