A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Bubbles leans into Trilan and whispers into his ear… “Don’t think for a moment that I am not planning my revenge… I hope no one gets injured and requires healing….” She then smiles and waits obediently.
Nuada squats down to look Bubbles in the face. "Elf ears hear a lot, If was getting to be too much why did you not say Barton Bridge? Everything would have stopped. We will sort this shit out after the mission, but if you are saying that you wont provide healing without hesitation to a group member then you can take your pack and you can leave now" The now was hissed "Yes we are bad people , yes we are perverts and deviants, so make your choice and make it quickly as we will be going upstairs very shortly, if we cant count on your healing then we need to know now" He stands and shrugs her pack of his shoulder and holds it out to her.
"Are we ready to go upstairs ? " he asks the group
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Trilan stares down his fellow gnome. “That’s a very good question Nuada. I think we should wait for the answer before we walk upstairs.” He reaches out and lightly pinches Bubbles by the nipple. “If you’d like me to let go, simply ask.” He looks down with a smirk. “Communication is very important in an adventuring party, and you’ve been avoiding it since we met…”
Khadija frowns at the internal conflict. "I suppose I should have understood before we came here that there were issues." She looked between the three "perhaps we should withdraw tonight and wait to see if your group finds a little more cohesion."
Nuada says "Bubbles is a recent addition to the group, I will shoulder some of the blame for this situation, however her statement did give me some concern, I expected her to behave like a seasoned member of the group. Trilan let go - you did not ask me for permission to play with my toys, Bubbles I take it we can count on you to heal if need be? Else today is over and we perhaps loose the chance to rescue the woman before she is drained"
Bubbles let’s put a soft sigh.
“You can count on me. And I would always heal the injured… no matter how much I may not want to I made a vow to my god and I will continue to keep that vow. So yes… I will always heal… and yes you can count on me. Yes I am out of my comfort zone - very much so but I need to learn the way of the world. It’s just all very overwhelming and happening very quickly. Yes I’m uncomfortable but I am not in any physical pain or risk of harm I don’t think so I just need to suck it up and learn that this is a part of life - one that I’ve obviously been sheltered from and not experienced… I apologise and I will try to keep an open mind going forward”.
She then looks down at the floor disappointed with herself for how she had acted. Her first time leaving the safety of what she has called home for decades and the first real people she has interacted with that could potentially become friends that actually talk back and she was doing a great job at fucking it all up.
She takes a deep breath.
“Lead the way Sir… I believe for tonight I am yours…”
Nuada squats down again and gives Bubbles a hug, "Good it is not always like this,sometimes we have an actual plan. Does that satisfy you Trilan?" he whispers in her ear "I hope that we can get thru the rest of this without the need for anyone to touch you, that may not be the case, but we will not let anyone hurt you"
“I understand the risks associated with this. You warned me earlier and I still accepted. I just got overwhelmed. So long as I don’t end up dead I’ll be fine and will deal with it all later once the mission is over. When we get to the stage of the plan just before we have to interact with the guards let me know… I may have a few tricks up my sleeves to help with that.”
Nuada gives her a quick squeeze , stands up "Shall we try the stairs then, Trilan do you have a mass sleep spell prepared as i do not fancy having to fight our way out of here if it goes wrong at the top of stairs."
Trilan lets go of Bubbles' nipple, and briefly cups her cheek. "I apologize. Thank you for telling us how you were feeling. That's the biggest thing I'd like to see from you--to know what you want so we can help you get it. We can't do that if you run off to the bathroom every time." He looks up to Khadija. "Sorry to you, too. Our little band has had a few recent shakeups. I know I for one am still finding my feet here." He glances down at his cock. Despite the tension, its sexual nature had helped his erection persist, whether he wanted it to or not. "May brain my also be a bit low on blood at the moment, thanks to you," he adds with a smirk.

"Yes, I have it prepared," he tells Nuada. "Hopefully it's enough for whoever is up there."
As they reach the bottom of the stairs Bubbles puts her bound hands out to touch Trilan on the back and mutters a few words under her breath and casts guidance on him. She then whispers into his ear “you have a minute… so no rush…”
Nuada pauses for a second. He starts to climb the stairs. He starts to tell the joke about the knight, the blacksmith and the chastity belt.
Bubbles follows along on her leash. She keeps her head down but her eyes are constantly scanning for potential threats.
