Sex & Shenanigans

It is a line, with a beginning and an end. Like a pencil. It two ends.
A pencil has a top and a tip.

Sunday is one end, Saturday the other. Weekdays between.That is literally the reason they are called weekends.
"Looking forward to the weekends"
Who says that!? Noone says that! Do americans say that?
Let's consult an expert

Fun fun fun fun
Lookin' forward to the weekend

No. No they do not!
It is a line, with a beginning and an end. Like a pencil. It two ends. Sunday is one end, Saturday the other. Weekdays between.That is literally the reason they are called weekends.

A pencil has a top and a tip.

"Looking forward to the weekends"
Who says that!? Noone says that! Do americans say that?

Let's consult an expert

Fun fun fun fun
Lookin' forward to the weekend

No. No they do not!
This is why the peyote calendar is so calming. Sure once you start taking it you aren't going to know what day it is but you'll no longer care!
I'm going to do an Aldous Huxley and bosh some peyote when I retire.
A pencil has a top and a tip.

"Looking forward to the weekends"
Who says that!? Noone says that! Do americans say that?

Let's consult an expert

Fun fun fun fun
Lookin' forward to the weekend

No. No they do not!
People also think the 21st Century started January 1st, 2000. People are fucking stupid.

It is a segment of time defined on a calendar. It has two ends, like any segment. Call it whatever you want.
People also think the 21st Century started January 1st, 2000. People are fucking stupid.

It is a segment of time defined on a calendar. It has two ends, like any segment. Call it whatever you want.
You're a segment

And we don't say "21st century" either, we say the ninteenhundreds or the twentyhundreds (yeah that one doesn't sound too good in english 😂) so that took me a good long while to figure out! Especially in the negatives. Third century BC? That did start on the Jan 1st 300. Counterintuitive!
go with 1st of the month, 3 months long. Dec 1st was the first day of winter and feb 28th will be the last.

I round most things to the nearest sig fig. That far in advance I need to plan a trip or guess whether it’s safe to plan something outside, not know how many minutes of sunlight I’m gonna get.
I worked in accounting. Payroll hates this weak definition too. If someone works Saturday and Sunday it’s goes on two timesheets. Fucks up the 40 hr/per week calc from the jump too. Bullshit.
Fuck working to EARN A LIVING …

Just being alive costs money and I didn’t opt-in for this in the ether when my soul was being formed.

Just sayin.

HEY … whoever is running this simulation … you’d probably have happier and more efficient human batteries if we didn’t have to work … just sayin.
HEY … whoever is running this simulation … you’d probably have happier and more efficient human batteries if we didn’t have to work … just sayin.
"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization."