Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

“The wilderness once offered men a plausible way of life," the doctor said. "Now it functions as a psychiatric refuge. Soon there will be no wilderness." He sipped at his bourbon and ice. "Soon there will be no place to go. Then the madness becomes universal." Another thought. "And the universe goes mad.”

~ Edward Abbey
If happiness hasn't been recognized when alone, a group of people will be a cause of distraction.

~ Adept Godrakpa

Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.

~ Annie Lennox

When the cities are gone, he thought, and all the ruckus has died away, when sunflowers push up through the concrete and asphalt of the forgotten interstate freeways, when the Kremlin and the Pentagon are turned into nursing homes for generals, presidents and other such shitheads, when the glass-aluminum skyscraper tombs of Phoenix Arizona barely show above the sand dunes, why then, why then, why then by God maybe free men and wild women on horses, free women and wild men, can roam the sagebrush canyonlands in freedom—goddammit!—herding the feral cattle into box canyons, and gorge on bloody meat and bleeding fucking internal organs, and dance all night to the music of fiddles! banjos! steel guitars! by the light of a reborn moon!—by God, yes! Until, he reflected soberly, and bitterly, and sadly, until the next age of ice and iron comes down, and the engineers and the farmers

~ Edward Abbey
As far as the therapy is concerned, (Sir Isaac) Newton writes that

"the best is a toad suspended by the legs in a chimney for three days, which at last vomited up earth with various insects in it, on to a dish of yellow wax, and shortly after died. Combining powdered toad with the excretions and serum made into lozenges and worn about the affected area drove away the contagion and drew out the poison".

The "M14 Paratrooper" version, made from this-n-that. That's a '14 stock on it in birch (mine look better). For a paltry $1699 . . . .

Interesting report on 60 Minutes tonight that chronicles the effects of blast overpressure on the brains of individuals who frequently fire guns:


The key lines from the report:

"And with the explosion comes the formation of something called the blast wave," Perl told 60 Minutes. "And it is sufficiently powerful to pass through the skull and through the brain."

“Perl found scarring in Ryan Larkin's brain, but there was one big difference: Ryan had not been hit by a roadside bomb. Most of what he endured was low-level, repeated shocks from his own weapons, like a large caliber rifle notorious for leaving gunners dizzy.”


That ^ explains soooooo much, and it is yet another argument in favor of gun control legislation.

There are likely MILLIONS of gun "aficionados" who NEVER EVEN served in the military who are suffering from the type of brain damage outlined in the report. Gun "aficionados" who are armed to the teeth and waiting to have that “one bad day”. (Looks at Wat, etc.)

Something definitely needs to be done about the brain damaged ticking time bombs that are the gun “aficionados". (Looks at Wat, etc, again).

At the very least, gun "aficionados" should have their brains scanned to see if they’re mentally / psychologically compromised. (Looks at Wat, etc, again.)



We. Told. Them. So.




We. Told. Them. So.

All the faults of our mind – our selfishness, ignorance, anger, attachment, guilt, and other disturbing thoughts – are temporary, not permanent and everlasting. And since the cause of our suffering – our disturbing thoughts and obscurations – is temporary, our suffering is also temporary.

~ Lama Zopa Rinpoche,
