Ann Rice's "Sleeping Beauty"

Sex & Diamonds said:
kayte !!!!!! Hugggggggggggsssssss

i'm slow, but getting there.....;)

Well slow can be good. Hope everything is going well for you. :D
James G 5 said:
Run from ME? A harmles, sweet, petable :cattail: like me?
Whatever for? :D

LMAO. No, I didn't spew any Castille soap. Haven't gotten around to scotch guarding the chair.

Now, you? Harmless? Heh. The harmless one that plays with knives.

Feet don't fail me now!:p
Desdemona said:
LMAO. No, I didn't spew any Castille soap. Haven't gotten around to scotch guarding the chair.

Now, you? Harmless? Heh. The harmless one that plays with knives.

Feet don't fail me now!:p

Scotch gaurding is good :D

Nooo, it's all an online image, I'm harmless ;)

And you can't run fast enough :D
James G 5 said:
Scotch gaurding is good :D

Nooo, it's all an online image, I'm harmless ;)

And you can't run fast enough :D

Methinks he doth protest too much.

You're probably right. I can't run fast enough. I'm an oooold lady. *snickers*
Desdemona said:
Methinks he doth protest too much.

You're probably right. I can't run fast enough. I'm an oooold lady. *snickers*


*double smirk*
"Just out of curiousity, how many here have read the series and what did you think of it?"

Sucked, was sucking, did suck.

I'm not fond of the series myself.
D's mariposa said:
Yes, I read them. Liked the 2nd book best. They were great one handed reading material, but I didn't find them representative of this lifestyle.

i've read the series and didn't find the books to be representative of the D/s lifestyle at all...of the bdsm lifestyle, possibly...but nothing in the books touched on true Dominance or submission or of this way of life. there were a few moments in the first book that i found a bit arousing, but that quickly faded once i realized that apparently everyone in the series is bisexual and a switch?? it just seemed too much like a big fantasy kinky game kind of thing as opposed to an expression of inner natures. i didn't love the story of O either, but it was much more "real" to me than the beauty series.
The books are classified as "Fiction" and as such, they are not going to be fully representative of what happens in r/l D/s situations.

Brain candy and escapist - served its purpose.
I already have the series as books, but now I'm out looking for them as e-book, word documents, pdf files, or text files, so I can read them on my computer. So far I've found the two first books (The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" and "Beauty's Punishment") but I can't seem to find the last book "Beauty's Release" at all.

Does anybody have a copy of it on their computer by any chance?