UK Online Directory. v9.

tom jones: delilah is good too. but the welsh rugby contol freaks didn't like its wife-beater undertones. i mean, wtf is happening in this world?
Snowflakes everywhere. I'm all for people looking after their mental health but freedom of speech has been curtailed.
*Sprinkles cocoa dust over thread* . Why not :D ? I felt like it. I hope that you are all keeping well.

well, that's the run-in to the dreaded c-season starting... if things go to plan, i'll be out of the country for it. :D
Used to, but my sailing days are over now. I bet you a pound to a penny that if you showed a navigation chart to a gen Z whipper snapper they would not know what it was.
phone GPS up on pen-y-fan (or whatever they're calling it thses days) when the fog comes in... oopsie. brecon is very unforgiving to the unprepared.