At least five one-bombs in the last ten votes

I write erotica. I write stories about sex. The purpose of my stories is to be sexually interesting and titillating. If some readers don't find them sexually appealing, I can't argue with them. They have their own tastes, which are as legitimate as my own.

It's like the line from George Carlin's 'Seven Words You Can't Say on TV':

"There are no BAD words. There are bad thoughts. There are bad ideas. And there are WORDS."

Calling some porn and others erotica seems like a difference which makes no difference, except to alienate some readers.
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I could not care less whether people stroke to my stories or not.

Then why did you post this?

When I write sex scenes, I, of course, try to write the best sex scene I can. But I only writes those scenes if they advance the plot, not to provide stroking material.

If you don't care, why are you stressing to write the best scene you can? What's the difference between a good sex scene and a bad one? The good one....arouses people.

So, yes, you do care and you should.

As for advancing the plot if you're going to pretend that its the story itself that's so important then you can drive a storyline and plot without sex. But we are on an erotica site so your option would be to post in the low read non erotic category or novels and novellas and there's plenty of non erotic work there

But you are putting in sex scenes so...

Can we drop the act that you don't care and that you're somehow above what the vast majority of people come here to read, which is sexual content? Whether its stroky or romantic or erotic, people don't come here to look for the stories they'd find in mainstream novels or magazones.

You sound like the "I buy Playboy for the articles" joke.

There are readers here who do value some story with their spicy stuff, but they want both or again, they wouldn't be on this site.

I think you, Keith, and Electric Blue should create your own site or your own forum, because the three of you act like you're so much better than everyone else here, so far above or lowly porn writers, us writers who have the audacity to think people came to Liter-fucking-erotica-to actually get turned on by sex stories, rather than the high brow amazing high quality musings of the greatest literary minds, who thanks be to the gods, have decided to slum with us in our cesspool of hardcore sex and nasty kinks.

None of you are better writers than I am, or anyone else in this forum is. You just think you are and act like you are. Comments like I don't care if people like my sex scenes or Keith's who says I have to get anyone off or Keith and EB's incessant sour grapes that they write in categories that don't have large readership, then throws insults at people who do because of course they can't be good writers, its just the cheap category they write in.

We are publishing on a free site where everyone is accepted-as long as its within rules and properly formatted- and a site that is for erotic stories. It sells sex toys, adult movies and has a section for cam girls

Or do the three of you go to Pornhub to watch educational videos?

Check superiority complex and realize where you are and what the predominant purpose of the site is.

Or take your amazing talents to a 'real' site where readers sip tea and listen to Classical music as they enjoy their literature.

Us pervs will be here getting people off, and maybe even getting ourselves off to because we're not so dried up that we can't.
Quite frankly it is sad that a provocative story about an alternative lifestyle (throuples, polyamory, etc) can be thoroughly trashed by down votes, thus lowering the likelihood of it being read by very many. ..... How are the ‘rules’ of the relationship negotiated? A few of my stories have featured such relationships and I’ve had fun teasing out how such relationships could unfold. Then come the automatic down votes from those who refuse to consider that alternative relationships do exist and survive, and even thrive.

I found the same problems with my 'swinger' lifestyle couple being poorly rated (1-bombed just for enjoying life). It is about their issues developing as they grow.
Lovecraft68 has this talent of making up what others have posted/taken positions on and railing against it like he owns this Web site or something. Just a sick little puppy. :rolleyes:
Quite frankly it is sad that a provocative story about an alternative lifestyle (throuples, polyamory, etc) can be thoroughly trashed by down votes, thus lowering the likelihood of it being read by very many.

The people downvoting stories like that aren't the people reading it. Those are the LW asshats and other types who are so insecure and anally retentive that they can't stomach people-even in a fictional story-having any type of extra marital sex.

The vast majority of these are "men" because they're the ones that feel threatened by women who enjoy open sexuality, and disdain the actual men who are fine with, and join in, their wife's exploits.

So its not the story its the trolls.

I'm the same as you. My wife and I are a couple and will indulge in anything two people can, but that's it. But we enjoy stories and videos of all the things you mentioned. Its fun fantasy, just not for us, but each their own...that's how grown ups see it, anyway.
I found the same problems with my 'swinger' lifestyle couple being poorly rated (1-bombed just for enjoying life). It is about their issues developing as they grow.

I think I recall you getting some feedback in the feedback forum that your swinger set up wasn't realistic. I didn't bother chiming in, but the fact is, its your story, your set up, and this is fiction, and I love how people who are in such a open lifestyle seem to want to be the ones to put rules on it.

Write whatever you want, eventually people who like it will come around, the trolls will wander off and find the stories that are to their liking.
....I personally prefer stories that actually 'tell a story' and don't just give a running commentary on what went into which orifice. I follow this concept when I write but I'm sure my mother would have run screaming from the room had she read any. Or maybe not. Who knows?

In the series I'm writing, I try use use those descriptive scenes for the emotional impact.

Can I make the reader FEEL the tensions building between the husband and wife when he's watching another guy's "COCK" going into her?

Writing from a guy's POV and saying he's watching another guy's "engorged member entering his own wife" sounds like something a young girl might write for her English Professor's assignment.

There may be many different literary methods to build such sexual tensions. But I find describing the raw sex of the visuals to be one easy method for this beginner writer.
I think I recall you getting some feedback in the feedback forum that your swinger set up wasn't realistic. I didn't bother chiming in, but the fact is, its your story, your set up, and this is fiction, and I love how people who are in such a open lifestyle seem to want to be the ones to put rules on it.

Write whatever you want, eventually people who like it will come around, the trolls will wander off and find the stories that are to their liking.

I recall your response that It's my story, so just write it.

My criticism (even in that other thread) is similar to this one is that those quick 1-bombs rating a story as 1 or 2 for the first week detract from us gathering many potential readers. It took my last LW story over two weeks to average over 3, and then only after Laurel and Manu scraped many of the 1's away.
All this talk about stroking and getting off makes me wonder if commenting on your own stories is a form of masturbation? After all, in both cases you're resorting to stroking yourself because no one else will.
In some cases, it's a matter of the emotions the writer is attempting to invoke.

"I watched as my wife took his engorged manhood in her mouth," does not seem to convey the same emotional impact to the narrator as "I watched as my wife took his cock in her mouth."
Do you call it porn, when the writer is trying to get you to feel the emotion with the best choice of words?

It was a light-hearted attempt at humor, grains of truth, but therefore, grans of false too.

Jokes not being laughed at - one of the downsides to being a cornball. :cool:
All this talk about stroking and getting off makes me wonder if commenting on your own stories is a form of masturbation? After all, in both cases you're resorting to stroking yourself because no one else will.

You are just terrorizing the board again. Drunk or just bored? Certainly crazy, riddled with complexes.

I don't post that my writing is better than anyone else's. I constantly post that I don't do comparisons and also that I read very few stories here, so I have no idea how anyone else's writing compares to mine. Mine sells, which is enough for me. I certainly don't claim I'm a better writer than you. I wouldn't know. We don't write in the same genres, I've never read anything you've written, and I never intend to. What I do know is that no one blows their own horn here like you do (or criticizes others for publicizing themselves like you do); no one attacks the morality of genres others write in here as you, the king of incest, hypocritically do; and no one attacks fellow authors (and the Web site) as much as you do.

Not only have I not posted that I'm a better writer than anyone else, but I also don't remember either Melissa or ElectricBlue posting that. You are laying down false premises to puff yourself up--and maybe because you've had a few too many today and are letting your rabid personality show through.

Fuck off, and get professional help.
Then why did you post this?

If you don't care, why are you stressing to write the best scene you can? What's the difference between a good sex scene and a bad one? The good one....arouses people.

So, yes, you do care and you should.

As for advancing the plot if you're going to pretend that its the story itself that's so important then you can drive a storyline and plot without sex. But we are on an erotica site so your option would be to post in the low read non erotic category or novels and novellas and there's plenty of non erotic work there

But you are putting in sex scenes so...

