Ann Rice's "Sleeping Beauty"

Finding the Sleeping Beauty books

Any Barnes & Noble store should have it, and either seperately or in one volume--that's where i found mine. Otherwise, you can find them at (the Barnes & Noble site).
And i found them under Anne Rice's name, too.
This was one of the first smutty books I read - my parents had it in their sex cabinet and I snuck in to read stuff when they weren't home! I never actually read the book, I just found the good parts and wanked.

My girlfriend found the first book for me at a yard sale or thrift shop a year or so ago, and I actually read it this time. I was so impressed that I ordered a copy from Amazon and had it sent to Daddy...who has never bothered to read it. Oh well.
i have all three (or four) books in this series.

They made for great reading.

i think The Story of "O" had more of an impact on me though. Simply because the S/M stole the breath out of my lungs while i read through it.

Exit to Eden was great too. Very much a Fantasy Island for Kinksters.

Finding the Sleeping Beauty books
Any Barnes & Noble store should have it, and either seperately or in one volume--that's where i found mine. Otherwise, you can find them at (the Barnes & Noble site).
And i found them under Anne Rice's name, too.

thanks free-dreams
I read the entire trilogy and thought it was great escapism. Some of the things are fat-fetched, but others, like Beauty's attempts to please her masters by doing extra things, like kissing their feet, ring true.

A couple of good BDSM books are Breaking the Girl by Kim Corum and Blue: The Color of Desire by Patrick Linney. The aforementioned books have a more realistic outlook on BDSM.
s'lara said:
i think The Story of "O" had more of an impact on me though. Simply because the S/M stole the breath out of my lungs while i read through it.


Have to agree with you on this, though I find some Dominants are not that impressed, maybe because the storyline is more devoted to the feeling and emotions of the slave/sub than D. Gave it to Master to read after we married and he liked it also, but like me did not find the movie worth much and certainly not comparable to the book.

D's mariposa said:
Yes, I read them. Liked the 2nd book best. They were great one handed reading material, but I didn't find them representative of this lifestyle.

You have to remember that the first book was written 20 years ago. I don't think she was trying to connect with any lifestyle. I think she was just trying to write pornography and make it fun.
Sleeping Beauty

I had heared many things about these books. I am almost done with the first one. I must say I have been very arroused by most of it. As others have said there are parts that do nothing for me, but there are so many more parts that do! I am enjoying reading the first one and am looking forward to the next.:kiss:
All *I* have to say is that for some reason every woman I meet says it's a hard limit for them to be tied up while my cat licks stuff off them *sigh*
Think of them as "crossover" works

These books are favs of mine because of the interest they can garner outside of my friends who know my strong sexuality. Although BDSM has been strictly fantasy and a little roleplay for me, so I couldn't truly comment on "accuracy" issues. My sister once surprised me greatly by borrowing the first and then not only not being judgemental but actually borrowing the rest. A writer known for other works allowing these to be sold sans "pen name" can only be good for erotica in the long run.
James G 5 said:
All *I* have to say is that for some reason every woman I meet says it's a hard limit for them to be tied up while my cat licks stuff off them *sigh*

Now I have to clean the monitor. Shouldn't read these threads while drinking. LOL. I'd forgotten that scene. I'm with them. Its a very hard limit!
Desdemona said:
Now I have to clean the monitor. Shouldn't read these threads while drinking. LOL. I'd forgotten that scene. I'm with them. Its a very hard limit!

Lucky there wasn't any Castille soap present anywhere unseemly :p

And what's wrong with sweet little kitty cats, huh? :p

You'd prefer, maybe, to be in that barrel in the kitchen? :D
I love these books. I occasionally revist them from time to time. My favorite is the first in the series. I would love to see more like these from Anne Rice. LadyAura
James G 5 said:
Lucky there wasn't any Castille soap present anywhere unseemly :p

And what's wrong with sweet little kitty cats, huh? :p

You'd prefer, maybe, to be in that barrel in the kitchen? :D

Castille soap? *snort* Thank god for small favors. Cleaning the monitor was quite enough thank you. ;)

kitty cats make me itch, James. LOL

Its been so long since I read the books I don't remember what happened in the barrell, so I can't answer that question.
Desdemona said:
Castille soap? *snort* Thank god for small favors. Cleaning the monitor was quite enough thank you. ;)

kitty cats make me itch, James. LOL

Its been so long since I read the books I don't remember what happened in the barrell, so I can't answer that question.

