Who Are You Stalking Today?

No one comes to my mind that I'd consider stalk-worthy.
Old faces (or at least usernames) from half a decade and more ago.


Pmann, not so much. Who the fuck needs to actually stalk the "fashion fairy?" Avoiding him is more of a problem...

(Although his dissertation on the proper storage and rotation of bulk TP purchases back in 2015 made me snort loud enough to startle Dogzilla.)
Alliapotesta whatever happened to her? (I’m menstruating that’s what made me think of her)

This is off topic but I just wanted to say, every time I see your AV I can’t help but think you look like a younger Jennifer Ehle. Which probably sounds weird considering we can only see part of your face, but it’s strong enough for me that I can’t not see it lol.
Oh gosh, I can assure you I look nothing like her. She is so much more beautiful and much “finer” than me. :heart:

Nooo, I don’t believe that at all. I was actually thinking you look like a prettier version of her because your chin is just a wee bit more pronounced than hers was when she was younger.