all of a sudden passion suddenly

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a safe place
a family
such a beautiful thought.

just when you think you're there
when you feel loved
and free to be real

you're told you don't belong
you're not good enough
you're not smart enough
and, gosh darn it, people don't like you

fuck it
I Don't Piss Roses

Go ahead,
waste your time
cry about it
to everyone
Ya, piss your life away
but please do us a favor
make it all
rainbows and roses
because we don't want
to live in your stink

editted to add my title to this poem—like I should've done to begin with as it would've saved on any misunderstandings on who this poem was about.
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sunshine on dew drops and
rainbows and roses
goldfish in glass bowls
and wet puppy noses

love songs and music
too pretty to sing
these are a few of my
favorite things

hard truth and heartache
and whip lash with bruises
hard lies and high life
he does what he chooses

sometimes it smells better
to lie when you sing
good god, oh the stench
of my favorite things

Neo, inspired by your post, but nothing personal...just another silly poem, as always, Anna:heart:
Lavender fingers
type genetic whispers
of a heavenly mother
tight skinned in the
frozen smile of
hope and the


She dreams and twitch
go eyes
and ring go phones
connected at the shoulders
to power plants and spring trees.

Generations stewed
in soups and songs
the electric heart
can only feel
but never
neonurotic said:
Go ahead,
waste your time
cry about it
to everyone
Ya, piss your life away
but please do us a favor
make it all
rainbows and roses
because we don't want
to live in your stink

my words were not meant unkind
although might have been unwise
but no matter, I'll take my stink and leave
thanks for your honesty
Echoes, it you are talking about the poem you just deleted, I thought it was pretty damn hot. Didn't see any negativity in it at all. If neon read that into it, he must have read too fast. But I honestly think he just posted a poem. Chill out.

Min, stop apologising for something in every other post I read. It's uncalled for, and annoying. :) :rose:

trigger happy defense
to hapless to trigger
deafenes the pretence
to be something bigger

if we hermit-crab hide
we will stay in this slumber
after all, we are words
on a matrix of number

an analog pulse
in a a zero-one nation
so give what you've got
every single sensation
Walk Away

Confusion reigns
Can't explain
Need time alone
Walk away

Need to help
What to do?
Walk away?
But I love you.

Pain and shadow
Quickly descends
Can't explain
It never ends

Please don't push
Let me stay
Impossible now
To walk away

Enough! You hear?
Enough, I say.
You can't be here.
Walk away!

I will go
If I must
Walk away
Attempt to trust


Silence falls
Pain surrounds
Questions, worries
soon abound

Idle hands
Tremble soft
Swing aloft

Hopes and dreams
On pause for now
To deal with depression
Please show me how.

I do not suffer
How can I know?
The lack of light
Overwhelming shadow

All I have
a helping hand
Untaken for now
Alone I stand.

~R W
Bottom of the first
the announcer barely audible
over headphones twelve strings
measuring this afternoon
the last thing on my mind
was unkindness daddy but
leaving was inevitable
somebody had to strike out
or hit foul the progress
of our game was inievitable
for the times are a changin
not my house yes my house
where a man and his boy
play blackjack and smile
at me through the chords

Come to me he says
slaps down another card
the pitcher knuckles somebody
hits a grounder that bumps straight
down that diamond more prosaid
than the one I want off just off
my finger sparkling up at me
in the mall where we line up
walk in a trio like some kind of family
crappy poem, but you get the idea

damn, and i just spilled that poem out without saving it on my hard drive and i couldn’t write it again to save my life…doh!

Hooked on you

a woman in the wild living untamed
from too many years running frightened
living within blasphemy cursing shamed
off her own distorted reflections
by parental constant rejections
as a child, she just grew up wild

at the edge of the forest one year
she came across a rowdy tavern camping
many voices heard around fires in twilight
and laughter abound, music slapping trees
a gentle captivity about her needs
and songs lilting which caught her heart
a yearning, a pulling start
until trembling faltered footsteps
led her closer, for a fuller peek

they saw her and let her be
sitting, watching and listening
one threw a scrap, sent her scampering back
but forward again to lick delicate snack
then a word directed, gesture and motion
staring, kind eyes and great stance
as one stood…poisoned potion?
She stood her ground and hand came abound
to gently take and lead her trembling into the pack
where fire and friendship warmed trust,
strengthening to keep bringing her back.

sorry for being trigger happy, as I bare with writing, I feel more vulnerable...
ok, lost the other poem, maybe this one is better...

