all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Re: mountain orchid

Tathagata said:
Hidden among the mundane
the everyday
the crawling masses
she comes to fruition

food for the muse
inspiration for poets
lavender splendor
with coal black eyes

turning her face to the sun
matching radiation
the stars bow in humble
regal submission

lush and ripe
honeyed and slick
a feast for the senses
exuding narcotic seduction

she awaits discovery
night bloom siren
of forgotten places
she whispers to the moon

moon tongue
sips opiate nectar
a butterfly curled probiscus?
the fork of a snake?
stick of a frog
hummingbird sliver

sip and swoon
orchid and moon
were never meant to be
this close

jaguar grows its warning
quiver and chill

one closes
one hides
petal and cloud
silk tail curls
under chin

why I do this
I do not know

all fingers point to
you you you
round the circle
the choice is always
dear seattle

imagine those fingers pointing
dip in snow-cone flavors
extened to you as wishing
your suckle as more than a favor

blue raspberry pinky
strawberry thumb
banana watermelon index
all licked clean,
my job is done

Tathagata said:
: )
for some reason I see a harbor up here and think of Robert Frost
i wish i could rhyme like this

Thanks - they just seem to bubble to the surface, probably because they're so light and have no substance. :rose:

Clear of eye and curls in place
Not a line upon her face
How she does it no one knows
Every day her face just glows
Not a wrinkle in her skirt
Makes one really want to hurt
Her, make her squirm.
Mess her perm.
Tristesse said:
Thanks - they just seem to bubble to the surface, probably because they're so light and have no substance. :rose:

Clear of eye and curls in place
Not a line upon her face
How she does it no one knows
Every day her face just glows
Not a wrinkle in her skirt
Makes one really want to hurt
Her, make her squirm.
Mess her perm.

I squirm
in frustrated mess
to tease and tame
each wrangled tress
a snake's mind view
of Medusa's plight
curling, twisting
tangling fright
then just when
matted to combed neat
dampness plies
nested pleats
I need no perm
for wretched hair
but to unkink
tousled stares

bleah, muse is asleep again:rose:
Come with me
I'll take you with me
to a place where you are
all you want to be and more
where a challenge is a blessing
and respect is paramount.

Come with me
I'll take you with me
to a place that is love
and only love

Come with me
I'll show you your heart
and the nails you've pounded in it
or let someone else
and thats the same as you doing it.

Come with me
We'll pull the nails out
and you will be
born again.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
controlled buy

patted down, palms flattened
rubbing hard against tight jeans
deep within creases
where sometimes only skin can breathe

nothing there but hope and skin

special agent task force
set up encounter with dope man
two blocks down, with money grin
plastered on his rugged face
flecks of crystal on nose rim

Yo baby, sup?
Gotta dime, baby, you so fine

News Flash, Shugah

Red dog done dropped a dime,
you gonna do some time
dealin’s easy inside,
cell block, locked tight
what’s your confidence level, Baby?
Oh my hand
grown old maybe
just the cold raised
this tiny web of skin
that turned me suddenly
into mother whose
black hair even twenty
years ago thick silk
like mine now wisp white
and those cool smooth hands
shrinking bones maybe so skin
falls back loose and I couldn't
turn the page seeing my hand
turn into hers
Love it!
happens to everyone
hair to hands
to what comes out of my mouth

might as well not fight it
I have become my mother!
well at least I am still my own
political self....

I realized my hands were getting old
when I pinched my knuckle and the skin
did not go back to its original shape.....
kind of just stuck there

I have a similiar poem about my hands becoming my mom's-- called it Legacy for fun.
annaswirls said:
Love it!
happens to everyone
hair to hands
to what comes out of my mouth

might as well not fight it
I have become my mother!
well at least I am still my own
political self....

I realized my hands were getting old
when I pinched my knuckle and the skin
did not go back to its original shape.....
kind of just stuck there

I have a similiar poem about my hands becoming my mom's-- called it Legacy for fun.

