AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

Okay, so far the story is just about a lit page long and I'll be getting to the sex directly. With the first of 6 other characters. This is going to be a long goddamn chapter.
The_Darkness said:
Okay, so far the story is just about a lit page long and I'll be getting to the sex directly. With the first of 6 other characters. This is going to be a long goddamn chapter.

:D Can't wait to read it.

(Thanks for posting again. LOVE the AV. :catroar: )
angelicminx said:
:D Can't wait to read it.

(Thanks for posting again. LOVE the AV. :catroar: )

Awwww....thanks....I'm all blushing and stuff (yeah, sure I am :devil: )

I need to get my ass back in shape and get a better picture taken....though that one's just two months old.....
The_Darkness said:
Awwww....thanks....I'm all blushing and stuff (yeah, sure I am :devil: )

I need to get my ass back in shape and get a better picture taken....though that one's just two months old.....

*Swoons* thinking about a picture of your ass. :devil: :D
I havent worked on it in about a week. I have slight doubts about how my current scene is leading.

As soon as my vday comp entry is submitted, my 1st fantasy will become joint priority with my multipart. *sigh*

i have several writting projects on my hands right now, and though its not as many as others, i over-fret about them- having them edited a ridiculous number of times...and i become pretty bitchy to myself when doing a self edit.

I've not even completed the 1st scene for my 1st AH and i've gone and shoved comments everywhere it chastising myself! *sigh*

I think i think too much about my writting, but then that's also bollocks coz when i send it away for a work over, it's like a clown has thrown up on my work.

I don't feel like im 'learning' anything between projects. *sigh*

ok...my rant is over!
femininity said:
so hows everyone doing? :)

Good! you?

ohhh you mean on the story writing, didn't you? :eek:

Haven't started... have til april... I'm procrastinating really really hard! :D
Fallenfromgrace said:
I havent worked on it in about a week. I have slight doubts about how my current scene is leading.

As soon as my vday comp entry is submitted, my 1st fantasy will become joint priority with my multipart. *sigh*

i have several writting projects on my hands right now, and though its not as many as others, i over-fret about them- having them edited a ridiculous number of times...and i become pretty bitchy to myself when doing a self edit.

I've not even completed the 1st scene for my 1st AH and i've gone and shoved comments everywhere it chastising myself! *sigh*

I think i think too much about my writting, but then that's also bollocks coz when i send it away for a work over, it's like a clown has thrown up on my work.

I don't feel like im 'learning' anything between projects. *sigh*

ok...my rant is over!

Just write it ... review it ... then send it. Practice makes perfect. Dwelling just leads to grey hair.
RogueLurker said:
Just write it ... review it ... then send it. Practice makes perfect. Dwelling just leads to grey hair.

Yeh i know...but although im crap at writting, im pretty anal about certain things...then i get fed up after being anal for the 6th time, and for fear of wasting others' time.

You should know, how many times did we volley FYML back and forth? and my essays?!

I would like to throw out two suggestions to the authors-at-large and Crim in particular.

Based on number of posts I've seen from people waiting, wishing for the next chapter(s) as well as on the tremendous number of authors who are "waiting in the wings" for their own spot on the schedule to roll around ... how about we accelerate the schedule? I don't think anyone's story is dependant on previous chapters ... each is meant to be a stand alone chapter. If you double up your schedule, with three days between submissions, that will get more stories up in less time and those who are scheduled for much later (Sept?!!?) won't forget whatever idea they originally had for the story.

I also think it would be a good idea to keep a list of those who have their stories completed but not posted in the event that someone can't make their slot. Kind of like having a pool of relief pitchers (I think ... I don't really watch sports).

Just some ideas ... feel free to discuss.
Fallenfromgrace said:
Yeh i know...but although im crap at writting, im pretty anal about certain things...then i get fed up after being anal for the 6th time, and for fear of wasting others' time.

You should know, how many times did we volley FYML back and forth? and my essays?!


obviously, just the right amount of times. :cool:

don't beat yourself up ... that's my job.
RogueLurker said:
obviously, just the right amount of times. :cool:

don't beat yourself up ... that's my job.

Only coz i got fed up and even though you would never say it (as i noted in my nomination of you ;)) i was fretting, and still do (note every mention of infringing on your time in every email i send you) about taking up your time.

and yes...that's true...though i can do a lot of my own berating too...*sigh*

:rose: tu est magnifique.
RogueLurker said:
I would like to throw out two suggestions to the authors-at-large and Crim in particular.

Based on number of posts I've seen from people waiting, wishing for the next chapter(s) as well as on the tremendous number of authors who are "waiting in the wings" for their own spot on the schedule to roll around ... how about we accelerate the schedule? I don't think anyone's story is dependant on previous chapters ... each is meant to be a stand alone chapter. If you double up your schedule, with three days between submissions, that will get more stories up in less time and those who are scheduled for much later (Sept?!!?) won't forget whatever idea they originally had for the story.

I also think it would be a good idea to keep a list of those who have their stories completed but not posted in the event that someone can't make their slot. Kind of like having a pool of relief pitchers (I think ... I don't really watch sports).

Just some ideas ... feel free to discuss.
Two fantastic ideas. I was hoping to complete my story soon, but that would mean having it sit around for a few months. I suppose that's good thing, I mean I could tinker with it and all, but still.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if I want to do what I had planned anymore. I have my reasons, which I'd rather not share with everyone. The extra time would give me a chance to think of something else to do, if I decided to scrap my original plan. We'll see what happens.
RogueLurker said:
I would like to throw out two suggestions to the authors-at-large and Crim in particular.

how about we accelerate the schedule? I don't think anyone's story is dependant on previous chapters ...

Here's the possible problem with that idea: People at the beginning of the chain my not be able to have their stories ready on time if we move their dates up. I haven't heard any of those people come on saying they were finished (unless I missed someone.) We might could do this after the chain has been going for a bit... say in a month. As long as everyone at the point was aware of the acceleration, then it wouldn't be a problem, but I don't think we can do it yet. INMHO

RogueLurker said:
I also think it would be a good idea to keep a list of those who have their stories completed but not posted in the event that someone can't make their slot. Kind of like having a pool of relief pitchers (I think ... I don't really watch sports).

Just some ideas ... feel free to discuss.

That's fine. I think that happens pretty often in a chain. If anyone gets finished early or anyone feels they aren't going to make their date, we can do some switching.
I'm finished with my contribution. Would Abs,, sam, or Fem be around to take a look at it for me?
Still deciding whom to do it about....so I'm asking, anyone so far left out of any stories? I'll put you at the head of the list, if you are, and try hardest to put you in it.
CrimsonMaiden said:
Here's the possible problem with that idea: People at the beginning of the chain my not be able to have their stories ready on time if we move their dates up.

My only concern with RL's idea, was this ^^. And those that are having a serious edit done also have to consider time issues for their editors. Other than that i think applying said idea in a month's time is a reasonable compromise- one that may work out well.
