all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Liar said:
the sky a hazy quilt
apricot, cyan and darkest gray

the world a roar
of countless frozen tears
on asphalt, roofs and leaves

a sudden tug of storm
pulling golden green hands
in frantic signalling

as a caleidoscope
of reflections
paints the void
in splashes of pearl

like a celestial window,
a glimpse at something more
toweing terrible beauty
from my balcony

when hailstorm
through sunset
kissed our senses
with the Maker's madness

and hyper reality
seeped through

The sky a universal rainbow
ever blustered tempest blowing
of change and reflection
understanding and knowing

where comes draught and pain
sows translucent seeds
to melt chipped frozen tears
not to splinter balconies

and she cries through the sunshine
madness dries as she weeps
with a tendered soft kiss
and embracing warm sweep

til he knows she is ready
and twirls her from him
and song dances again
no longer frantic signalling

doh, not thinking clearly if this makes sense, have to get some pizza, will be back later

echoes_s said:
The sky a universal rainbow
ever blustered tempest blowing
of change and reflection
understanding and knowing

where comes draught and pain
sows translucent seeds
to melt chipped frozen tears
not to splinter balconies

and she cries through the sunshine
madness dries as she weeps
with a tendered soft kiss
and embracing warm sweep

til he knows she is ready
and twirls her from him
and song dances again
no longer frantic signalling

doh, not thinking clearly if this makes sense, have to get some pizza, will be back later


she was weather, never static
always flirting fluctuation
inter dermic, automatic
currents tugging correlation

she was weather, sang the shimmer
just like sunshine through the thunder
misty morning surface skimmer
weeping trails to worlds down under

she was weather, chaos dancer
I was static, concrete coded
she was question, I was answer
but by rain and storm eroded

she was weather, music soaring
in a world of imperfection
I was concrete, but exploring
trying beauty by projection

she was weather, swirling through me
I was worn down weak and hollow
her tonado whispered to me
as I fell to dust, to follow
Tristesse said:
Shivers of delight
as nails trail down
and across
my back.
smiling as a name
lays claim
written on my back
and not the blackboard.

my name
upon your back
makes you mine
makes me yours
in lust
with trust
shared pain
and delight
Tathagata said:
hues preserved with you
desert sunset in your eyes
rainfall in your laugh

rainfall in your laugh
sprinkled footsteps splashed
jumping in warm puddles :kiss:
echoes_s said:
Firstly taught self-control
a sip with tip
swirl and unfold
again dip
to savor whole
as another pearl slips
then lapping bold
as you moan
a tease
a tempt
keeping hold
before a plundered drain
with burning force

I offer little
as you
are restrained
with self-control
sampling in sips
tasting with just
the tip
of my tongue
your liquid pearl
I swirl
the taste
the tease
I yield
my restraint
with you still
and indulge
The_Fool said:
I offer little
as you
are restrained
with self-control
sampling in sips
tasting with just
the tip
of my tongue
your liquid pearl
I swirl
the taste
the tease
I yield
my restraint
with you still
and indulge

My self-control slowly slips
from the tease
of nudging lips
higher from your touch
letting such
loose and lusty sighs
yet still deny
this steeled restrain
God not again...
the more I lose to you
as passion becomes construed
as you teach me how to reach
and how to release
first begging huskily “please”
that I try to twist on top of you
as restrain becomes misconstrued
panting please
no more tease
just take me please.
What is it like?

Her laugh in my ear
My hands in her hair
These are the things
I'm so desperate to share

A look and a smile
The feel of her touch
A meal taken together
Am I asking too much?

The sight of her face
Near my pillow at night
If her bottom lip quivered
Would I want to bite?

To wake up in her arms
Would be such a treat.
My guess is the feeling
would be damn hard to beat.

My fingers across cheeks
Smoothing tears as she cried
Would my touch be enough
To soothe her as they dried?

Two hearts quite connected
Though very far away
A love that grows stronger
By night and by day.

What is it like?
Will we ever know?
I hope and I pray
Please let it be so.

~ R W
You know it already,
This love that you share.
You know its depth
And its breadth,
You know that she cares
Deeply for you
And loves you, too.

Or, alternatively, love is the leap that won't be denied.

