AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

Having seen the template we're supposed to fill out to be on the "ok to use as characters" list, I think mebbe I should just bow out. Anyone is free to use and abuse me as they will and if anyone has any questions, I'm always happy to answer, but filling out a questionnaire that long is just far more involved than I'd anticipated and in all honesty I just don't have the attention span for it right now.


Looking forward to reading the everyone's stories, though! :) AH Chains like this are always great.
minsue said:
Having seen the template we're supposed to fill out to be on the "ok to use as characters" list, I think mebbe I should just bow out. Anyone is free to use and abuse me as they will and if anyone has any questions, I'm always happy to answer, but filling out a questionnaire that long is just far more involved than I'd anticipated and in all honesty I just don't have the attention span for it right now.


Looking forward to reading the everyone's stories, though! :) AH Chains like this are always great.

if i am corrrect you don't have to fill it out...it is just an aide for the writers... it is fantasy ergo.... :rose:
feeeriek said:
if i am corrrect you don't have to fill it out...it is just an aide for the writers... it is fantasy ergo.... :rose:

Correct, if you still dont mind being used as a character, you can say that authors can pm you for more info. Let me know so i know whether or not to add you to the character list and whether i should tell people to PM you :)
Fallenfromgrace said:
Correct, if you still dont mind being used as a character, you can say that authors can pm you for more info. Let me know so i know whether or not to add you to the character list and whether i should tell people to PM you :)
Oh, I never mind being used or being asked just about anything :D I'm just too lazy to fill out such a long form. ;)
minsue said:
Oh, I never mind being used or being asked just about anything :D I'm just too lazy to fill out such a long form. ;)

Oh well...lazyness is no good :p well, if you find that one day you arent feeling quite so lazy (instead of having 20 people pm you for the same detail when you could write it once!!!!) then post your reply to the q's and pm me to inform m you have so i can update the character list ;)
I just saw this...

I hope I can still get in on it.

You can use me and I'd like to give writing a try too.

Also, can you use more than one AHer? And I'd like to request OhMissScarlett to use. I've always wanted to dip her in butter and crack her legs open. ;)


Hair: Black, short on sides and longer on top.
Eyes: Blue.
I'm pierced and tattooed in various places.
Body Type: Athletic
Orientation: Bi


Favorite Music and food?
Eclectic tastes in music. From Chris Botti's horn and Massive Attack to Nirvana and Depeche Mode. For food, well, I'm Cajun and I like crawfish étouffée and I just wouldn't be me without my vanilla latté.

I'm a vegetarian, but not a strict one. I love cheese and seafood.

Favourite Literature and Films, Books:
I grew up on Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I write poetry and read a lot of work from local poets.

I'm also eclectic in films, From Martin Scorsese to director/writer, M. Night Shyamalan's, The Village and The Lady in the Water. Then I like stupid B horror flicks, Darkness Falls, Hostel, etc…

Expletives most often used?
I love that word.

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

Favourite pastime?
Running hiking and photography.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
Right now, I have none. Heh, go figure, it's true though.

What are your priorities in life?
The care and happiness of my family.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)
I have mostly what I ever wanted, but do wish for other's happiness without struggle.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?
Both, but more optimistic, I think, however I'm more perceived by others as a whiney pessimistic. I think happy thoughts and, and, and I smile, really, I do!

Introvert or extrovert: Why?
Introvert. I'm shy.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Skilled: Jack of all trades,
Unskilled: master at none.

What are your mannerisms?
Although, I'm very fidgety due to restlessness and too much damn caffeine consumption, I give the appearance as cool and collected.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Good bad boy.

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:
Warm, quiet, and sexy.

How do perceive a crisis and change?
I like change if it's for the better, but I'm full of worry and anxious along the way. I seem to pull it together in a crisis, although there is high anxiety until everything is resolved.
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neonurotic said:
I hope I can still get in on it.

You can use me and I'd like to give writing a try too.

Also, can you use more than one AHer? And I'd like to request OhMissScarlett to use. I've always wanted to dip her in butter and crack her legs open. ;)

I'll get you added to the list and the schedule. Welcome aboard! You can use as many AHers as you'd like as long as they are on the permission given list. :) (There's no limit on how often someone can be used.)
my particulars, for the use of...

Male Caucasian
Just turned 57
Hair: Blonde to Brown, in the winter
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Still fairly lean...I do work out a lot
Orientation: Straight


Favorite Music and food:
Don't laugh: AC/DC, and most metal, if it has a semblance of melody (I'm a YOUNG 57!) The blues, and Benny Goodman (I collect)

Spaghetti. Really good hamburgers. Salmon. No Mushrooms or Okra.

Favorite Literature and Films:
Most anything by: Stephen King, Michael Crichton, James Patterson, John Grisham

Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?
Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Man With Two Brains
The Saw movies
Jeremiah Johnson

Expletives most often used?
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?
Once in a while

Favorite pastime?
Writing, being with friends

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
I love women in boots, and I like confident, sexy women. Is that a fetish? I enjoy the occasional cyber with certain women, and I love to fantasize.

What are your priorities in life?
Happiness. That's all...