The group reaches the top of the stairs, and fortunately Nuada's treatment of Bubbles makes the guards hardly glance at the paper he presents. They do look askance at Khadija, who pats her scimitar and says something in words none of them understand. The one man nods, and the guards move apart. "He asked" She said quietly "what a woman of my people was doing here." Trilan knew from his days in Krakydos that in a certain conservative and orthodox area of the desert, near the mountains, lived a separatist group that often caused problems for the "loosely moraled" sultanate. "I told him that I was just the muscle, and that Nuada was the faithful." The four moved along a hallway, and found a room where a man was tied to the wall, buttocks towards a crowd, the marks of a caning on his back and thighs. In the next, another young man was tied over a bench, being fucked by one man in the mouth and another in his ass. A group of men milled about, seemingly waiting their turn. Thigns were decidedly darker, edgier up here. An actual orgy of writhing bodies filled a large open space, and several statues of a naked woman with wings adorned the area. "Hmmm. a demoness. Once a goddess. I know this statue" Khadija suppressed a frown "If there are missing up here, they will likely be away from too many eyes. Look to see if there's some indication of a circle within the circle no? the truly wealthy and powerful around a doorway, or guards of some sort..."
Trilan nods, managing to keep his eyes away from the debauchery on display, while also making note of some things to try later with a consensual partner. He continues scanning the environment.
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Bubbles tenses up and softly whimpers but continues to move and look around. Looking for quiet hidden places, looking for excess guards or symbols hidden around the place. Normally she would look for something out of place but all of this is out of place for her. She reassesses the situation and knows she can say the safe word and be free but she also knows how important this mission is. Sure she is uncomfortable but for now she is okay and safe. So she plays along and does what she is told and relaxes into the role…
Nuada looks at the debauchery and displays of discipline. A look of hunger on his face as he see the bodies writhing in the orgy. He glances at Khadija and not for the 1st time wonders what she would look like naked. Everywhere there were people. He tugs Bubbles closer and says "look at this does it not excite you" he grabs his cock thru his clothes "this is fantastic and it is making me so horny for some gnome cunt let's find a bench and get down to it" he moves towards a corridor of the main orgy room. He picks her up and presses an his mouth to her ear. "Do you have a sense demon spell or sum such".
Bubbles squirms and squeals playfully against him giving into the act before whispering into his ear "somehow I don't think detect evil is going to help here... I don't think I have anything prepared for this situation. This is not exactly what I had in mind when making plans today...."
Nuada holds her tightly as she squirms. then whispers "Ok then we shall try it this way. I am going to cut your panties off you, then I am going to act like I am shoving my fingers inside you. I need you to squeal and beg me to stop." he pauses for a second to let that sink in then says in louder voice "Lets gets these pants off you" he draws a knife and deftly cuts her pants and pulls the remains out of the way he presses her against the wall and moves a hand between her legs his arm moving up and down "You should start squealing and begging me to stop" he whispered as true to his word nothing entered the gnome
Bubbles squeals and cries out trying to push him away with her bound hands...
"please... no.... let me go! You can't.... Not like this! The first time can't be like this!!!!"
In a loud voice "You squeal and squirm so nice," He pull his hand from between her legs and sucks his fingers "I love the taste of virgin pussy " he hand goes back between her legs " lets see how many fingers we can get inside you I am better i can wear you like a fucking glove" his arm moves faster and faster up and down "more screaming and begging now Bubble" he whispers "It would really fucking hurt to get fisted "
Bubbles screams loudly and somehow wills tears to fall from her eyes as she sobs. She struggles against him making sure that its only the top half that's moving as she doesn't want to give away the illusion of what's he is doing....
"LET ME GO!!!!"
She bites down on his shoulder and whispers into his ear "I'm okay... do what is needed... I can take it"
"Why would I let you " he purrs "You are nice and tight. But I know what is missing" his thumb finds her clit and start to tease it "Lets get you good and ready so my gnome friend her can shove that massive cock of his into your asshole, he has paid me good money for that You have seen how big it is " his thumb works faster stimulating her clit "You are doing so well " he whispers into her ear
Bubbles bites down into his shoulder harder as she stifles her moan...
She cries out "Nooooo! Fuck you! You are lucky I cant move my hands or I swear to the gods...."
Nuada laughs "No Bubbles fuck you, its going to happen, you can fight it all you want, the more you fight it the more intense it will get" his thumb pauses and then goes back to teasing and rubbing harder and faster than before "I can feel your body responding "