Ann Rice's "Sleeping Beauty"

i avoided this thread like the plague for the sake of memories and sanity.

Pulled water logged books out of water logged cartons yesterday, and guess what i found?

If you avoid things, they'll try to stab you when you least expect it.
AngelicAssassin said:
i avoided this thread like the plague for the sake of memories and sanity.

Pulled water logged books out of water logged cartons yesterday, and guess what i found?

If you avoid things, they'll try to stab you when you least expect it.

As a book lover who treasures them above most other things this is painful to read. Master showed me a neat way to salvage through last year when we were living in a 400 year old house we discovered leaked....all over my precious books. I would normally have tried to dry them with heat but he dried the covers with a cloth and put them under weight and let them dry naturally and they are as good as new.

James G 5 said:
At The Bash we usually have a Dominant Roundtable discussion meeting, and a similar one for subs
We've found it QUITE amusing to walk out of the Dominant meeting and shoot the subbies dark evil glances while chuckling softly to one another
Scares the hell out of them for some reason ;)

Don't worry, I wouldn't tell a soul :devil:

Thanks for keeping my secret evil one. LOL
catalina_francisco said:
I would normally have tried to dry them with heat but he dried the covers with a cloth and put them under weight and let them dry naturally and they are as good as new.

A warm (not hot) dry place is best for this. And don't use too large a weight, because it will munge the pages together.
i read the first one and part of the second, and noone will order them around here... damn buggers
FungiUg said:
A warm (not hot) dry place is best for this. And don't use too large a weight, because it will munge the pages together.
Add Spider Robinson's "Callahan's Lady" to the souls of the dearly departed.
I LOVE to read... AA, I am sorry for your loss. My roommate has a very bad habit of reading in the bathroom or bathtub, and getting the books all wet. I have found that sticking them under your mattress for a few days works wonders.

As for the Beauty Chronicles, I actually bought the first on accident when I was a freshman in high school. I saw Rice's name, was in a hurry, and thought it was a new take on a Grimm's brother’s tale. Boy was I right... Imagine being 15, reading that stuff in the school commons! I was deathly afraid that one of the teachers would catch me. I have all three of them now, but have not finished them all the way through. Some of the images are rather disturbing, and not to my taste, while others make me very hot.

I think my fav part was the training hall in the first book... and Des? Hack the email and delete those scans... if I remember correctly, the barrel was full of garbage. LOL... will have to check.
niteshade said:
Some of the images are rather disturbing, and not to my taste, while others make me very hot.
Like the bit where the Sultan's servant shoves his arm (in the gold glove) up Laurent's ass up to the elbow? Disturbing, yes :D

and Des? Hack the email and delete those scans... if I remember correctly, the barrel was full of garbage. LOL... will have to check.

Bad girl, no telling tales out of school :devil:
Now you people have made me want to read the book again. And I already have so many books in line to be read! :)
I've only read the first one in the series. I'm looking forward to the other two. I enjoyed the first one. Great prevoking...yeah...that's it.
Sex & Diamonds said:
I've only read the first one in the series. I'm looking forward to the other two. I enjoyed the first one. Great prevoking...yeah...that's it.

*peeks in and gives SD a hug* :)

Hey toots. Read the others, you'll like them. Hard not to.

s'lara said:
*peeks in and gives SD a hug* :)

Hey toots. Read the others, you'll like them. Hard not to.


*hugs lara back*

as soon as my mind stops quivering over the first I'll move on. :D

oh,'s good to see ya
damn it, i needed to know some of this information last month when Mr Man spilled a glass of water of a book i paid alot of money for, and now has a fun wavey hair doo for it's pages *pouts*

any way to fix the damage once it's been done?
Howling_Ire said:
damn it, i needed to know some of this information last month when Mr Man spilled a glass of water of a book i paid alot of money for, and now has a fun wavey hair doo for it's pages *pouts*

any way to fix the damage once it's been done?
Burn it, throw a wake, and toast its passing.

Then buy a new one.
redelicious said:
Why don't you hold it for me.:p

(yeah, don't answer)

I're short
This nipple clip set MIGHT reach from your tongue to your clit.....
THAt might hold it :D
James G 5 said:
I're short
This nipple clip set MIGHT reach from your tongue to your clit.....
THAt might hold it :D


Time to practice yoga again.
redelicious said:

Time to practice yoga again.

Tantra! :D
Sex & Diamonds said:
I've only read the first one in the series. I'm looking forward to the other two. I enjoyed the first one. Great prevoking...yeah...that's it.

{{{{S&D}}}} So great to see you. :D

Those books were good. I read them so long ago.....:eek: