📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 7:

PM at least 1 Litster who created or moderates a thread you love and let them know!

(Exception: It cannot be this thread. That's cheating and gold stars will be deducted.)
Ok done! I did 3😁 puns, chaos, and what do you meme..... three of my favorite threads!

Oh can't forget @JerseyJade and Jade's World, though she better not go look at the Yelp Reviews I've left🙄😁

And that is an unfair exception....🙄🤣🤣🤣
It's that time of year again Litsters! The July PM challenge!

If you've ever wanted to reach out but struggled to find a reason to say hello; if you (like me) you feel awkward starting a PM; if you've been looking for a reason to say hello to your Lit crush - well here's your reason!!

Similar to the first thread and the sequel, every day in the month of July I will post a challenge for who to PM or how many (nothing TOO scandalous).

If you want to link to this thread, that would be great! Also stop in here and let us know how the challenge is going for you. If you have any ideas for challenges, always feel free to suggest them to me in a PM.

Throughout the years, I've heard lots of stories of friendship and lust connections being created because people decided to play!

Let the games begin!

Day 7: complete!
Report to detention and we'll go over it thoroughly. sounds fun!
Report to detention and we'll go over it thoroughly.
As of 15 seconds ago, I have now completed all challenges Day 1 - Day 6, combined with my Day 7 earlier challenge complete. I have caught up. I have never sent so many PMs in my life. I feel nervous and anxious as I am definitely WAY outside my comfort zone, though I guess that's the point :)
Right? This challenge definitely has me pushing outside of what I’m comfortable with!
Okay... shared the love of threads old and new. Overfunctioned and PM'd more than 2 today and crossed forums besides (More gold stars for me?? 🌟)
Honestly this is all pretty far out of my comfort zone too. I am quite sure I have never sent so many PMs inside of a week to so many different folks.
Thanks to everyone who has PMd me and who have graciously received PMs from me. ✨❤️✨