all of a sudden passion suddenly

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"Oh all right, enough already
fuck it, god damn!"

you know,
that same old rant

when Jimmy knows he knows
yes, he knows when he's wrong
and trigger that same old
fuck-it-all song

like an infant
with a hoodlum vocabulary
but snatched from a dictionary

so of course, as we know,
he will not get it right
because try as he might
he is nothing but show

who will rumble on still
when the seasons have turned

because hey, it is Jimmy
for better of worse

a round soul
in a square world'
with good days, and more like
"enough already, god damn"

and yes, beneath it all
another heart
liquid gold

just like
the rest of us
As If

Sometimes you really have to wonder
just how dumb they think we are,
as if the woes we struggle under
get solved with a bigger car;
as if the words "that other guy"
mean "nothing that we need to do"
that if they turn a jaundiced eye
it's got nothing to do with you;
as if the lie "the jury's out"
is all it takes to make it true
when all the experts scream and shout
and say they haven't got a clue.

They roast their critics on page one,
recant their lies on page E-2,
while seasons pass and nothing's done
that means a shit for me and you.
But it's not them my words are flaying.
I don't want them misconstrued.
They think it's just a game they're playing,
but if they lose we all get screwed.

See, angry as those losers make me
I really don't expect much more.
No, it's all those who suffer greatly
and will not show them to the door.
The ones who hear but barely listen,
listen but don't stop to think,
"Hey, maybe they don't have a vision.
Maybe they just need a shrink!"
It's the mass that gives them power,
but never once expects their due,
trusting sound bites on the news hour:
"It's on TV, it must be true."

stupid sheeple

Unfortunately, I was...

Kundalinguini said:
Heh... God no! ... like I need MORE fuel for the fire. :rolleyes:


Swallow the water
drink up the wine
turn on the tv believers
it's fine if you can turn
your blind eye and sleep
through the truth

we're all polite here
all so couth with snarky smiles
like miles of sharks lined up
against the tide of lost souls
lining streets and bumming cigarettes
or caught upon some distant sand
with nothing but a helmet
and a gun's protection from the hand
of someone's god

but here inside the hearing room
the water's freshly iced
and niceties belie the knives
in smoothie passion sweet
as saccharine
spring ode

show your colors
plume your feathers
plant your flowers-
hands in the mud
feet in the river,
does your train of thought

bass clarinet
cash register rings,
dark bowties cocked
as working girls
step lightly
under minor 9 chords-

its raining somewhere
always raining-
but no clouds hang
over cold mountain,

culverts barrel,
coming up for air again and again,
a certain vague
knowledge, just say when.

the water finds itself
year after year-
polishing rocks,
rusting locks,
broken glass now smooth
like gemstones unboxed.

Eric Dolphy
lays back,
and the backroom staff
pauses- dishes stacked.


under a midnite sun-
spring fever, delirious stars,
and the delicious
as the
has fun.
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black angel bops
silky sax Trane
and Dolphy calls
responds in churchy deeps
while McCoy winds time
in rhythm beat from pew to the bar
jazz is my religion said Papa Jo
and we don't have time
to explain our references

I'm altered by that state
improv me baby wail out
your love honks supreme
swing didn't die
but turned boppy handstands
notes splanky rilled
all funked up like chicken
yardbird dancin in a pot
her finger swirls
round the rim
of the wineglass
ruby lips
red wine
sultry eyes
pensive, downcast
her finger slips
into the glass
she licks it
a drop escapes
white silk blouse
wine spot
except two tables
Bob Dylan and Middle English
reign like love supreme
for poetry slides down the walls
and sits in the cookpots
words simmer and bubble
in strophe or stanza I look
at my knee and pick up a rhyme
scabbed over from the recent stony past
and paste another line on

He brings me music
he brings me books
Kerouac speaks in his voice
and Dharma is lionized
twixt our silly smiles
of understanding

we're two
wacked out intellectuals he says
laughs and reads to me
from some medival text

I feel like a sunflower lazy
susan black eyed out of the rain
and shining in this poetry
grown live in arms, legs
and the fingers that hold my hand
to the bristly texture
of its sweet face
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from my marked up works
of the Pearl Poet-

"of more and lasse in Godez ryche
pat gentyl sayde, Iys no joparde
for her is vch mon payed inlyche
wheper lyttel oper much be hys rewarde"

palimsest and the bricks of influence,
that is the strata of continuous

and foundations
shift like chord changes
but the iron workers
know that the beams
connect at the rivets-

sly smile,
reading aloud
in the reverb night

bhudda scrawlings
sermon on the mount
woody allen jokes,
bagels and peanut butter-

flashlight on the music
honey in the tea,
a good nap today
and the freedom of the
blueblack night.