Thanks Anna!

a low moment
i'm mommy after all
those years of denial
my hand won't go back
my neuroses whirling
her years through me
a place for everything
rise and shine we used
to call them her little sayings
and snicker and now I
love to imagine myself
Dad's girl but find my lips
wanting to form those words
and they roll out his accent
her tone my nightmare is
watching the same snicker rise
from my daughter's throat


the soundtrack
in my brain
la la la la licorice
la la la la lightbulb
and the old man
is snoring

on good days
some classical from
some video
supposed to make
my kids So Smart
or something

where is my hairbrush
I ate the bunny
I am the very model of
the modern major general

someone help me

I need to change the goddamn channel

least it is not
I love you you love me
blah blah

wait for the day
I am yelling

"Turn that down!"
and thinking
what is this crap these
kids are listening to toda

I need a channel changer
or dial


mother brain
mushed by process of
snuffy feet
and elmo whine
Re: soundtrack

annaswirls said:
the soundtrack
in my brain
la la la la licorice
la la la la lightbulb
and the old man
is snoring

on good days
some classical from
some video
supposed to make
my kids So Smart
or something

where is my hairbrush
I ate the bunny
I am the very model of
the modern major general

someone help me

I need to change the goddamn channel

least it is not
I love you you love me
blah blah

wait for the day
I am yelling

"Turn that down!"
and thinking
what is this crap these
kids are listening to toda

I need a channel changer
or dial


mother brain
mushed by process of
snuffy feet
and elmo whine

incorporated into
my daily language
is "Turn that down"
and "I can't hear,
I only have one good ear
between arguments
and searing bass rocking
rap rap lingo
and TV blaring
kids talking at the same time
always two,
but sometimes their friends join in
for a chorus
to help the cause
any cause
just because
they know how to speak
in chimed melody
showing off the sense
of how much I can't make sense
when they all gang up on me.
So turn it down
and one by one
hand me that remote
so I can change the channel
to a slower life
with lower volume
and softer tunes
of reticence

have to love young aged tweens :heart:
Re: Re: soundtrack

echoes_s said:
incorporated into
my daily language
is "Turn that down"
and "I can't hear,
I only have one good ear
between arguments
and searing bass rocking
rap rap lingo
and TV blaring
kids talking at the same time
always two,
but sometimes their friends join in
for a chorus
to help the cause
any cause
just because
they know how to speak
in chimed melody
showing off the sense
of how much I can't make sense
when they all gang up on me.
So turn it down
and one by one
hand me that remote
so I can change the channel
to a slower life
with lower volume
and softer tunes
of reticence

have to love young aged tweens :heart:

in a sonic cobweb
morphing conceptual chatter
falls, swirls, bounces off my head
containing all that's too passed by
too passé cliche

goodbye I wave
to comprehension
farewell to focus
now when zeitgeist
sweet-talks the unweary
to just let go
step out

as if the multitude
of attitude and amplitude
will weclome us all
and somehow make sense
instead of just
tear us apart
in all directions
at once

which it will be
I cannot know
nor care

because know
while the others
scream in roller coaster
random revelations

that a silent rock
in the shade of an old tree
and a clear view
of blue horizon
awaits me

and know
that if you wish
there is room for
yet another

who breathes

typo corrected. so sue me.
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Re: Re: Re: soundtrack

Liar said:
in a sonic cobweb
morphing conceptual chatter
falls, swirls, bounces off my head
containing all that's too passed by
too passé cliche

goodbye I wave
to comprehension
farewell to focus
now when zeitgeist
sweet-talks the unweary
to just let go
step out

as if the multitude
of attitude and amplitude
will weclome us all
and somehow make sense
instead of just
tear us apart
in all directions
at once

which it will be
I cannot know
nor care

because know
while the others
scream in roller coaster
random revelations

that a silent rock
in the shade of an old tree
and a clear view
of blue horizon
awaits me

and know
that if you wish
there is room for
yet another

who breathes

typo corrected. so sue me.