That's why you gotta Scotchguard your chair :D

Don't remember, huh?

Mebbe Snooze should look in to barrel training you, might teach you patience :devil:
James G 5 said:
That's why you gotta Scotchguard your chair :D

Don't remember, huh?

Mebbe Snooze should look in to barrel training you, might teach you patience :devil:

Oh shit.:eek:

Now that I've had a few minutes to contemplate your last post, James, I'm just gonna go about my business and be very, very glad that Snooze had no interest in reading those books. I'm gonna have to dig them out though, cuz I am now extremely curious about the barrell. LOL. I'm hopeless. :rolleyes:
As some have mentioned, these are nice works of fiction = )

My first glimpse of "the lifestyle" was through "exit to eden" which I knew was sort of a kinky book - I saw it for sale at a goodwill when I was, well, uh, younger, and grabbed it. I went through it with lightening speed, enjoying the thrill it gave me. In Exit To Eden Anne Rice puts a little plug for her own Beauty books, and that made me want to read them = )

Here's the sort of embarrassing part...when I was done with Exit To Eden my dad asked to borrow it from me, and he's the one that ended up buying me the beauty trilogy - now when I think of that i'm SOOOOO embarrassed for myself <grin>

Anyways, the books sort of helped me figure out what sexual things I was interested. Already a really confused teen, they at least put some hold on some of my confusion and let me know that I wasn't the only "weird" one out there. Then I started buying used books on sexuality, uhm, what did I buy...screw the roses send me the thorns, something called (i think) consensual sado-masochism, a book called "erotic power" - basically Anne Rice helped open up the door for me. Hurah.


ps - my favorite parts are the parts in the third book with Laurent. yum.
I thought the Beauty trilogy was very hot. I bought them when I was on a business trip to NYC, and while I was sitting in a pizza place at South Street Seaport reading, I had to go into the ladies' room to get off. I did the same thing on the plane ride back to L.A. - don't know what the guy sitting next to me on the plane thought.

I also gave them to my vanilla husband to read, and I must say, he started to "get it."

Desdemona said:
Now that I've had a few minutes to contemplate your last post, James, I'm just gonna go about my business and be very, very glad that Snooze had no interest in reading those books. I'm gonna have to dig them out though, cuz I am now extremely curious about the barrell. LOL. I'm hopeless. :rolleyes:

Mebbe I should scan those pages and then e-mail them to Snooze......
Since I am a helpful kind of guy :D
James G 5 said:
Mebbe I should scan those pages and then e-mail them to Snooze......
Since I am a helpful kind of guy :D

:eek: Why do I think I could be in deep trouble?

Perhaps the more pertinent question is, why does that make me grin?
Desdemona said:
:eek: Why do I think I could be in deep trouble?

Perhaps the more pertinent question is, why does that make me grin?

I dunno, me & Snooze meeting minds? :D
Could be dangerous

'cause you're a glutton for punishment? ;)
James G 5 said:
I dunno, me & Snooze meeting minds? :D
Could be dangerous

'cause you're a glutton for punishment? ;)

Somehow, I think dangerous would be an understatement. :p shhhh. Lets keep it a secret. ;)
Desdemona said:
Somehow, I think dangerous would be an understatement. :p shhhh. Lets keep it a secret. ;)

At The Bash we usually have a Dominant Roundtable discussion meeting, and a similar one for subs
We've found it QUITE amusing to walk out of the Dominant meeting and shoot the subbies dark evil glances while chuckling softly to one another
Scares the hell out of them for some reason ;)

Don't worry, I wouldn't tell a soul :devil:
Chicklet said:
As some have mentioned, these are nice works of fiction = )

My first glimpse of "the lifestyle" was through "exit to eden" which I knew was sort of a kinky book - I saw it for sale at a goodwill when I was, well, uh, younger, and grabbed it. I went through it with lightening speed, enjoying the thrill it gave me. In Exit To Eden Anne Rice puts a little plug for her own Beauty books, and that made me want to read them = )

Here's the sort of embarrassing part...when I was done with Exit To Eden my dad asked to borrow it from me, and he's the one that ended up buying me the beauty trilogy - now when I think of that i'm SOOOOO embarrassed for myself <grin>

Anyways, the books sort of helped me figure out what sexual things I was interested. .

Have you read "Topping from Below" ? I picked it up at a discount store years ago. I think I let someone borrow it. It's not very realistic, but I enjoyed it.