Author's "Cafe" or what not

my chads are hanging

I would go with KM's no. 2 suggestion simply so we could have a place (cafe, bar, spa, whatever) with a cool name where we could all (almost all) be cool, silly, rank, whatever.

Thanks Chicklet and KM for the idea, steering and whatever.

I like Earl's and Flicka's name suggestions best.

Perdita has vote. :eek:
I like things the way they are. I only really frequent two forums, this one and the SDC and I like the fact that they are separate and I can tell what I'm doing. I don't want to have to switch between tons of different forums depending on what I feel like doing that night.

The Earl
Re: Bar names

gauchecritic said:
At the risk of being semi-obscure What about The Broken Drum where we could play "Cripple Mr Onion" and sing various ribald verses of "Glod glod glod"
*Semi-* obscure? God help you, Gauche.

Earl: you've taken away my enthusiasm, or is it that AV's sinister glare?

I take my vote back and don't care anymore. Pear :rolleyes:

p.s. seriously, I am not upset or mad or whatever; it was fun while it lasted (like most threads).

Why not go for the Monty Python theme, have a 'Ministry for silly comments' and for those who fall out, 'A ten minute argument Room'

On a serious note though, (me serious, that's a joke in itself), 'Authors hangout' has a sort of laid back sound to it anyway for passing publics who wish to chat to a friendly neighbourhood author.
Visions of a gang of aging authors reclining in plush chairs mumbling incoherently through their drink sodden haze about past greatness spring to mind.

Why not just have a lounge bar for casual yet serious chat, and a public bar for idiot games and drunkenness, just like a typical English pub really.

On a really serious note:
KM's No 2 does sound quite sensible, but with a snappy name for the chat room

Right must go Pint's getting warm on the bar.

Maybe I'm just rephrasing...

Okay so maybe I'm repeating myself or KM but here goes anyway.

We (meaning Laurel) create a new forum called "On Writing." The "On Writing" forum is what the "Author's Hangout" is "supposed" to be right now. Subforum to that is the "Author's Hangout" where we chit chat and gossip and make fun with newbies.

Options on the "On Writing" forum are having the SDC and Story Feedback and Editors Forum as sub-forums...I don't know how complicated that would get for Laurel.

The only thing I'm really, really interested RIGHT NOW is getting the chit chat and the seriousness seperated - it's not that I don't love the chit chat, it's just that sometimes it's frustrating when my serious threads get taken over or washed offscreen by the fun threads.


you always soothe my breast(s).

I think we should have a 'ravishing chamber' too, or 'ravishing forum'.

Puss-puss Perdita :kiss:
The idea of hi-jacking the whole hangout for ribaldry and bawdiness means that some people who have maybe been away for a while will wonder what's going on. Bit of continuity here would be invaluable. Keep the Author's Hangout for the sensible stuff and create something new catering to author(itarian)flippancy.

just wanted to add that if we molded the SDC and the Editors Forum to the Author's Hangout we might get more viewers/lurkers/readers/soon-to-be-joiners going on...if we include ourselves in even part of those forums we're going to attract more people. that would be cool.
Re: Bar names

gauchecritic said:
At the risk of being semi-obscure What about The Broken Drum where we could play "Cripple Mr Onion" and sing various ribald verses of "Glod glod glod"


Oh my God! A Terry Pratchett fan. Don't forget the hedgehog song and "The Wizard's Staff's Got a Knob on the End."
Ps. Buggerit. Millenium hand and shrimp.
gauchecritic said:
The idea of hi-jacking the whole hangout for ribaldry and bawdiness means that some people who have maybe been away for a while will wonder what's going on. Bit of continuity here would be invaluable. Keep the Author's Hangout for the sensible stuff and create something new catering to author(itarian)flippancy.


i'm sure for at least a little while we could have a sticky up at the top filling newbies and oldies, too in on what's going on
So, is AH to be for Serious Discussions On Serious Topics, and the cafe/bar/thingy for Mindless But Fun Chatter, or is it the opposite way around?:confused:
Gauche..its funny,i was going to suggest calling it "the mended drum" but where would we get the peanut eating,game hogging oragutan from?*L*

i love the idea of combining it all by the way with different forums for different things....makes total sense to if that is a good or bad thing i just don't know*L*
Svenskaflicka said:
So, is AH to be for Serious Discussions On Serious Topics, and the cafe/bar/thingy for Mindless But Fun Chatter, or is it the opposite way around?:confused:

We (you included) haven't finished deciding yet.


I seem to be going against popular sentiment, but I'd prefer to keep it as it is.

This is the only site I ever come to. Sometimes I'm serious and respond to serious threads, sometimes..... well. I'm not sure I'd frequent two different sites.

It would seem that if people (like me, mostly) would keep from interjecting nonsense into serious threads, the juxtaposition of differing subjects makes it interesting.


Ps. I've really been trying lately.

MathGirl said:
I seem to be going against popular sentiment, but I'd prefer to keep it as it is.

This is the only site I ever come to. Sometimes I'm serious and respond to serious threads, sometimes..... well. I'm not sure I'd frequent two different sites.

It would seem that if people (like me, mostly) would keep from interjecting nonsense into serious threads, the juxtaposition of differing subjects makes it interesting.


Ps. I've really been trying lately.

:rose: and you have been doing great, D

I think that having sub-forums would keep people from stepping on each other's toes. I appreciate Chicklet's point of "serious" threads being washed off the first page because of the rest of us chatter bugs.

I am voting for #2.

I would probably visit SDC and SF more if I didn't have to switch forums.

