📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 7:

PM at least 1 Litster who created or moderates a thread you love and let them know!

(Exception: It cannot be this thread. That's cheating and gold stars will be deducted.)
Day 7- I did the deed.

Got a flood of porn, boobs, dicks, and ass pics in replies afterwards. Honestly, it hasn't stopped, yet. I wonder if I hit a spambot or something. 36 replies in response so far. 38, sorry two more just popped in. I may need some counseling after this.😲

Edit: now it's up to 57...how the fuck do I turn this off?
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Day 7 has kept me busy
I know! Like... I had to go around and check a whole bunch of threads and decide which ones are my favorite... current favorite, comfy old favorite, is the OP still anywhere around here... yadda yadda yadda...
Huge potential time suck! 🤣
Heck... it was worth it tho PLP ❤️✨❤️
Day 8:

I challenge you to challenge someone else!

PM 1 Litster and challenge them to bump a thread!

Ideally, the thread should be older (at least 5 pages back). You could also just tell them to bump any thread on a particular page. Be creative with it and lets see what fun stuff resurfaces.
Brought a thread out of the dusty back pages of the PG and set forth a challenge to a friend to do the same. Good excuse to say hi to her besides.
that dust is making me sneeze! will you all remember to use a dust rag before you bring that stuff up here?