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no, you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)
To be able to do what I wanted, without worry about money of other material things.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?
Optimist. Why? Because life is generally good.

Introvert or extrovert: Why?
Extrovert, any more. I used to be seriously introverted. Then I grew up.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Skilled: Graphic art, lettering, writing, cars
Unskilled: Cooking, being by myself

What are your mannerisms?
I smile a lot, and I'm generally in a good mood. I'm much more confident in public and in private than I used to be, because I enjoy meeting people. I'm also quick to show my embarrassment, to my friend's amusement.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Quiet, dependable, sensitive

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:
Ornery, dependable, erotic (she actually said "ornery!")

How do perceive a crisis and change?
I wish it were with the eye of an adult, but I'm still prone to panic quickly if I perceive a crisis. Then I'll calm down and deal with it. Change? Happens all the time...

Use me...please? :D lol
Fallenfromgrace said:
Oh well...lazyness is no good :p well, if you find that one day you arent feeling quite so lazy (instead of having 20 people pm you for the same detail when you could write it once!!!!) then post your reply to the q's and pm me to inform m you have so i can update the character list ;)
It's not only laziness, I suppose. I guess I just figure, since I haven't been very active on the boards for months now and don't even know half the people here anymore, anyone who would choose to include me would very likely be someone who knows me at least somewhat so it seems a bit much to fill all that out. *shrugs* It's probably just me, I'm sure.

I did realize I left out the short and sweet description that is usually included for these sorts of things...

30 years old
5' 7"
160 lbs
Dishwater blonde
a gosling in the thread!! :nana: :nana:

is there any coffee around? i'm writing. need something ta keep me awake please :cool:
inlovewithyourghost said:
And you... sound like a handful... ;)
*whispers* tell me its true?? :kiss:
come and find out for yourself :kiss:

or ask a mutual friend ;)
femininity said:
a gosling in the thread!! :nana: :nana:

is there any coffee around? i'm writing. need something ta keep me awake please :cool:

Loud music do ya?

I havent written anymore of mine yet...im still a bit torn about it.
4degrees (curt)
5'7'', 130 lbs
short brown hair, blue eyes
several tattoos including a large ejaculating penis on my back disguised as a snake, large gauge ear piercings and one large gauge tongue piercing
pale skin, mostly hairless (twinkish, i spose)
if you have a shortage of guy characters who are into guys, well, i'm your guy.

Favorite Music and food? local H, hot wings.

Favourite Literature and Films: i am not myself these days by josh kilmer-purcell, any film by david lynch

Expletives most often used? mother fucker, ooh yeah just like that baby...is that an expletive? haha.

Do you smoke? What? How much? yes, newports, pack a day

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? no, recovering alcoholic, 5 years sober. i drink tons of MONSTER energy drink.

Favourite pastime? digitally altering gay porn into colorful art.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? sniffing the worn clothes my internet lover has mailed me, licking armpits and rimming.

What are your priorities in life? my family and my sobriety.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes) to have my SRS surgery completely funded and the outcome be 100% successful. wait, is that 2 wishes? hm.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? optimist, just am.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? extrovert, just am.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: cyber sex, driving a car.

What are your mannerisms? nail-biting, huddled up a lot due to poor circulation, always pulling up my pants when i'm walking, often seen with my hand shoved inside the front of my pants.

Describe yourself in 3 words: artistic, dork, fuckliscious

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: intense, bizarre, loving

How do perceive a crisis and change? as something that i have no choice but to get through.
femininity said:
just write it!! :cool:

:catroar: hmmmm...i dunno. I might speak to my intended character...see what she says...i still need to think about it. Im really really...worried.

However, after my wonderful entrance into 2007, i don't know if i could focus on an erotic tale between me and someone else other than the yummy madam in my arms last night ;)
Name: Angel, Minx or Penny ;)

Favorite Music and food?

Regarding music, I’m eclectic. I listen to country the most and have several songs that I identify with, the top song at the moment is Rodney Atkin’s “If You’re Going Through Hell”.

Regarding food, I’m partial to chicken, love chocolate and am currently on a diet. If you want specifics, PM me and ask.

Favourite Literature and Films:

Varies by mood at the time. I don’t like slasher films. I love films that make you think. Loved ‘Passion of the Christ’ and ‘The Nativity Story’. I’m sure I can come up with a huge list if pressed.

Expletives most often used?

‘Son of a bitch’, ‘Shit fire and save matches’, ‘Fuck!’… I’m sure the list continues, lol.

Do you smoke? What? How much?

Yes, I smoke Canyon ultra light 100 cigarettes like a freight train (1-2 packs a day… for the non-smokers that translates to 20-40 cigarettes a day.)

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much?

Rarely. I like Southern Comfort whiskey, but haven’t drunk any since 12/31/05. I like Smirnoff Twisted Watermelon or Grape, but haven’t had one of those since summer.

Favourite pastime?

Writing. Spending time with my husband and daughter. Lit.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?

Beyond just plain loving sex, nothing I can think of off hand. I’m not into watersports or anything I find disgusting.

What are your priorities in life?

