The ICK factor.

Er... No! I'd be featured on one of those trashy, reality TV Hospital shows where I show up and have to pretend there's another explanation why I have coins jammed in there... Kinda like the guy who visited the accident department with a cling-film wrapped Barbie doll stuffed up his backside! He claimed he fell on it whilst hoovering naked...
I hope Barbie was dressed for the occasion with a bright pink helmet

How's it with offline then?
For me it was never a thing. Some people like you some don't and there may be other factors. I have heard guys complain but I tune it out. I did have a problem one time with a young lady that stalked me but that faded away.
"I mostly just post in the GB and Politics forums."

Wipe my chin and see brown on the napkin. Realize I did not eat anything brown, but I ate pussy before dinner.
People who lie and dont commit to doing it well even. Like not condoning lying, but its doubly insulting when the lie is blatent.

Not being able admit you are wrong or apologize.

Using the word "logical" when its really emotional
or they just want to be an asshole. Same w "devils advocate".

Someone who always has it worse than anyone else. No matter what the topic is.

Being unkind or punching down.