- Mindy, babbling and stealing from the Butcher's Wife. ;)
monkey on his back
causes hands to shake
makin’ music with a waver
a flavor
of certain sadness
dying all the time
share with me your sadness
offer up your pain
nothing left to live for
nothing left to lose
‘cept the blues
the storm after the calm
smudges on the mirror

missed a spot,
corner lip
resiliant like emotion and
fuzzy like memory and long lost love.

rhapsodic child breathing-
barefoot, padding on starlit floors.

acceptance of this
is the genuflection,
knees scrape
shag carpeted insomniac prediliction- haha- the trick.

pack of kids
on brick streets
notice me in my car,

"he got a ride home"
i Marvel at the idea
and turn at the light-

I knew them when they were
mere babies,
this worrisome

payoff pending-
suck in my gut
crop and blur
natural, no unnatural selection
don't ask
don't tell
laws of love

what you don't know can still
kick you in the ass
just won't see it coming

anticipation worse than
the thud and "what the hell"

so paint me perfect
pass the blinders
so much better
yes, that is it

why the hell not?
body shots with the
probably right
nothing left
after jabs at my heart

technical knockout

I quit
OT said:
body shots with the
probably right
nothing left
after jabs at my heart

technical knockout

I quit

Wave the white flag and
turn the other cheek to
the sun.

Reviving water sprays wet
helping hand says get
up - I'll
Maybe it's all kind of slow blues
like skies shift in languid dawning
soft as Miles but insistent
time proceeds in brushbeats
and low chords swung quiet

until eventually turning over
another day arises in sleepy blinks
as waking swallows pass from track
to blowy track perfectly round I had
an orange for breakfast tasting

morning sweet and sunny this day
encircled in bright just the way
I unpeel life and dig it a little
forgetting the pith it's all evenly
segmented anyway eat it piecemeal

later when it gets a little Green
unfolding in preachy soul calls
and heartbeat rhythms dancing
along coaxial neurons knock
hip doors rock rolling by hours
Not poetry, just ramblings...

It's been years since I last wrote love letters in vain
Without an address to send them to
Years since I last funneled my hopes and dreams
Through my pen to paper knowing no one would read them but me
It's been years and I thought I had changed
I am not the person who wrote those letters
I have a husband
A steady job
A plot of land to call my own and the home that rests upon it
I have a stable life

And yet, I find myself writing love letters in vain


With no address to send them to.

I guess I am that person still, though it's been years.

only moments remain
from this eye lashing
to the next

a flirt becomes a bottle neck
way way back in the sock drawer
where posts
attend first initial rights

social security
codes and laying on side
alone with my only body
alone in blue, orange, umber
feline prints
no matter how long it takes
to say
take a look, brother

with text and reason
change of manner
folding holdings
she is beautiful
is she not?
double up on that
little brother
shells and spirits
grains and roars
sea into
out of needs
specific tides
regardless of spooling,
shamen towards the one
all on a bus,
what a prayer

hum holy om
shift gears for todays clouds
I've been thinking about perception
And how it's all perceived
Is it all about deception
Hurting and deceived.
I think if we adjust reception
It will effect how we receive
The artist's early conception
May be less than we conceive.
This one's getting posted

casual glance
calls for
deliberate repetition

her style flaunts
sublime sophistication
perfect posture
silk suit
immaculate manicure
rich red lips

walking away
in elegant high heels
offers finish to the view
final flash of desire
seamed stockings

For YDD. Thanks for the idea...
beads between thighs
wooden on my mind
can't concentrate
on finding keys or

anything besides
making for you
pull and sound and
roll between

stringing them together
one by one

finding myself in the middle of
discussless discussions
to distract myself

from taking you there
holding on for the ride

this poem sucks
below average
below sucking
below not voting

but what else am I supposed to do

you will not be home

poetic masturbation
damn it never works

fuck it
i dont care
I edited a misspelling

poet master
punish me at your will
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SeattleRain said:
beads between thighs
wooden on my mind
can't concentrate
on finding keys or

anything besides
making for you
pull and sound and
roll between

stringing them together
one by one

finding myself in the middle of
discussless discussions
to distract myself

from taking you there
holding on for the ride

this poem sucks
below average
below sucking
below not voting

but what else am I supposed to do

you will not be home

poetic masturbation
damn it never works
A little distraught? :)

god dammit
you, yes you
get out, begone

exit my mind

those eyes, thouse thighs
those bloody beautiful
luscious little lies

that ties me
tongue tied
slack jawed
brain zapped

over dreams
so divine

just beat it
(oh I will)
oh, fuck it
(oh I wish)

just leave me here
with me and myself
and ay ay ay
oh god, oh my
to my aching eye

and my skahing hands
and my tingling spine

I am lost in this maze
I can take it no more
abandoned amazed

all instinct, no core

be not
so damn

get out
of my face
or please,
be mine
it must be unwise
to leave myself so open wide
feet up in stirrups
blinding lights cold
with interns and residents
and medical students
peering into my insides

do you mind
if we take a look
take a poke

breast bare
except newborn
on nipple
both know what to do

and you
put me there
wanting trust
soft shhh still

is this where you want me
must be

is this where I want to be
must be

we both won't stop until we get
what we want anyway

but still this fear
of that open door
photographers and
passers by invading
watching the scene
at the blood
and flesh in stainless steel
swollen tissue

while you stand
face to the window
or worse
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