What Are You Nosey About Today?? šŸ¦

Iā€™m nosey about presumptions , a example might be something like what motives a poster to ask a specific ā€œ what are you nosey about ? Is it actually a generalized question for community consumption including strangers , aka lurkers and newbies other then the usual suspects or some sorta questionnaire specifically conceived for a known audience in attendance.

When you decide to answer one of these , does the poster asking the question make a difference as to how you answer it.
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Iā€™m nosey about presumptions , a example might be something like what motives a poster to ask a specific ā€œ what are you nosey about ? Is it actually a generalized question for community consumption including strangers , aka lurkers and newbies other then the usual suspects or some sorta questionnaire specifically conceived for a known audience in attendance.

When you decide to answer one of these , does the poster asking the question make a difference as to how you answer it.

Interesting question. Not all boobs are created equal. Even if all boobs are good boobs. If there is a boob I would like more of...to say I answer a question the same as I would with just another boob...I would be lying. I am honest with both sets. But I do think I may "groom" my answer more when it is for a set I want more of. No matter...it always ends the same.
Iā€™m nosey about presumptions , a example might be something like what motives a poster to ask a specific ā€œ what are you nosey about ? Is it actually a generalized question for community consumption including strangers , aka lurkers and newbies other then the usual suspects or some sorta questionnaire specifically conceived for a known audience in attendance.

When you decide to answer one of these , does the poster asking the question make a difference as to how you answer it.

My questions are always generalized for anyone & Iā€™m looking for anyone and everyone to respond because I think itā€™s interesting to hear many perspectives. Do I also hope for answers from certain people because I know in the past Iā€™ve enjoyed their posts? Sure. But I donā€™t think it has to be either/or.

And no, the poster asking doesnā€™t generally make a difference in how I answer. The one exception might be if Iā€™ve thought someone was creepy in some way, especially if the question is more sexual. But then Iā€™d probably just skip answering
Interesting question. Not all boobs are created equal. Even if all boobs are good boobs. If there is a boob I would like more of...to say I answer a question the same as I would with just another boob...I would be lying. I am honest with both sets. But I do think I may "groom" my answer more when it is for a set I want more of. No matter...it always ends the same.

I really enjoyed reading your answer , kudos and well playedā€¦..playah
I'm nosey about what type of scenery brings you the most joy? Do you love snowcapped mountains? Rolling waves hitting sandy beaches? Wooded hills and valleys? Hustle and bustle of the city? Skyscrapers?

Green , anything with lots of different shades of greenery. Being a transplanted Beach dweller from Florida and being a actual Floridian I am madly in love with 4 actual seasons. The leaves are changing here in Georgia now and in the mountains itā€™s like a Disney feel good moment to just be outside and actually in that space as the air is full of leaves šŸ falling like snowflakes. Incredible :heart:

My least favorite is the desert , zero interest in ever seeing it again.
Iā€™m nosey about:
Is your current partner/spouse the best sexual relationship of your life? Weā€™re they part of the best sexual experience of your life? If not, how do you feel about that?
Iā€™m nosey about:
Is your current partner/spouse the best sexual relationship of your life? Weā€™re they part of the best sexual experience of your life? If not, how do you feel about that?

I am not in a relationship right now...so I will answer based on my last. No. Not even close. But it was still very rewarding until it wasn't. Did it bother me she wasn't the best? Not at all. I loved her deeply and fully and knew she was incapable of letting herself feel vulnerable emotionally.
Iā€™m nosey about the re-gifting of unwanted Christmas gifts. Do you , re-gift those token office goodie baskets šŸ§ŗ or pre packed gift baskets given to you. As a follow up in that same vain , whatā€™s the worst Christmas give you have ever gotten.
Iā€™m nosey about the re-gifting of unwanted Christmas gifts. Do you , re-gift those token office goodie baskets šŸ§ŗ or pre packed gift baskets given to you. As a follow up in that same vain , whatā€™s the worst Christmas give you have ever gotten.

Don't regift, can't remember ever doing it.

worst gift ever.... Debby Boone album when I was a kid. Seriously mom...wtf???
I'm nosey about what type of scenery brings you the most joy? Do you love snowcapped mountains? Rolling waves hitting sandy beaches? Wooded hills and valleys? Hustle and bustle of the city? Skyscrapers?

This is typical scenery of my typical work day. I love it. I'm often in a hurry to get to different jobs but the beauty still touches me on a daily basis.

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I am wondering about Boxing Day. Who can explain the origin to me? Yes, I can google but I'm wondering how it is celebrated by those that do and what it means to you.

Some Canadian friends were saying that it is about shopping and maybe named Boxing Day because you purchase so many boxesā€¦really?
I am wondering about Boxing Day. Who can explain the origin to me? Yes, I can google but I'm wondering how it is celebrated by those that do and what it means to you.

Some Canadian friends were saying that it is about shopping and maybe named Boxing Day because you purchase so many boxesā€¦really?
I thought it was when you had to fight others at the stores for gifts? šŸ˜³
I am wondering about Boxing Day. Who can explain the origin to me? Yes, I can google but I'm wondering how it is celebrated by those that do and what it means to you.

Some Canadian friends were saying that it is about shopping and maybe named Boxing Day because you purchase so many boxesā€¦really?
I always thought it was the day you flattened the boxes from Christmas gifts šŸ’ (I could research this i suppose)

Aussies also celebrate it in true consumeristic style; sales and the sorts. There's also trips to the beach and backyard cricket matches.
I am wondering about Boxing Day. Who can explain the origin to me? Yes, I can google but I'm wondering how it is celebrated by those that do and what it means to you.

Some Canadian friends were saying that it is about shopping and maybe named Boxing Day because you purchase so many boxesā€¦really?
It is when the wealthy boxed up things they didnā€™t need anymore and gave them to the staff.

Marriedexec would have been busy boxing up the heads from her back seat šŸ¤£
I am nosey about the drama I obviously missed. Did someone "die" again?
Same here.

Iā€™ve gone looking for it multiple times and am failing. Can someone please send me the Cliffs Notes version?

Also, hey Sassy. Hope things are going well in your world. šŸŒ¹
Same here.

Iā€™ve gone looking for it multiple times and am failing. Can someone please send me the Cliffs Notes version?

Also, hey Sassy. Hope things are going well in your world. šŸŒ¹
Look at the post above you. We got a helping hand. A deep dive though. Prepare for lots of reading. šŸ˜‰

Thank you. Just finished my 5th round and doing better than expected side effect worse. The cold is kicking my ass though. But over all. I'm well. Thank you. šŸ˜Š
Cool, so I see youā€™re featured on the boudoir website. https://katehopewellsmith.com/dark-and-sultry-boudoir-gallery/
This is it, yeah? Starts with ā€œstory timeā€ on page 2022 and builds to being busted sharing someone elseā€™s photos?

You guys and girls didnā€™t drag that shit out nearly long enough. This deserved its own thread. Come on now. Does Lord Pmann need to discuss MarriedExec2023? šŸ¤”

It might take him years, but if you consider that time as a percentage of his total years on this earth, itā€™s infinitesimally small.

Bolded for truth and emphasis. Yā€™all. That couldā€™ve been much bigger! The drama may have been oversold, lol.

Believe there was lots of Pm going on with regards to married exec

The thread pace seriously slowed down. I bet a lot was going on behind the scenes!

How long after that did they delete/close their account?