Things you NEVER want to hear while having sex

You failed to have known before that I wanted it harder / softer / faster / more playful / straighter / rougher / cosier / more hidden and shy / ... this time than the other time a few hours ago ...
Mrs Smith got a new cat and it hacked up a fur ball right in front of the tv. John and Cathy are fighting again because that shit head crashed her dads car, again. I think I might get the flu shot again this year. My Gramma got the flue last year and died. Oh, ya, I almost forgot, I lost my car keys and can’t find the spare set. Jeez remember that creep 2 doors over? He keeps hitting on my brother. I think he might be gay, no, not my brother that creep 2 doors down. What do you think about spaghetti for supper tomorrow night? Jessica is coming home from college this weekend for thanksgiving. Should we have turkey or ham? Or why not both? What do you think? I don’t like that new lady in the cafeteria at school, she’s always bitchy. She kicked that fat guy out of the cafeteria again telling him he shouldn’t eat so much. He told her to fuck off and got sent you the principals office. The gym teacher got busted fucking the drama teacher now both those guys are out of a job. You know dandelions don’t make good wine.

Why did you stop? What are you doing? Where are you going?