Sex & Shenanigans

I would defend Conrad until my dying breath. Only JJ knows my kryptonite, and she would never betray me by telling you.

Please tell me too, for another reason. @LadyLascivious1 will explain this.

I’m excited about your new thread CC. 💜
@muddler35 You’re so weird about this 😆

@crazychemgirl he channels his inner Victorian spinster and gets all verklempt at the sight of his friends nakedness 😂
This thread needs a self proclaimed cuntish personality … @AmberLGreen care to weigh in?
I read the title wrong and thought it was “Sex with shenanigans”. I got all excited when I thought @Shenanigans90 was laying himself bare but then the disappointment set in 🥺

Then I realised I walked in on conversations about tits and fucking and I do enjoy a good tit wank so my disappointment in the above was short lived 😁
I read the title wrong and thought it was “Sex with shenanigans”. I got all excited when I thought @Shenanigans90 was laying himself bare but then the disappointment se tin 🥺

Then I realised I walked in on conversations about tits and fucking and I do enjoy a good tit wank so my disappointment in the above was short lived 😁
can’t go wrong with tits and fucking
I read the title wrong and thought it was “Sex with shenanigans”. I got all excited when I thought @Shenanigans90 was laying himself bare but then the disappointment set in 🥺

Then I realised I walked in on conversations about tits and fucking and I do enjoy a good tit wank so my disappointment in the above was short lived 😁
I also thought it was a thread started by @Shenanigans90 but I didn’t see him in here anywhere lol
since I didn’t want to hijack other peoples threads … I figured I should create my own thread where any random antics can go wild.

there is no one discussion theme… other than whatever you want to discuss.

let the thread flow it’s own chaotic way …

food discussions? YES!
sex discussions? DEFINITELY!
general fun back and forth? BRING IT!!

Let chaos ensue!
This thread title is gonna cause @sallysparrow23 to want to fight you.