What's She (or He) Saying? Redeux

I have a toy box that is full of fun toys.

I don't believe anyone has ever asked me if I have a chest that's full of anything though. It only takes one glance in my direction to answer that question! 🤣
So for the male point of view you have a chest of toys

"So, you want your wife to catch us together? But I thought you said she was
that crazy fucking Latina who totally lost it on our tour guide today. I mean,
she's hot and I'd totally love to fuck her but isn't she sort of ... I dunno ...
kind of dangerous to piss off?"


"You have exactly two seconds to put your cock back in your pants, buddy, or I'm going to kick you in the balls
so hard you're not just going to see stars, you're going to meet God."

Her: "Just because I'm sitting here with a bare butt and a glass of
wine in my hand, you think I'm easy? . . . Take your left hand out of
your pocket and show me your ring finger, and take your wallet
out and show me your Gold American Express card. Then maybe
we can talk."

Hey honey. You just missed Bob. He dropped by to return something you left at his house while he was away.

"Honey, we have exactly 22 minutes before the kids wake up. If you don't
wake up and start fucking me right this minute I'm going to find some cute
rando guy today and let him fuck me anyway he wants AND I'm going to
let him cum inside me without a condom too. And guess who'll be having
creampie for dessert tonight? That's right. You."

"What do you think? Should I call my husband and tell him I'll be spending the night, or do I have to go back to him and make sure someone makes me cum tonight..."