Sad news... Mrs. H....

I really, really miss her too. She was so adamant that only a few knew how grave her illness was and she kept it hid it on here right up through her last post. She was truly a beautiful person inside and out that had a heart made of pure gold. She was a very special lady that will always have a place in this heart of mine.
Kate was a very private woman. That privacy remains with those few she shared herself with. Her real self. The poised and confident woman, aloof and sometimes in love is who she presented here. That is such a small slice of her to see but the abilities she had to play, flirt, crush, cajole and support went to one and all. Those of us who knew her as Kate more than MrsH will miss her most but the telling side of this is that there are so many who will miss her and recall how she handled things and looked out for folks.

She provided some places to go here that were fun and simple and not hurtful. That in itself was a true reflection of her. Should she take you under her wing – there were few safer places to be. Should she support you and maybe even show you some of the ropes – well that was just her way.
She once told me that should she ever leave Lit, it would be so brief a time before she was forgotten. I told her that was far from true. At least those of us who had the privilege to learn about Kate (as well as MrsH) will not forget her. These threads and this section of existence will continue and likely only once in a while will someone mention MrsH. However, for those of us she touched, she will remain.

To the H’ettes – who have no reason to see this – I wish you knew how she spoke of you to people you will never meet. The wonders of her life were wrapped in those kids and they are the result of her being who she was. They and not the notes on an electronic bulletin board are her legacy.

Rest now Sweet Kate.

Thank you for this tribute
Kate and i spoke frequently on the phone, sharing secrets, truths, and laughter

I miss her greatly
Ah Kate. I came across this thread by happenstance, but it brought back so many good memories, and then one very sad one. I am just stopping by to say hi, and tell you that I miss you. Hopefully you will somehow get this and know that your friends here have not forgotten your sweet loving way.
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Ah Kate. I came across this thread by happenstance, but it brought back so many good memories, and then one very sad one. I am just stopping by to say hi, and I miss you. Hopefully you will somehow get this and know that your friends here have not forgotten your sweet loving way.
Miss her too…such a dear soul…💙🙏
Kate (better known as MrsH)

Kate was a very private woman. That privacy remains with those few she shared herself with. Her real self. The poised and confident woman, aloof and sometimes in love is who she presented here. That is such a small slice of her to see but the abilities she had to play, flirt, crush, cajole and support went to one and all. Those of us who knew her as Kate more than MrsH will miss her most but the telling side of this is that there are so many who will miss her and recall how she handled things and looked out for folks.

She provided some places to go here that were fun and simple and not hurtful. That in itself was a true reflection of her. Should she take you under her wing – there were few safer places to be. Should she support you and maybe even show you some of the ropes – well that was just her way.
She once told me that should she ever leave Lit, it would be so brief a time before she was forgotten. I told her that was far from true. At least those of us who had the privilege to learn about Kate (as well as MrsH) will not forget her. These threads and this section of existence will continue and likely only once in a while will someone mention MrsH. However, for those of us she touched, she will remain.

To the H’ettes – who have no reason to see this – I wish you knew how she spoke of you to people you will never meet. The wonders of her life were wrapped in those kids and they are the result of her being who she was. They and not the notes on an electronic bulletin board are her legacy.

Rest now Sweet Kate.

This is indeed the most fitting tribute to our dear Kate, The Divine Mrs. H
I miss her too.

Has it really been that long???


It has, Kat. How have you been? it's been a minute since I've been on here. Will you be around tomorrow? I need to take the dog for his final walk of the day, and then turn in. You have my email and phone number, right?
Oh my goodness, to see this thread pop up on one of my rare visits back to the PG makes my heart happy! And to see how many old friends are still around and remember our beautiful Kate is just wonderful. She would probably laugh so hard if I told her that I have always tried to model my presence on Lit after her, to be at least a fraction of the kind and gracious woman that she was. That she is remembered so lovingly after so long speaks volumes.

Love you all!

Oh my goodness, to see this thread pop up on one of my rare visits back to the PG makes my heart happy! And to see how many old friends are still around and remember our beautiful Kate is just wonderful. She would probably laugh so hard if I told her that I have always tried to model my presence on Lit after her, to be at least a fraction of the kind and gracious woman that she was. That she is remembered so lovingly after so long speaks volumes.

Love you all!

I've been gone for quite a while Jenny. I popped back in and was looking at old friends to see if they were still around and found the thread.I miss her so much. She was the glue to keep the animals feeling good about themselves. Hope you've been well, and if you feel like it send a message. Luvz