Being happy, making my husband and daughter happy, being damned good at whatever it is I set out to do.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)

To be allowed to live my life as I see fit and not have people sit in judgment over me.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?

Optimist. There is ALWAYS a silver lining in every cloud, if you look for it. Everything negative can be turned into something positive.

Introvert or extrovert: Why?

Introvert with extrovert tendencies. I’m a private person, for the most part, but I love people knowing who I am and will be flamboyant when I’m comfortable. I hate feeling like an idiot.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:

I don’t think I’m extremely skilled at anything, I have a lot of skill in a lot of areas. I’d have to have something specific to answer this, I think.

What are your mannerisms?

Meaning? I play with my ears and my hair a lot.

Describe yourself in 3 words

Happy, honest, positive.

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words

Supportive, creative and giving. (Thanks Vana! :kiss: )

How do perceive a crisis and change?

I don’t care for sudden changes, and it takes me a while to make changes. I weigh all the options before doing anything drastic. I keep my head in a crisis, or at least I have in every one so far.

I'll add or change things as needed. :kiss:
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Abs asked me to do this for her, so here goes her answers . . . (please forgive my lack of Abs-humour and surly goodness. ) ;)

Favorite music?
Eclectic taste, wide variety. International music. Some favorites: Lisa Stansfield, Siouxsie and the banshees, Heart, and generally 80's music.

Favorite food?
Seafood, Pasta, Italian for favorite cuisine. Pumpkin ice cream, Cadbury's mini eggs, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate, any type of pastry

Favourite literature and films?
Margaret Atwood, Amy Tan. Lesbian fiction like Karin Kallmaker. Books on art.
Stupid comedies, independent film - not mainstream stuff. Good drama's - something with a good story. L word!

Expletives most often used?
Oh fuck. Shit.

Do you smoke?
Yes and the occasional cigar.

Do you drink alcohol?
Beer - lager, dark beer. And fruity cocktails.

Favourite pastime?
Chatting with Vana, Watching TV, online life, and researching stuff, and writing.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
None of your damn business

What are your priorities in life?
My kids
Getting my act together

If granted one wish, what would it be?
I want perfect eyesight

Optimist or pessimist: Why?
Optimist. I try to think that even though something shitty is happening, something good will come out of it.

Introvert or extrovert: Why?
Sometimes very outgoing like when I'm socialising. But I can be very introvert, too.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Skilled: Drawing, painting, writing, crafty things, and being creative.
Unskilled: Not good at sports

What are your mannerisms?
Nail biter, I talk with my hands.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Moody, kind and freaking funny

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:
Multilayered, passionate and complicated

How do perceive a crisis and change?
I'm good during a crisis. I am calm and rational until afterwards, when it hits me. I'm not good with change.
Name: Falling, Flutterbug, Angelle (That's pronounced Ahn-zhelle)

Favorite Music and food?

Music: Damn near anything and everything. Currently on about Pandora's Box, Anathema, Steinman in any form, Evan's Blue, HIM, Lovex, 69 Eyes and a variety of singles.

Food: I don't much care. I'm allergic to oranges (which are my favorite fruit) and I can't eat eggs because they mess up my stomach. I'm a very good cook, but I just don't like to eat much anymore.

Favourite Literature and Films:

Don't watch a lot of television/movies. I'll read anything once.

Expletives most often used?

Fuck. I'm very fond of that word for a variety of uses, and I always end up saying "Gods" where most people would say "Oh my god," or God." IE: Godsdamn you!

Do you smoke? What? How much?

I am a smoker, although I'm quitting. Camel Lights or Sampoerna Xtra cloves.

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much?

Not as much as I would like, and if we're looking for drinks- Southern Comfort straight (no ice, no water, no mixers) or a good, solid red wine.

Favourite pastime?

Horses. Grooming, riding, taking walks with them the way some people do with their dogs.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?

Uhm.. not really. I'm pretty easy going, although there are somethings that I really DON'T like... I'm actually not much for kissing on the mouth, but I love the feel of skin under my lips and hands, and I'd rather take three hours of foreplay and ten minutes of sex over ten minutes of foreplay and three hours of sex.

What are your priorities in life?

Family, School, Horses, Writing.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)

Peace. For myself, because I live in a constant state of inner turmoil.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?

Pessimist masquerading as an optimist. I'm the first one to try and cheer someone up, but I spend the majority of my time firmly believing that life sucks.

Introvert or extrovert: Why?

Introvert masquerading as an extrovert- I'm outgoing because I'm terrified of people, adn I've learned that the quickest way to gain the upper hand is be the first one to make an overture.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:

I am one of the absolute best in my field when it comes to problem horse rehab and retraining. Unskilled at: relationships. I do the fuck-buddy route very well, however... or I used to. Monogamy is... icky.

What are your mannerisms?

I talk with my hands, I constantly mess with my hair and I babble.

Describe yourself in 3 words

manic, secretive, bitchy

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words

angry, bitter, violent

How do perceive a crisis and change?

I'm calm in a crisis, afterwards I rant and pace. I can handle change, but I absolutely fucking hate it.