Update on oggbashan's health

Apparently. Just with a host of medical problems. :rolleyes:

With my four-wheeled walker I can move faster than one consultant. On muscle strength tests I have lifted two consultants off their feet. After Chemotherapy my lung cancer was eradicated - at least for the last year. It is supposed to be very difficult to treat and fast spreading. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy? Apart from some hair loss (I kept a lot of my beard) I have had no side-effects at all. Loss of appetite? What's that? Nausea? Nope...

I just confuse the medics...

long may they remain confused!
Curiouser and curiouser...

I have just returned from the hospital for a check on my nerve and muscle reactions.

The conclusion: I haven't got Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome. The blood tests that were taken last week confirm that.

I probably NEVER had it, although suspected Lambert-Eaton was what led to the cancer diagnosis in the first place. All I have is a slightly trapped nerve in my wrist that doesn't bother me - or the medics.

So what have I got? We don't know. The CT-scan done on Sunday will check for the recurrence (or not) of cancer but the MRI-scan in mid-Feb might give clues as to what I have - if it shows anything!
I. and my wife, have just had our first Pfizer vaccine. Thank you Pfizer.
That’s great. Good to see it’s being distributed and prioritized.

The UK is at 9 million who have had their first dose (and at least half a million who have had their second), well on the way to its target of 15 million by mid-Feb.

But the BAME population is still disproportionally resisting the vaccine despite being at higher risk than most.
The UK is at 9 million who have had their first dose (and at least half a million who have had their second), well on the way to its target of 15 million by mid-Feb.

But the BAME population is still disproportionally resisting the vaccine despite being at higher risk than most.

My appointment is booked. 5th Feb.

What's BAME (and WOKE) ??
From straw poll of the six people I know who've had the vaccine, two have had minor side-effects (dizziness, nausea, fever) with Astra-Zeneca and none with Pfizer.

I'll take whatever I'm given, of course, in addition to my daily dose of Vitamin D and prayers to Goddess Padmavathi Devi.

got first dose (Modena) lunch time today; so far, no side effects of any kind.

Went to a somewhat local 'mass sticking' place, called a SubHUB; serves six local counties. I am in the 1B classification (age). Not only did I get my first dose, so did my oldest daughter (Type II diabetes), and my sister-in-law (also 1B-age)

They were supposed to do 4000 doses today; very well organized, appointments were made in advance, drive up, show your picture ID, move on to the next station where they take your temp, move on to the next station where you show your complete info form (or pull over to the side and complete form at that time), drive on up to where the 'medical' folks are (I think the EMS folks were administering), get poked, receive a card which one will need in order to get second shot, drive on over to the 'holding' area for 20 mins of so (still in your vehicle), when time is up pull up, get asked about 'side effects', if none, leave the facility.

I never left my vehicle. Mask was required/worn.
Google told me Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic.

Some Muslims have been told the vaccine s contain pork gel - they don't.

Others believe in anti-vax propaganda.

Some believe it is a plot by the government,

Yet there are at more significant risk and yet refuse the vaccines despite many prominent BAME people taking the jabs ob video.
Some Muslims have been told the vaccine s contain pork gel - they don't.

Others believe in anti-vax propaganda.

Some believe it is a plot by the government,

Yet there are at more significant risk and yet refuse the vaccines despite many prominent BAME people taking the jabs ob video.

So frustrating when cultural and language barriers can hinder medical treatment. Antivaxers here are winding many people up with outright lies, and no one in Australia has received the vaccine yet!

I'm glad you got it Ogg.
Our first dose

Hi all,

My wife and I get our first coronavirus vaccination jabs on Sunday 7/2/21

Once again Ogg leads the way
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Hi all,

My wife and I get our first coronavirus vaccination jabs on Sunday 7/2/21

Once again Ogg leads the way

Not quite, FF. It may be a function of my age, but my youngest daughter (a front-line medic) got hers so long ago that she has now had her second.
Not quite, FF. It may be a function of my age, but my youngest daughter (a front-line medic) got hers so long ago that she has now had her second.

My guess is that your youngest daughter got hers because she is a front-line medic, not because she is or isn't a civilian of my age.

Actually I have another reason, I had a TIA as well.
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My guess is that your youngest daughter got hers because she is a front-line medic, not because she is or isn't a civilian of my age.

Actually I have another reason, I had a TIA as well.

Yes, she is. She visits terminally ill people in their own homes. They (and she) are at extreme risk.

As for me, apart from being older, I have Type II diabetes and am in remission from lung cancer (results of latest scan tomorrow). So far, I have been clear for over a year.
Clear again! Happy Dance!

My scan is clear again - now 15 months but it is too soon to drop from three-month intervals to six monthly.