Sex & Shenanigans

I am, but nobody appreciates it
If you masturbate to porn, what do you typically watch. Do you have favourites you go back to?
Sometimes when I watch it takes awhile to find just the right video … by then I’m already halfway there cuz I’ve watched a dozen or so .. lol
porn I have to be in a specific mood for. But I do have my go-tos for those moods.
If you don’t watch porn, what are you doing, thinking, etc ..?
certain erotica short stories, my own imagination, a session with a partner
Do you prefer to caveman / cavewoman it with no tools or do you use something extra… be it toys, lube, etc..
I'm more a cavewoman, although I do have toys for the occasions that I wanna a bit of a change up
Do you find that your orgasm from masturbating yourself is better than if someone else does it. Not including sex .., just like…
Occasionally, but they are definitely better when it happens during those online/phone sessions
men… if a girl jacks you off is it better or worse than when you do it?
Women… same question … ?
It depends on the partner. I'm definitely better than most previous partners with myself. But, there's been a couple that have blown me away.