counting strokes

my ass burned
twisted and turned
seared by you

lashed fiery red
black and blue
your whips hissing
licking flames
of your name
into me

then the touch
of your tongue
with same
making me beg

gasped and rutting
as you teased
clit to slit
with your cock
just a poke
not too deep
then so slow
sliding in

yes I begged
and will do
many times
to fuck deep and hard
my cunt
to bruise it too

grunting please
nails knit and squeeze
pushing back
moaning begs
Sir more
use your whore
fuck my ass

take all of me
with the heat of your beat
strike of cane
throb of paddle
you say my name
another stroke
counting insane

may i please count
backwards for you?
seek and dream
we do
of course

of perfect match
of course
of certainty
no repression
no remorse

seemless harmony
soft hands
no friction
flawless fiction
crystal windows
open doors

yes we seek
and dream
of course

until one day
we wake
and see
a harsher hand
but holding ours

a little dust
an off key song
with simple words
but you sing along

and swaying
though an unsure now
four feet walks steadier
than two
at least

Tathagata said:
move me
i ask and invoke
all holy names
to seek redenption
to see krishna and buddha

god is just another name
for me
for you
for life

fucking stubborn brain
you know you know
god damn it You know
accept it!

and then bodhisattva comes
and says
" relax"
you will know
when you need to know
and I smile again
and shake my head
such a rush
to know what i already know

serenity is a fickle playmate

times she comes unbidden
but more oft we need beg her presence
drag her kicking and screaming
from far reaches of our mind

and if we're lucky
we have friends like Tathagata
to remind us to call up serenity
when we need her and can't remember her name
one soul

Tathagata said:
ah no my lady
you call out and i answer
i call out and you answer
only because
we are the same
we are one
we are here to help each other
this space
we may part
we may drift
but always i carry
your heart with mine
my gain is your gain
my strength is your strength
my sister
my double
my karma twin

my karma twin
my poetry pal
my brother

your joy is my joy
your poetry my pleasure
your friendship my honor
your spirit my inspiration

we travel the Universe
on opposite coasts
separated by a continent
together in our hearts

one Buddhist
one Pagan
both know the One
and are one in the knowing
Re: Re: one soul

Tathagata said:
pagan and buddhist
male and female
obstacles to the truth
you and i
walk along the road
share cool water
share sudden shocks
share digging out
of ditches
12 steps to salvation
8 chakras to bliss
one breath
to heaven
and a whisper to laugh at it all

Goddess and Buddha
female and male
overcome obstacles
ignore differences
on our paths to truth
we share ideas
comfort each other
honor one another
discover similarities
accept what life offers
while finding our bliss
one soul
many lives
and a laugh to connect us to all
Flip that AV over & hit it...

Hey, love that AV
you're wearing

Don't know what caught
my philandering eye
but I think it's that
smoking swan
there on your lap

Or maybe baby
it's those long black gloves
knee-high boots
made for walking
lush legs stuffed in
fishnet stockings

Ya, darlin', you are a
cat-like sophisticate
picture perfect
sitting pretty
tempting me
into wanting a bit of
that cat's meow

I'd like to turn your
AV over and fuck it.

~As inspired by Raging Whoremoan's AV
no offense meant.. I just have a nasty mind
Re: Flip that AV over & hit it...

neonurotic said:
I'd like to turn your
AV over and fuck it.
What, you mean swan and all? ;)

by the gods, oh great scott
the perfection parade
blossoming beauty
in color and shade

that scolls on my left
and is doing me right
it is tricky to read
in this gorgeous sight

this skin and curve fest
shining wanton and vain
turns my mouse-hand to jelly
and plays with my brain

so maybe I should
go get anything done
turn the AV show off
and admit that you won

you, my mini-me friend
you competing control
of my frustrated body
and my lust ridden soul

you will not misbehave
so get down boy, be still
I will not let you win
I'm the king of my will

and the sirens still tempt
flashing flesh byte by byte
fuelling fire for thought
as I dream every night
Spring has come

i long for a lingering look
tendered touch
gentle crook
wink and smile
beckoning me into arms
wrapped around
strong and warm
without harm

in my hair heated breath
fingers lean
soothing caress
softly combing
embodied heat
of another
by my side
for a while

and nothing else
but us two
fused as one
not even passion
or combustion
just the tendered touch
soothing caress
whispered breath
and arms
my nose pressed
to skin
for a while

by my side
yeah, spring has come
jumpin on beds
breaking chairs
never finding the right

fit into sleep

squeeze into
stretch down

in a room everyone has
black shoes
some shine some buff
not mine
something like nothing on toe

try again

with the new sofa delivery
singing rat animatronic cardboard pizza
playdate and metabolife
all watch and wonder why
my breast still belongs to a 12 month old

