3somes with 2 Doms and a sub

Re: yes thats very safe

Artful's dream said:
and 100% CORRECT ,Its OUR decision to make ,all the way Phoenyx..
and as for being "shared' ,NOT with a woman , but I have the same fantasy to be "ordered' to pleasure another,however according to my hard limit terms ,Master STAYS in the room at all times so I FEEL "SAFE' as that is PARAMOUNT to me.Master already knows I have bigtime problems with Him sharing Himself with anyone but me tho and He does not choose to anyways ..:D

I have no desire to FORCE anyone to do something they don't want to do,...let alone my most precious posession, (my sub). Hell,...I don't even PUNISH my sub.

I know Dream sometimes looks at SOME of my actions as PUNISHMENT,...but in truth,...it is merely DISCIPLINE. My intent is to allow her to experience growth and pleasure, while I teach her what I have to offer.

Sometimes, she NEEDS time to think through issues, and she doesn't SEE it that way. Those are the *tough* times, those are the times she SEES as punishment, but in reality, those are the times when SOME hard lessons are learned.

I allow her to seek advice from those who may have BETTER skills or insights, into the problem we are experiencing. One of her hard limits is sexual interaction with another woman.

I wouldn't attempt FORCING her to engage in that, either physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Having an OPEN mind,...and knowing that *HARD* limits often are changed,I rarely say never.:rose:
RE:Hard Limits

KNOWING that this sub's Hard Limits WILL not change..and that Master will NOT FORCE me... leads me to believeI have No worries then , but the sad thing is .. I still do and I feel really bad about it , but until I see the things actually carry out I guess they are words ,so many men have made promises and then broke them ,such as I'll never hurt You Dream ,and then i suffered 3 long years of getting kicked in the stomach when I was pregnant, dragged around by the hair ,treated like a GD doormat ,that sometimes it just makes me question myself ,thats all..

why is it so hard to give out the 'trust' that He so deserves ? beacuse I am so angry with myself for stupidly doin it so many times,and getting HURT each time.. I truly want it to be 'different with Artful, just so many things He has been sayin to me lately,things I had to put in my hard limits cause they remind me of my abusive ex.. just worry me ,sorry for the hijack:(

** Edited to add> I DO KNow He loves me it just hurts alot ,cause I cant really *SEE* hIM .. and I feel a part of me is just testin Him ,just waiting for Him to"screw up'( I really HATE that part)
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Phoenyx said:
Safe to say in all this that the final descision goes to the sub if they want to submitt to another?

I think that's a gray area for me, Phoenyx.

I get off on being controlled and used sexually, sometimes with elements of humiliation thrown in. I also really want to please. Therefore, if my lover wanted me to pleasure a friend of his who I found repulsive, I would most likely still do it.

However being *used* is something of a totally different nature to me ,in a sexual sense yeah definately but to ever be *USED* by a man again? nope not happenin!!:devil:
*great big smile*

Rubyfruit said:
Being shared, or loaned, is a big fantasy of mine.

In the D/s relationship I was in, he would let other Doms occassionally play with me (spankings, floggings, hot wax, nipple play, etc.) but never anything overtly sexual, such as telling me to suck another man's cock. It was a bit of a disappointment, but one I could live with with the right man.

I have often fantasized of pleasuring two men...I would not want it to include S & M or pain of any kind however....mild bondage, maybe :D
2 Doms and A sub

aerofreak said:
i'm not a dom... yet, but i'm currently looking for a sub and if i find one, i will be sharing him with my g/f. but he will know this before we accept him as a sub. i will also expect him to play with others that we deem safe & worthy of his attentions. i will never place my sub in danger intentionally, and that includes mental danger, not just physical. i will make sure that he understands and accepts all of this before he becomes my/our sub. i guess this just goes back to making sure that as a master/mistress you know your sub & what they are willing to do.

I find the thought of serving two women, one or both Dominant an incredibly erotic thought. Not looking for S/m or hardcore pain, more into the erotic submission side of D/s. Dropped ya PM and email. Hope to chat more with ya and your g/f.
as a submissive, it would be my Mistress's decision whether or not i was to be shared. this has, however, been a long time fantasy of mine. i am firmly committed to the fact that my Mistress has my best interests as well as hers in mind and genuinely cares for me. Therefore, it would not be her intent to cause me harm in the worst sense of the word and i love pleasing her in anyway possible.
It is a big fantasy of mine to be shared with or given to another dom.

One of my biggest fantasies is to be "kidnapped" and held by a group of dom women who would have parties. at each party, I would be used for any sexual gratification for the women. I would be chained to in a room and they could take turns doing anything in there with the toys they wanted.

when the party is over, I would be given to one of the women as a slave until the next party. I would bounce between the doms and they would all be my Mistresses and have to do what they say.

I must say that when I submit to Him it's total submission... I will do as He bids me to do because I know He will not take me anywhere He doesn't feel I need to be...I trust Him...I want to please Him in every way I can...He knows me almost better than I do myself.....
Two Doms

Being shared was never really a big problem for me. i have served Dom/mes who enjoyed humilating me by sharing my body with (as i found out) carefully selected others. The random stranger always turned out to be a friend. The important thing thing was that i went home with the one that brought me.

Even though i was shared, my owners always had something they wouldn't let the other person do with me. Certain acts were always kept private and that helped me keep my mind straight.

Personally, the time i served a married couple being sub to both of them was the best experience i ever had in my life. They would share me with each other and on rare occaision, with another. Usually though, they would enjoy sex with someone else while i had to watch without participating. It was humiliating to watch others do what i wanted to, but was ordered to stay put and observe.
My boy and I have been talking about this issue lately. While not thrilled with the idea of sharing My boy, I do enjoy the thought of watching him serve one or two of My trusted friends. I think I would enjoy seeing him serve his Mistress and another Domme as well. Perhaps if he is a very good boy, it will happen. :devil:

Helena :rose: