Unpopular Opinions

Men could just stop raping?

They should but the bigger reason it keeps happening is because the ones raping in the Military and even College( I mean students rapiing) aren't receiving sufficient punishment. Here's an example if you open a business and it doesn't meet safety standards for children or people of a certain height then until they meet safety standards the ones who's safety is in Jeopardy aren't allowed to enter. Like bars, carnival rides etc etc.

I saw a lot of news stories on this and this issue is being hushed In no way I blame the victims at all. The scum bags should pay for this but since they're not here is what I think should happen.
While I don't hate it, I prefer no aftershave or cologne on men. I prefer the scent of clean skin....or not so clean.
I think it is tacky as hell to try to hit on /seduce people serving you. Bartenders, waiters/waitresses, et al. They are trying to work, and you are taking up their time in a rather rude manner. If they don't flirt back, you complain about bad service and don't tip as well. It's just plain ill mannered.
I think that anything can be funny, if put in the right context. Even rape. Just imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd :D
Ummm. Sorry. But what about lust? One who writes pretty fucking hot and sexy stories? :devil::kiss:

Well, I won't know if they are or not until I read 'em (hopefully start tomorrow, if I can get a day with no distractions). :)

But I'm good with what I got, but yeah...I know. That special trick ol Lobster Boy does gets those Tupperware Ladies dripping wet...:D

Plus, you know, he is Evan Peters. :D

We'll always have Paris.....

Indeed. ;)
Being Canadian I always cheer for Canada but I never cheer for the US no matter who they're playing :D

Well, I won't know if they are or not until I read 'em (hopefully start tomorrow, if I can get a day with no distractions). :)

Plus, you know, he is Evan Peters. :D

Indeed. ;)

I expect a full and detailed report when you do. ;) As for Evan Peters...wait til you see Hotel. Best performance in the series besides Gaga.
While I don't hate it, I prefer no aftershave or cologne on men. I prefer the scent of clean skin....or not so clean.
That's a good point! I don't like the smell of women's perfume either. Forget the advertising blather about pheromones: it just makes me want to put on a gas mask.