neighbor upstairs
pumps a crooning spitting Jagger
from his brand new
home cinema DVD Dolby pride and joy
in full fledged ear spitting
skull cracking excess
chanting Brown Sugar
over and over again

through thick concrete
the familiar licks
still manage to tell me
what a bloody fool I was
last night

and that Tequila
and red slosh
from random tables
does not mix well

...uuh.. hang on. I got a call. Will continue this later... :)

You are this
needing just a little that
oh and how could I miss
a condescending pat
you lack finesse
but let's not digress
I'll compose your list
of what's needed to exact
a certain savoir-faire
flamboyance and flair
touch of elegance
chic and classiness
How lucky are you that I care
and share
this air
but beware
should you not listen
heed my words
you will find me
a contraire
flavor of the week

even my name says it
flavor of the week

don't worry the cylinder, cardboard
will soon be filled with melted
or grainy
sand grit
worthless and forgotten

"the novelty has worn off"

my name
erased from the chalk board

and the standard everyone has missed
will be dropped back into the slot

where she belongs

flavor of the month
just makes us appreciate time tested

there is a Reason they keep coming back
for you
Re: flavor of the week

annaswirls said:
even my name says it
flavor of the week

don't worry the cylinder, cardboard
will soon be filled with melted
or grainy
sand grit
worthless and forgotten

"the novelty has worn off"

my name
erased from the chalk board

and the standard everyone has missed
will be dropped back into the slot

where she belongs

flavor of the month
just makes us appreciate time tested

there is a Reason they keep coming back
for you

what’s this?
when i taste
I savor
the richness of taste
in my mouth

“swirling” it around
dripping from tongue
to the back of throat
then front again

“a nn a”
are the sweetest sounds
of contemplation
and completion
of essence
the tang
of depletion
before swooping another same
sip again

mmm is addition
the missing of another
nibble of you
When one tastes
Does one take
Only the smallest sip?
The tiniest bite?
Or does one
Drain the glass?
Tear off a mouthful?

Offer me yourself
Offer me a taste
Let me sample
Let me indulge
In you
With you.
Tempt, taste, torment, take
Which causes you
more shivers?
Nails across
the blackboard,
or nails across
the back?
The_Fool said:
Which causes you
more shivers?
Nails across
the blackboard,
or nails across
the back?

Shivers of delight
as nails trail down
and across
my back.
smiling as a name
lays claim
written on my back
and not the blackboard.
The_Fool said:
When one tastes
Does one take
Only the smallest sip?
The tiniest bite?
Or does one
Drain the glass?
Tear off a mouthful?

Offer me yourself
Offer me a taste
Let me sample
Let me indulge
In you
With you.
Tempt, taste, torment, take

Firstly taught self-control
a sip with tip
swirl and unfold
again dip
to savor whole
as another pearl slips
then lapping bold
as you moan
a tease
a tempt
keeping hold
before a plundered drain
with burning force
ok, lets try haiku...

winter coats shed
sun kissing upturned bare face
joyous hugs

have I got this right?

I will have to go back and read Jim's lessons...I dont think it is supposed to be human emotions written but expressed :confused:
Re: Re: ok, lets try haiku...

Tathagata said:
dont worry about what is and isnt
haiku is emotion and enlightenment and the " oneness " of all things
write what you feel it takes a while before you unlock the key
: )

winter coats undone
watching cherry blossoms float
snow hides in shadows

Thanks! :heart:

muddied snow melts
brown grass slowly creeps green
tap-dancing bare feet
Re: Re: ok, lets try haiku...

Tathagata said:
dont worry about what is and isnt
haiku is emotion and enlightenment and the " oneness " of all things
write what you feel it takes a while before you unlock the key
: )

winter coats undone
watching cherry blossoms float
snow hides in shadows

ooooh–very pretty. I love haiku

walnut tree pushing
baby leaves dance with zephyr
soft against my heart
An Intimate Act

He touches me
gently at first
then plunges in,
spreads me open

I catch my breath
Christ! a little foreplay please
just breathe-
he won’t take long

Try to disconnect
Try not to connect
What if I respond?
If his touch turns me on?

Would I be embarrassed?
Who me?
Cold touch
yet somehow, there is something

Is that two fingers or three?
just breathe, keep breathing
a slick finger enters my ass
Don’t breathe faster, just breathe

He’s done, hands me tissue
annual tryst
the sky a hazy quilt
apricot, cyan and darkest gray

the world a roar
of countless frozen tears
on asphalt, roofs and leaves

a sudden tug of storm
pulling golden green hands
in frantic signalling

as a caleidoscope
of reflections
paints the void
in splashes of pearl

like a celestial window,
a glimpse at something more
toweing terrible beauty
from my balcony

when hailstorm
through sunset
kissed our senses
with the Maker's madness

and hyper reality
seeped through
Tathagata said:
dampness envelopes
hummingbird drinks morning dew
and I bend to kiss...

and I bend to kiss
the soft sigh of a new day
hues preserved with you
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