Can we drop the act that you don't care and that you're somehow above what the vast majority of people come here to read, which is sexual content? Whether its stroky or romantic or erotic, people don't come here to look for the stories they'd find in mainstream novels or magazones.

You sound like the "I buy Playboy for the articles" joke.

There are readers here who do value some story with their spicy stuff, but they want both or again, they wouldn't be on this site.

I think you, Keith, and Electric Blue should create your own site or your own forum, because the three of you act like you're so much better than everyone else here, so far above or lowly porn writers, us writers who have the audacity to think people came to Liter-fucking-erotica-to actually get turned on by sex stories, rather than the high brow amazing high quality musings of the greatest literary minds, who thanks be to the gods, have decided to slum with us in our cesspool of hardcore sex and nasty kinks.

None of you are better writers than I am, or anyone else in this forum is. You just think you are and act like you are. Comments like I don't care if people like my sex scenes or Keith's who says I have to get anyone off or Keith and EB's incessant sour grapes that they write in categories that don't have large readership, then throws insults at people who do because of course they can't be good writers, its just the cheap category they write in.

We are publishing on a free site where everyone is accepted-as long as its within rules and properly formatted- and a site that is for erotic stories. It sells sex toys, adult movies and has a section for cam girls

Or do the three of you go to Pornhub to watch educational videos?

Check superiority complex and realize where you are and what the predominant purpose of the site is.

Or take your amazing talents to a 'real' site where readers sip tea and listen to Classical music as they enjoy their literature.

Us pervs will be here getting people off, and maybe even getting ourselves off to because we're not so dried up that we can't.

There is no contradiction between my two statements, because I do not accept the idea that a sex scene is only a good scene if it results in readers having orgasms. I don't believe that sex is defined only as activity that results in orgasms. My opinions on erotica reflect that.

I try to do my best on every scene I write, so obviously, that includes the sex scenes. Most of the stories I have submitted here are about issues relating to sexuality. By their nature, they contain sex scenes. I do hope that readers enjoy those scenes. But they a part of the story, not its purpose. You don't like that, fine, that's your right. The site owner seems to be just fine with it, so there is no reason why I should refrain from submitting here.

You have more than 16,000 followers, I have about 400. I'm not a threat to you in any way. Lit isn't going to turn into a place where stroke material is unwelcome.

I'm glad to know that you are not too dried up to get off.
I write erotica. I write stories about sex. The purpose of my stories is to be sexually interesting and titillating. If some readers don't find them sexually appealing, I can't argue with them. They have their own tastes, which are as legitimate as my own.

I think you, Keith, and Electric Blue should create your own site or your own forum, because the three of you act like you're so much better than everyone else here, so far above or lowly porn writers, us writers who have the audacity to think people came to Liter-fucking-erotica-to actually get turned on by sex stories, rather than the high brow amazing high quality musings of the greatest literary minds, who thanks be to the gods, have decided to slum with us in our cesspool of hardcore sex and nasty kinks.
Fuck off, Lovecraft.

I've had you on Ignore for over eighteen months and have not engaged with you once in that time, not once; yet here you are, still with your meaningless, repetitive vendetta. Get a new record.

I can only leave it to the rest of the AH community to decide who has the chip on his shoulder on this topic, but I'd prefer it if you had the grace to leave me out of your vitriol.

Put me on Ignore, like I have done you and one or two repetitive others. Just leave it.
It is beyond dispute that all of the stories here are worth every penny you paid to read them...
There is no contradiction between my two statements, because I do not accept the idea that a sex scene is only a good scene if it results in readers having orgasms. I don't believe that sex is defined only as activity that results in orgasms. My opinions on erotica reflect that.

I agree with you, and it has nothing to do, contrary to Lovecraft's silly accusation, with thinking one is better than someone else, or more literary, or whatever.

I write stories that I want people to regard as sexy and erotic and titillating, but I don't specifically write to induce people to orgasm, because that's not something I personally do in response to written erotica. I have other means I use to get off in that way. I know some readers DO use my stories to get off, because they have told me so, and I'm flattered and pleased, but it's just a bonus for me. The pleasure I get from written erotica -- both in the writing and in the reading -- is something different from just having an orgasm. It's a form of sexual pleasure, to me, but it's not the same as having an orgasm. It's just different.