I wouldn't feel as paranoid about my silliness if I knew that I wasn't irking someone who was serious about their question.
I think that MG and bridget's advice to the lovelorn would have had a good home in the espresso bar of the Author's hangout.

:rose: b

MathGirl said:
This is the only site I ever come to. Sometimes I'm serious and respond to serious threads, sometimes..... well. I'm not sure I'd frequent two different sites.

Are we going to lose you if we split like this?

And the sub-forum would only be one click away. (there would be a link at the top of this forum, right above where the stickies are right now)

Of course we can also have serious type conversation in the chitchat area, wherever that is...we'll just have less talk and more substance (not that talk isn't substance) in the more "serious" forum.

get what I mean?

we don't want you to stop coming, and I know you've been keeping out of things's not the same without you, which is exactly why i want the forum to split. as it is, there's so much hostility going on between people who want fun and people who want serious talk only that it feels like some people are trying to push other people out of the forum. = (


Chicklet said:
Are we going to lose you if we split like this?

... as it is, there's so much hostility going on between people who want fun and people who want serious talk only that it feels like some people are trying to push other people out of the forum.
Sorry, Chicklet, I don't agree. I think 'hostility' is too strong a description of what happened. Being irked or put off online and among persons who haven't even met isn't quite the same as RL. I was starting to feeling satisfied w/how everything turned out (but for the unwarranted and too heavy-handed intimidation of MG).

I think it's too bad that what started out as a good idea has already come to rehashing this dead hippo.

Let's go with the votes and see what happens. Whatever does, I'll stick w/MG and others I enjoy yakking with, seriously or un.

Best, Perdita
Re: Re: Re: IMNSHO

perdita said:
Sorry, Chicklet, I don't agree. I think 'hostility' is too strong a description of what happened.

have you been on lit since before april, or is this your first account?

I ask because this quarreling between "groups" happens in cycles, every few months happening again. It'll always happen but i'd like it to be as minor as possible.
Re: Re: Re: Re: IMNSHO

Chicklet said:
have you been on lit since before april, or is this your first account? I ask because this quarreling between "groups" happens in cycles, every few months happening again. It'll always happen but i'd like it to be as minor as possible.
No, I'm only discovered the site and joined up in April.

Again, I just don't take it as quarreling. I see all the Lit. people as adults being adult humans is all. The best (for one's psyche) choice might seem to cave in to intimidation (or whatever one feels) but I don't accept that so I keep posting (giving my opinion as tactfully and politely as possible). I mean *no one* any offense or harm, but I can't force anyone to believe or trust me (which makes it their problem if they care that much).

'night, Perdita
not that i have to be right all the time ... but...

Chicklet said:
not that i have to be right all the time ... but...

Hon, just because you're young and sweet and I'm old enough to be your gran--

I agree with Chicklette!

Perdita the haggard hag :rose:
not so haggard this morn

OK, I'm still ambivalent, even confused, and maybe wish I could change my vote, but won't (or will I? Stop it, Purd!)

I noticed on the BDSM board there is a forum at the very top, I think the BDSM Cafe or some such. Wouldn't that be the simplest way to go with Chickletta's original idea?

Byeee, Perdita
I'm going to repost the considerations I posted on the poll thread here, predicting that some of you might only go back there to see the results. :D

Lauren.Hynde said:
I like the way things are, and they appear to be working, but now you got me thinking.

What we have today is:

The Author's Hangout, which should be, unless I and the majority of dictionaries are completely mistaken, a place frequented for entertainment or for socializing with and/or between authors, and which is also quite naturally used for general discussions about writing.

The Editor's Forum, which is a technical forum in nature.

The Story Feedback forum, where people basically ask for and give feedback about specific stories already posted at Literotica.

The Story Discussion Circle forum, where people basically ask for and give guided and oriented feedback about specific stories already posted at Literotica.

The Poetry Feedback & Discussion forum, which is used for general discussion about matters of poetry and where people ask for and give feedback about specific poem already posted at Literotica or not.

The Story Ideas forum, where people share um... story... ideas.

Like I said, I think things are working as they are and there's no real need for change, but if I was in charge, this is what I'd like to have:

- Authors' Hangout, a lighthearted place for entertainment or for socializing with and/or between authors. Pretty much what we have today. Anything goes;

Writing specific forums:
- Poetry Feedback & Discussion, with general discussion about poetry and where people ask for and give feedback on specific pieces. Pretty much what we have today;

- Story Feedback & Discussion, with general discussion about writing and where people ask for and give feedback on specific pieces. I'm thinking on the lines of a fusion of Story Feedback with the more serious side of today's Author's Hangout. Alternatively, we could have two distinct Story Feedback and On Writing forums;*

------ Story Discussion Circle, in the same moulds has we have today, but as a subforum of Story Feedback; (I really can't understand why this isn't happening already, because it's so evidently the right place for it, not only structurally, but also in terms of visibility)

- Editors' Forum, like what we have today;

- Story Ideas, like what we have today, but more for lack of ideas of where to put it then for real convition that it should stand alone. :p

There. That's what makes sense, in my opinion.

* edited to add:
Actually, I think it would be better to have the two separate forums: Story Feedback (with Story Discussion Circle subforum) and On Writing (with Editors' Forum and Story Ideas subforums).

The Hangout should be what a hangout is... and independent from any story specific resorces' forum, unless you want to widen the gap between story authors and poetry authors. :eek:
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My last thoughts on the subject

Okay, this is the only site I ever come to. If it's split into two sites, there will be one in which:

a. Oops, better not say that here. It isn't serious.
b. Oops, better not say that here. It's serious.

The way it is now, I never quite know what's going to be happening when I get here. Often it's something unexpected, interesting, and which I have something to contribute.

I like that.