Aft Nacelle (discussion all things sci-fi)

Voyager and Enterprise were enjoyable in my opinion.

I started with TNG, and DS9 is the bomb.

So favourite captain in order...

Benjamin Sisko. A consummate tactician. A great voice.
Kathryn Janeway. the toughest commission to be stranded away, and to try and get home.
Jean-Luc Picard. (He should be first really... But I feel he knows he's really the best, so I can put him 3rd)
John Archer... Tricky because he's got fewer seasons, but a fair attempt to give some backstory.

James T. Kirk (a total dinosaur, if he was your friend he'd be a twassock!) Although the reboot is really good
Voyager and Enterprise were enjoyable in my opinion.

I started with TNG, and DS9 is the bomb.

So favourite captain in order...

Benjamin Sisko. A consummate tactician. A great voice.
Kathryn Janeway. the toughest commission to be stranded away, and to try and get home.
Jean-Luc Picard. (He should be first really... But I feel he knows he's really the best, so I can put him 3rd)
John Archer... Tricky because he's got fewer seasons, but a fair attempt to give some backstory.

James T. Kirk (a total dinosaur, if he was your friend he'd be a twassock!) Although the reboot is really good

Agreed with your choice of captains. Janeway what a role to play. Stranded from home and stays true to Starfleet principles and sheer grit to get the crew home rather than find an M Class planet and settle down in backwater Delta Quad. Makes me want to watch all the Trek.
Ok. Old movies that you DO want to see remade?

First on my list is The Last Starfighter.
Not totally redone and NOT done like the SE Star Wars. I'd like to see it done like what they did to ST:TOS. Just improve the graphics of the space scenes. Don't add, don't fuck with it, just add texture and dirt. Get away from the geometric computer images.
Ok. Old movies that you DO want to see remade?

First on my list is The Last Starfighter.
Not totally redone and NOT done like the SE Star Wars. I'd like to see it done like what they did to ST:TOS. Just improve the graphics of the space scenes. Don't add, don't fuck with it, just add texture and dirt. Get away from the geometric computer images.


Just look at Spiderman. Each one is ok, but why settle for ok?

If it's a good film, leave it. E.g. could you remake the Matrix? Nope, not it my opinion.
Shawshank? Nope.

However. With regards to remakes. I'm a fan of the Thomas Crown Affair (original and remake) so if there's enough time between film's, and the story is strong enough (a la any Shakespeare tale) then why not?

So prove me wrong. Give me a film that has been remade that is better than (or on a par with) the original...

Not including anything done by Tarantino (cos he remakes shit movies... ??? No?)
Just watched Into the Spiderverse and after being skeptical, I have to say it's one of the best out of all MCU movies in my opinion.

Certainly the best Spidey movie. Great animation, just the right side of wacky to be fun but not OTT. Excellent voice talent too.

As for remakes, they're all shite. Total Recall, RoboCop, Trek too sadly. (I know they're not technically remakes, rather reboots but it's all the same to me..)

The Matrix 4.. ?? Not sold . There was only one outstanding movie in the trilogy, the other two were pants largely, with a couple of cool ideas hidden away.
Ok. Old movies that you DO want to see remade?

First on my list is The Last Starfighter.
Not totally redone and NOT done like the SE Star Wars. I'd like to see it done like what they did to ST:TOS. Just improve the graphics of the space scenes. Don't add, don't fuck with it, just add texture and dirt. Get away from the geometric computer images.

I was talking to a friend of mine last weekend about the over proliferation of remakes, reboots, and sequels. Studios are banking on nostalgia and established properties to make money, since there have been a lot of flops recently.

When it comes to remakes, I think they are unnecessary. I still remember that shot-for-shot remake they did of Psycho back in 1998. Why did they do that? Hitchcock’s original got it right!

And don’t get me started on reboots. Sometimes they work, like in the case of Dredd. That 1995 film was garbage. The 2012 film followed the source material more closely and was a fun movie.

As for sequels, while I enjoyed the last three Star Wars movies, I could have lived without them. They were fun, but we already had the Expanded Universe books and other media continuing that story.

That having been said, I am looking forward to, and am cautiously optimistic, about Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The original film is my favorite movie, and I’m a Ghostbuster cosplayer. It looks to me like Jason Reitman is going to honor the source material (his dad is the original director and he was on set as a kid. In Ghostbusters II he was the kid at the party who told Ray they were full of crap), but looks like he’s crafting a new, original story. We’ll have to wait and see.

Anyhow, that’s my two cents for what it’s worth.
I'm really looking forward to the Dune remake. I thought the sci fi channel did a better job than Lynch and I think with a real budget and production values this could be great.
I'm really looking forward to the Dune remake. I thought the sci fi channel did a better job than Lynch and I think with a real budget and production values this could be great.

And that's where I'll bet you it's not.

Not for any artistic faults but because films are now financed by committee. Lawyers and sales men get final say because the studios are terrified of loosing their investment.

The film might even look good, but there'll be no heart.
Anyone want to tell me why Picard wakes up on his sofa in ep. 1? I don't know why it's bothering me so much, but it seems a strange place to be after an explosion...
Dune will be interesting, I love the original book and the film tried but I didn't feel quite captured it.
Started the Expanse, looks good so far!

That seems to be bothering a lot of people!
It is good. I really enjoyed seasons two and three

After the first few episodes of season one of The Expanse, I expected regular sex scenes. Then they stopped happening. I'm not complaining, exactly, but I am surprised.

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Just look at Spiderman. Each one is ok, but why settle for ok?

If it's a good film, leave it. E.g. could you remake the Matrix? Nope, not it my opinion.
Shawshank? Nope.

However. With regards to remakes. I'm a fan of the Thomas Crown Affair (original and remake) so if there's enough time between film's, and the story is strong enough (a la any Shakespeare tale) then why not?

So prove me wrong. Give me a film that has been remade that is better than (or on a par with) the original...

Not including anything done by Tarantino (cos he remakes shit movies... ??? No?)

Of Mice and Men: Sinise and Malcovic in '92 did the story proud

Edit: I realize this is not on topic - sorry
Of Mice and Men: Sinise and Malcovic in '92 did the story proud

Edit: I realize this is not on topic - sorry

Really REALLY don't stay on topic... Where the hell is the fun in that!

Sci-Fi maybe the start of the thread, but a good conversation goes where it will. If you can find merit in a storyline, someone else is bound to appreciate it.
Anyone want to tell me why Picard wakes up on his sofa in ep. 1? I don't know why it's bothering me so much, but it seems a strange place to be after an explosion...

I don't know, just the first place his Irish Romulan housekeeper could find?
So Episode 3 of Picard? Thoughts? (Has everyone seen it yet? It's Thursday nights at 9pm Eastern in Canada).

As for a remake:

I Am Legend / Omega Man / The Last Man on Earth (Will Smith / Charlton Heston, Vincent Price). The Vincent Price version was truly great because Vincent Price is neither Charlton Heston nor Will Smith. He's no superhero. He's just a guy.