What’s your most controversial opinion?

My unpopular opinion on this:
There’s an easy solution to that which no one wants to talk about. Almost all of the residential parts of DC are in the same area. Annex that section into Maryland, which would give Maryland a new seat in the House, possibly two, and leave the “government” section of DC a unique city for just the running of the federal government.
I say it should go to VA
Everyone should have to retake driving tests every few years. There are far too many accidents happening..
While well intentioned, capitalism would get it's dirty grubby claws in here. Private industry would rush in like vultures to run certain programs and encourage outsourcing it to the "free market".
Every part of the chain takes their little bit.
That's why things cost so bloody much here..
*Coughs* healthcare *coughs*

This requirement would create an entire new industry from thin air that we'd have to pay to participate in.

I think this is a terrible idea.
People who forget that 700k citizens live in the city of DC and think they deserve anything less than full rights of the other 330 million Americans are assholes.
People who choose to live in shit deserve to eat, breathe, drink, taste, smell, and swim in shit.
The UK is going to hell in a hand basket.
Things have been bad before and will be again no doubt but small pockets of bigoted pricks do not represent everywhere. There is more good than bad and more people willing to fight for good than there are those ready to tear it all to pieces.
There is always hope.

This tiny little rock will endure. Always does.
And you are definitely shit, smell ya later. That city is everything you aren’t, beautiful, filled with kindness and welcoming to all.
To each their own... I do hope that you have a great day... but I cannot support the belly of the beast, the UCC, based in London, with one sole purpose, of enslaving every man, woman and child in existence.
To each their own... I do hope that you have a great day... but I cannot support the belly of the beast, the UCC, based in London, with one sole purpose, of enslaving every man, woman and child in existence.

It is irritating to buy a new shopping bag when I forget mine at home. The bag was manufactured in a sweat shop burning oil and coal and shipped by a poorly maintained cargo ship across the ocean; doesn't that negate the environmental benefit of using a reusable bag? Wait! Let me finish.

Rich countries make the changes that poor countries can't. Reducing the amount of disposable plastic we use has a similar effect to all of us switching to electric vehicles over the next 20 years. New technology is expensive until it becomes widely used and then it gets cheaper. Solar panels are a good example of this. The expense and seeming hypocrisy of the reusable bags Canadians are now forced to use is actually a way to help poorer countries reduce their dependency on fossil fuels and their negative environmental impact.

It's not a perfect plan and there are many other ways to make changes but humanity is a huge ship and it takes a long time for it to change course.

It might seem like reusable bags and paper straws are stupid small rules but they have a large ripple effect in the world. I still despise paper straws.
People who post in the Battle of the Sexes thread are just further promoting a very unproductive US Vs Them antagonistic relationship between two groups of people that should be moving closer to each other (and touching each other's naughty bits much more frequently) instead of separating further apart. We should all come together to battle against our true enemy....Alien lizard people living hidden amongst us, hell-bent on conquering Earth and enslaving all humankind. Oh, and Nickelback. Fuck Nickelback.