Nobody can tell you why you write or what you get out of it, and nobody can tell you that you are wrong to get whatever pleasure you get from the stories you write.
Nobody can tell you why you write or what you get out of it, and nobody can tell you that you are wrong to get whatever pleasure you get from the stories you write.

Well, yes, but Lovecraft has been doing this for over a decade (writing BDSM not according to club rules or writing nonconsent at all he's going to attack here, but, hypocritically, writing incest is just fine) and the board has indulged him in doing this--for over a decade.

Because as long as he's attacking someone other than the general "you," the general "you" will give him a pass?
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I'm not going to cite it all over again, but I do think lovecraft's suggestion that Melissa was contradicting herself rings false. To think that a sex scene's sole purpose is to just excite a reader is just too reductive. Maybe it's the "climax" of the story, maybe it's used to describe the dynamics between partners, their personalities, insecurities, etc. There's just so much you can do with a sex scene. And even if the reader doesn't necessarily find it arousing, they might still find it effective or at the very least appropriate to the story plot. And that's enough to make it a good scene. Personally, I even like a lot of stories that have the sex scene almost entirely omitted.

It's not a question of high-brow vs. low-brow either. People get off different things. Some like to hear about a bubblegum C-cup, while others like to hear the character's witty comebacks to a greedy landlord. There's room and readers for both. And I'd say I have seen some excellent writing for both. If I see something that I think I couldn't have written, perhaps simply because I wouldn't have the imagination for it, I tend to look at it with a considerable amount of respect.

As for narcissism, I think all authors/artists display it to some extent. You kind of have to if you ever want to put anything of your own making out there for others to judge.
My latest contest entry was one-bombed overnight to make it lose its red H.
Could it be possible that posting here in the Author's Hangout invites one-bombs?

I ask because a little while back, as a new author, I created a post inquiring about the subject. It was a curiosity for me as a new Lit author. Around that time two of my four stories had the red H and a decent number of votes. I was curious about the voting trends, so had noted their scores periodically.

Shortly after my post got a bit of attention here in the AH, one-bomb city. All of my stories got the treatment. By my tally, of the next eight-ten votes on each story, roughly half were one-bombs. None of these have been swept, by my view. What's also of interest is the number of views did not increase proportionally.

What's additionally interesting is that the feedback harassment started up shortly thereafter as well. Again, my story views were pretty stagnant at that point, but all of a sudden Anonymous trolling came out of the woodwork and the one-bombs attacked.

One anecdote from a new author hardly merits much more than a shrug, I'm sure, but it's something I've been pondering since and wanted to share.

Back to lurking for now.

Yep. I've seen it. There are many lurkers in AH, and you never know who they are or why they're here.

What makes you so sure it would be the lurkers, if anyone? At least it sounds like this is what you are suggesting.
Could it be possible that posting here in the Author's Hangout invites one-bombs?


Posting in the Politics Board (as I do) is more likely than on the AH.

My only defence is that the majority on the Politics Board do not read stories.
Could it be possible that posting here in the Author's Hangout invites one-bombs?

It's possible. I've wondered at times whether "lying low" and not saying controversial things is the right strategy if you want a higher score for your stories.

But I don't like doing things that way, and high scores aren't important enough to me to do that, and I don't feel like I've noticed much of a correlation between things I write and one-bombs, so I choose just to keep posting, damn the torpedoes.

I think the right approach, rather than lying low, is to do as you would want others to do. With that in mind, I say what I believe, try to be civil and not personal about it, keep writing the stories I want to write, and if I get caught saying something stupid or wrong (which happens more than I'd like) I try to own up to it graciously. And I never, ever 1-bomb another author out of retaliation for views they've expressed in this forum. Never done that, never will.
During the time I paid attention to new releases during the course of the day, I would always start off fine, but then would take heavy trolling, and always between 12-1pm.

Which told me that it seems my detractors have jobs, and they like to check out lit on their lunch break.