my breast belongs to no one
with no one

drown in a sea of poets
with bubbles that sink
steel that floats over waves
and hovering in between
the current

dressed in parka
dodging anchor and
what is the goddamn name for that thing
you use to shoot


grind me down
whetstone and metal
cut in two

the shape will never hold
I seem to melt the mold

wishing I actually
SeattleRain said:
jumpin on beds
breaking chairs
never finding the right

fit into sleep

squeeze into
stretch down

in a room everyone has
black shoes
some shine some buff
not mine
something like nothing on toe

try again

with the new sofa delivery
singing rat animatronic cardboard pizza
playdate and metabolife
all watch and wonder why
my breast still belongs to a 12 month old

my breast belongs to no one
with no one

drown in a sea of poets
with bubbles that sink
steel that floats over waves
and hovering in between
the current

dressed in parka
dodging anchor and
what is the goddamn name for that thing
you use to shoot


grind me down
whetstone and metal
cut in two

the shape will never hold
I seem to melt the mold

wishing I actually

We all exist somewhere
sometimes harpooned
in a rut neverending
sinking bubbles blown slowly
as we rise
only a reason to hang on
to our last bit of breath
until we reach the surface again
gasping afresh
thanking anything around
that steel floats
because it is there for us
and who wants to buff shoes
and spit polished hues
like everyone else
to be ground into a mold
digging like moles
melded metal is the same
poured into cast
and shaped like society
is supposed to be
but what is society
in this sea frame
of floating anchors
and broken poets
who spit words like polish
shining brighter
than any black patent leathered shoes?

where is the sun today dammit!?
hugs Seattle
the landscape of poetry
runs downhill
its birthplace
small but high
its lines the hills
that chart its course
through pauses
where the meaning flows
rills that run down
flashing freshets
following destinies
chosen by their origins
and by the tumbled words
that sometimes block their path
and sometimes guide them
into whirlpools
winding streams
through grasses
growing like
ideas taking root
drawing life
from other streams
surged down
by other rock-strewn
flows downhill
into banks of trees
wider turns
deeper beds
together large
impressive channels
for the intercourse
that frames our days
drawn up delivered
over tended crops
nurtured by the nature
of their source
the shining sea
that draws them in
gathers them as one
then casts them skyward
meaning floating up
like clouds that coalesce
while climbing
into stormclouds
flash and volley
thundering chaotic
cutting loose in torrents
raining down on hilltops
small but high.
Re: i can see what isnt there

Maria2394 said:
wind still blows
on cloudless days,
and theres a smile
thats always hidden
beneath your angry face
and I dont love you
I dont need you
I dont want you
to ever go away
because most often
it is not a case
of head over heels
open arms
open face
and on
this day
when skys
once more
are gray
the core
of it all
is just
not a
raging relentless
but a brisk breeze
scatterd showers
fresh air to freeze
the flames that
eats away
on us all
and you feel
as well as I do
the insight
after all
Exploring my relationship to Hawk

I bask in sunshine
soaking up warmth
between occasional blustery gust

Fluffy clouds drowse
pillowing blue sky to the north
south, an opaque gray descends

The sky is freckled with birds
I am transformed
into a creature of flight

Looking down from above
I see the crooked elbow of ranch road
familiar vineyard aisle ways

unfamiliar acre of bare soil
waiting patiently for planting
resting before work resumes

I look under outstretched wing,
amazed. My wing.
feel the wind through my feathers

Tilt my wings and lift
What a rush!
roller coaster thrill

Tip them forward
dive toward earth
sudden drop, dizzying speed
Rotate out
pressed back, slow lift
I swoop and dive, alive!

How keen are my hawk eyes
the slightest move; field mice!
an invitation to feast

I scent their blood
my mouth waters
to contemplate crunch of bones

I spin again
unaccustomed to the thrill
thought of the kill

And my hearing,
selective radar
the highway, a dull hum, barely registers

Cricket far below, beneath the cedar
other birds call to each other
warning, I am on the hunt.

Scent of powder
touch of silk
squirming away
to and fro
faster with time
watch her go.

Scent of apple
touch of silly
running now
falling down
up again
perpetual motion.

Scent of soap
touch of nerves
hugging legs
kisses goodbye
teary Mom tells
confident lie.

Scent of perfume
touch of anticipation
nervous date
pictures taken
door closes
hands shakin'

Scent of roses
touch of fear
candles lit
love professed
two hearts
truly blessed

Scent of sex
touch of need
inhibitions fade
shadows merge
sensation soars
moans converge

Scent of powder
touch of silk
squirming away
to and fro
faster with time
watch her go.

~ R W
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