~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

She wanted to continue misbehaving, and soon came up with a plan to steal the riding crop from the Supervisor... shenanigans!!!
I need that crop for the greater good!!
She is also the absolute model of following instructions and would have nothing to do with Sammy and I’s plan…

You have no idea how hard it was to be that full of shit…
Hates the game keep away and will just give the crop back to the Dancer!!

(Not a baseless lie but a lie nevertheless)
"The greater good" is really what he calls his penis 🤫
I think it’s important to share the greater good (which sounds horrible even to me)
He doesn’t know we are on to his evil plan to tame the brat pack! We shall not go down easy!
But you will go down 😏

She once dressed up in armor to be a knight … like it way more than being the bratty damsel

(Which is an entirely baseless lie )
I think it’s important to share the greater good (which sounds horrible even to me)

But you will go down 😏

She once dressed up in armor to be a knight … like it way more than being the bratty damsel

(Which is an entirely baseless lie )
I told him it was a Valkyrie! Why doesn’t he listen to me??? Val ky rie!!! Sheesh!!,
I think it’s important to share the greater good (which sounds horrible even to me)

But you will go down 😏

She once dressed up in armor to be a knight … like it way more than being the bratty damsel

(Which is an entirely baseless lie )
Is now considering changing the name of his penis, and is taking suggestions