My one good ear
perked and paid attention
turning towards
the quiet rock
in peaceful shade
lulled by
your serene serenade

My eyes scan beyond
cd's heaped
and clothes thrown askew
in messy rooms
to see this view
this horizoned blue
with cooled grass blades
and a quiet breathless old tree

I hear your beckon
your tempting call
mystic lure
of distant bearded geese
flocking overhead
wisdom stroking ease
and I leave
this tempered squall
to sit in stilled tranquility
I'm sappy happy picking
you a dandelion bouquet
'cause I'm mud puddle happy
on this cloudy warm spring day

OT said:
I'm sappy happy picking
you a dandelion bouquet
'cause I'm mud puddle happy
on this cloudy warm spring day


dangling dandelions
under your chin
like buttercups
tickling hues of yellow
with penciled petal tips
then kissing your cheek
before we play pattycake
splashing mud
to watch it slide
a tickled trickle
how about hide
and gp peek?
Re: Re: Re: Re: soundtrack

echoes_s said:
mystic lure
of distant bearded geese

geese, geez, please,
this AV's gotta go
for all of my geese
and for that all I know

it's golden and green
inside of your heart
in front of the screen
that keep us all apart

but connected still
and for all I know
if you breathe you will
feel another glow

of a rock and a tree
behind holler of kids
a horizon spreads free
behind your closed lids

yes moon may be
all made of cheese
and hung up there
for us to see
but baby, please

yes world is flat
a pizza plate
where cities lying
proud and great
are olives frying.

yes sun is just
an orange hung
on a blue wall
but baby, must
you crave it all?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: soundtrack

Liar said:
geese, geez, please,
this AV's gotta go
for all of my geese
and for that all I know

it's golden and green
inside of your heart
in front of the screen
that keep us all apart

but connected still
and for all I know
if you breathe you will
feel another glow

of a rock and a tree
behind holler of kids
a horizon spreads free
behind your closed lids



Behind these closed lids
yonder I see
gentle blowing winds
and butterfly leaves
flaps of goose wings
fluttered feathers fly
downy soft snowflakes
speckled wonder sky

rock warm and grey
holding sands and greened grass
entwined deeper roots
reach to tickle darting bass
in a river just beyond
from this stream by my lap
dipping heads to search
honeyed amber sap
sparkled sunshine
touch of tongue bittersweet
no don't loose that AV
it's part of the music I see
Linbido said:
yes moon may be
all made of cheese
and hung up there
for us to see
but baby, please

yes world is flat
a pizza plate
where cities lying
proud and great
are olives frying.

yes sun is just
an orange hung
on a blue wall
but baby, must
you crave it all?

Flat olives
and cheese hung
in a fryed city
of a pizza plate
on a wall
proud and great
where the sun
sings the blues
and I crave oranges too
because it's all new
eyes wide with wonder
as I sit beside you...:heart:
why bother

like asking the drunk
why drink
saying his puke and shit
stink well no shit
why bother making all that piss
you leave on the sidewalk
might as well keep it
in the bottle
well no shit

why bother indeed
its what I do we do
like askin that what is a nice
way to say fat bitch
why bother with that last
bag of doritoes
it is what she does

licking those cheese food flavored fingers
flat pink tongue
wanting more

why bother turnin that crap into shit
and cellulite
it is just what she does

why bother
waking up

it is what

and my baby's got
me taking my digits for a ride
oh god baby
what else is there to do

bitch in the honda
so fucking mad
her tits grew two sizes bigger
with the pressure inside

about to blow across the windshield

I turned
I turned to slowly

probably thinking
ssomething like
or damn these seats
haev heat
why not some massage

make my drive
a little more
scenic on the inside

and why bother
why bother indeed

dont remember what else
there is to do

roll me up
fire me up
shoot me up
trip me down
just get me my
goddamn fix

oh my god I feel better already
pass the chips
double A

I fear night mares of
geese pecking dandelion toe
fresnel lens
fire glow

somehow moves faster
in cold air

stars sharpen their points

pennys sink
through syrup
slow slow
drip down

bending reeds
into basket

cast me a dry shadow
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