Unpopular Opinions

I don't like visible make-up. If it's subtle so that I don't consciously notice it (maybe it enhances good features but without being obvious about it) then that's fine. Otherwise, it reminds me of the days in which I received typed documents with lots of crusty Tipp-Ex plastered over them. For heaven's sake, trust that you look good enough without it!

For similar reasons, I don't like to see lots of jewellery. Nor do I like the US spelling of same. :p

I do, however, like this thread. :)
Adult coloring books.
By the time my life is organized enough to have time to color, I can't see. Why the hell do they use intricate little designs that barely fit the tip of the colored pencil? I wear reading glasses, dammit.. Give me they same wide-open design that I had in the first grade.

Other than that, I love them.

But while I'm here..

Roaming charges on my cell phone?
I went from San Diego to Coronado Island. I wasn't exactly roaming the globe there. The entire Taliban could chat from some desert cave without incident.. but my little journey across some bridge seems to be a major event.

ok.. that's it.

for now.
I don't like people ignoring my postings in favour of those from hot-looking women. ;)

I'm sure most people don't mind, though.
I don't think women should be in the Military until they can protect female Officers from rape committed by other Military officials. A lot of female Officers from different branches of the Military are getting raped by Male Military Officials and nothing is being done. Until they can fix this I believe no woman should join the Military.
I don't think women should be in the Military until they can protect female Officers from rape committed by other Military officials. A lot of female Officers from different branches of the Military are getting raped by Male Military Officials and nothing is being done. Until they can fix this I believe no woman should join the Military.

Men could just stop raping?
While I think black lives DO matter, I also think white lives matter, and yellow and red and brown and green and blue. But fuck purple lives, those fuckers can just die! :mad:
I think that not only should we have the right to bear arms, I think it should be a law that all adults in the U.S. over 21 carry a sidearm and that there should be free but mandatory training for the use of those weapons.

But I also think that CEO's and entertainers and athletes should have a salary cap, the rich should be taxed all to shit, professional politicians should be outlawed and anyone should be allowed to fuck and marry whomever they want as long as it infringes not on the rights of another.

Also...fat men should be considered sexy by at least %10 of the female population.