Sex & Shenanigans

This is the unsexiest conversation to have ever occurred in sex and shenanigans
No, that was the conversation about whether Alexander Hamilton had a chance to be President before the Hamilton–Reynolds affair pamphlet. You nominated me for it, and I won Wanker of the Week, thanks to you. It is linked in my sig.
I mean, I'm game. 😁😆
I know I’ve posted something to the effect of “treat me like a doughnut. Lick me, nibble and bite me, glaze me and fill my holes with cream” in the past, but…

Snack food - Spicy pork rinds and sour cream to dip them in. I know, I'm weird, but it's my low-carb replacement for chips and french onion dip.

Actual meal: Just a good ol' greasy cheeseburger. Whether it's homemade or the bar down the street who has the best bar food around.

Show - Star Trek. Next Generaton or DS9. Others are OK but those are MY go to.

Movie: Midway, the OG from 1976 or the remake from 2019, both are solid.

Ritual: Reloading ammo or sharpening a knife. There's something oddly relaxing about it.
Can I just “😍” the cheeseburger part and none of the rest?

I love starting sentences with I VERY (very is worse than a lot) much and use ellipses A LOT. The habit is difficult to break and I'm filled with self-loathing.

Ellipses are my love language.

I'm feeling so supported by my ... Fellow elipsenites

You and me both. There is a song by Aimee Mann called "I Should Have Known," where the chorus is "I should have known, dot dot dot." That's my jam...

I have a feeling so many of us are Gen X or millennials

Gen X here.

I, too, am a serial ellipses abuser. I saw a report last week or so about how the overuse of ellipses is a very millennial (or older, I guess) thing to do, and it drives Gen Zers crazy. Keep doing what you’re doing, fellow Olds 😜

On the flip side of this... chat/text apps that have the dancing ellipses cause anxiety when you see them, you watch and wait... and then they disappear.

I very much hate those.

Fuck me... I hate that
Just fucking hit send Bro!
Okay, that I can agree with!