Sad news... Mrs. H....

My condolences to her family. She was a sweet woman, who enjoyed being on here with her friends and extended family. Always had fun “bossing” me around, but I loved every minute of it. I had the pleasure of seeing a slightly different side of her and she was lovely and sincere. She opened her heart to help others and I always appreciated her honesty.

I know she suffered in life, but she’s at peace now. I will never forget you Kate.

You nicknamed me “Charles”

Well Charles is no more, he died with you.

Gadgetman :rose:
It is said we are judged by the company we keep and that was never more evident than with Mrs. H. Her threads are frequented by some of the best people this place has to offer and her posts brought so much joy to others even as she fought her own private battles. We were all fortunate to have known her for a time.

She was one of the first people I spoke to here and was always quick to send an encouraging word my way, and for that I will always be grateful.

You will be truly missed, Mrs. H and I will keep your family in my prayers.
Very Sad

About 2 yrs ago, when the Swine flu was big, I met Mrs. H. She was in the hospital recovering from it. We talked every single day that whole time and grew to really care about her. She had a very tender and sweet heart. After she got better and more famous on Lit..we didn't get to chat as much as we used to but when we did it was always pleasant and a joy to.
You will be missed Mrs. H and my prayers go out to your family. :rose::(
this is so sad......I haven't been around lit as much as I once was,and to come and see this.......Mrs.H was a very sweet Lady.....she'll be remembered and missed so much
I cannot say how sad this makes me. Kate reached out to me repeatedly, in that warm and effortless way.

I chatted with her more than a few times about her "Send a PM to Your Crush" thread. I told her how unusual and cool it was that she had created this genuinely safe place on Lit – and how she acted as gracious hostess to make sure that everyone felt welcome there. I've never seen anything quite like it on this site. She wanted nothing from the posters except that they be happy.

I am certain that wherever she is now, she immediately turned around and started welcoming the new arrivals behind her, helping them feel at ease.

I will miss you, Kate, as will a great many other Litsters.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
I know I've not been here in a quite some time, but after AJ sent me a message telling me what happened I thought I should at least stop by to pay my respects in the only way I could.

Kate was a real sweet heart and we had a lot of fun on here together. She was one of the first people to reach out and try to help me when I was in a very dark place, and for that I'm very thankful. It was the support of people like her that helped me to come out the other side intact. I know that I'll miss her, as I'm sure most everyone here will. I don't know what happens on the other side, but I can only hope that she's well where ever she may be right now.

Goodbye Kate. Much love. And keep dancing...:rose:
I just do not have words to even begin to say how I feel...

I am in utter shock, and devastation over this...

Kate was such a beautiful friend and angel to me...Her kindness, love, support and encouragement meant the world to me...She touched me deeply on many levels and I miss her so much...

I never ever thought I would be here typing these words...not now...not ever...I am really just heartbroken...

I could write a book about all her beautiful qualities,such as most of you have mentioned too...But for me it was more about HOW she made me feel just having her around...Whether it be on her thread and seeing how sweet, loving and caring she was to everyone, or reading her lovely sweet and beautiful emails that she sent to me...She just made me feel loved, appreciated and adored...and not so alone...

I always knew I had a friend...a smile...a warm hug...

She was a safe haven for all that knew her...and an angel...

I just cant stop the tears...and pray to God she knew how much she was cherished, treasured and loved...she did make all the difference here...I just hope she knew that...

God rest her soul and bless and comfort her children and loved ones now...

I will always cherish her in my heart and memories...:heart::heart::heart::heart:
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I haven't posted for months
But for this special lady, there's a time when something needs to be said,
I'm not sure how I can say it, or do her justice.

Special is an understatement, remarkable doesn't define her enough.

she was is and will remain a most lovely person to me.

****If I bid you farewell, It's only till your spirit comes to me again****
******you will be missed, and, felt around us, in equal measures******
I was just getting to know you Kate... I am sorry I was busy lately and didnt get to talk like we wanted to...

You touched me with your sweetness and your kind heart. I didnt know you as well I would have liked yet, but I WILL miss you....

Sweet dreams, Gorgeous.
Life is just so fragile. The finality is just so extreme.
I just heard of this news and am so sad and so sorry.
I did not have the chance to know her like some of you others. I just know she was popular on here.
She sounds like proof that angels really do exist on this earth. Sometimes you just have to keep your eyes open.
But angels truly deserve to fly and it sounds like Mrs. H earned her wings a long time ago.
I truly send my warm thoughts to those who knew her as a friend. She is safe and peaceful now.
wow..... as some have said - It's a startling wonder to suddenly shed a tear for online friends.... one more thing to help us appreciate and savor life :rose:
wow..... as some have said - It's a startling wonder to suddenly shed a tear for online friends.... one more thing to help us appreciate and savor life :rose:

GG, friends are friends no matter what avenue they come from. While the tears have been shed, the thread lives on in her memory and is kept alive by true friends.:rose:
I have not been on lit posting much lately, so I only found out this sad news today. I sat, my phone flopping into my lap, really not believing that I'd read the post correctly. Even now I'm shaking my head, different thoughts flashing through my mind...she was so young! We'd pmd a few times since I'd come here, the most recent in fact was apparently not very long at all before she became so ill.

She was just about, if not the kindest warmest presence to be found here on lit. Beautiful inside and out. Her outer beauty, I feel, was but a small reflection of her inner beauty and generous heart. It's just so very sad she is gone.

Praying for continued comfort and peace for her family and all who hold her dear in their hearts.

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I have not been on lit posting much lately, so I only found out this sad news today. I sat, my phone flopping into my lap, really not believing that I'd read the post correctly. Even now I'm shaking my head, different thoughts flashing through my mind...she was so young! We'd pmd a few times since I'd come here, the most recent in fact was apparently not very long at all before she became so ill.

She was just about, if not the kindest warmest presence to be found here on lit. Beautiful inside and out. Her outer beauty, I feel, was but a small reflection of her inner beauty and generous heart. It's just so very sad she is gone.

Praying for continued comfort and peace for her family and all who hold her dear in their hearts.


She was a one-woman testament to the power of kindness.

She is missed.

i got a phone call when mrs h passed away. i was heartbroken to hear the news. i cried plenty of tears and laughed rereading our correspondence. i thought about our phone calls and realized how lucky i was that she was part of my life.

as many have mentioned, mrs h was such a dear woman. so classy, warm and caring. she rose above the baloney and focused on the good. she truly cared about people and was genuinely interested in how everyone else was doing.

i miss her a lot. i miss talking to her at 2 in the morning when i couldn't sleep and she was up too. i will miss the encouraging pms and e-mails. i will miss the beautiful person she was inside and out.

i saw something that reminded me of her the other day....
Life is so short, and friendship so precious!
~ Julia Ward Howe​

goodbye mrs h. rest well. i know i will see you again. until then, any help you can give me steering me in the right direction would be appreciated. love you my friend :heart: