Author's "Cafe" or what not

I can agree with any system, but think it is imperative to recognize that some very good story ideas, and writing guides are developed through less than serious interchange.

I would suggest that one way to insure that the two methods continue is developing a procedure, whereby the integrity of a serious decision, as well as the frivolity of the play group can be acknowledged.

For example, if the FRIVOLOUS group accidentally turns up an idea that one participant, or a passing reader, thinks is worth discussing, s/he may copy and quote it, at the head of a New Thread in the SERIOUS discussion group. Meanwhile, the FRIVOLOUS group can carry on, even to the point of making fun of the very idea that the others took into the SERIOUS forum.

In the SERIOUS forum, those who are taking the idea more seriously, could continue discussing the topic without the FRIVOLOUS interruption. In fact, there would be nothing to stop a writer from posting SERIOUS posts on the topic in the SERIOUS forum, while also posting FRIVOLOUS posts on that topic in the FRIVOLOUS forum, just not vice versa.

Alternately, any participant or passing reader whose fancy is tickled, should feel free to copy and quote a posting from the SERIOUS forum at the head of a New Thread in the FRIVOLOUS Forum, where s/he may feel free to make whatever silly remark s/he has been aching to make in the SERIOUS Forum. And, of course, some will post FRIVOLOUS posts on the topic in the FRIVOLOUS forum, while also posting SERIOUS posts on the topic in the SERIOUS forum, just not vice versa.

While we may lose a bit of the cross fertilization, at least the SERIOUS discussions will not be enraged by the FRIVOLOUS repartee, nor will the FRIVOLOUS discussions be dampened by disparaging interruptions from the more serious minded.

We will have to grow a tolerance for seeing our most serious thoughts parodied in another forum, as well as seeing someone pick up an idea we overlooked as silly, and turned it into something relevant.

Gazing into my crystal (left) ball, I can dimly foresee a future where there are SERIOUS discussions that never break into silliness anywhere, and others that are being considered both SERIOUSLY and simultaneously, considered FRIVOLOUSLY . There would also be FRIVOLOUS threads that originated in FRIVOLITY , and never rose above that level.

One can also visualize the SERIOUS discussions which were recognized in, and salvaged from a FRIVOLOUS post, or series of posts.

Also, there would be a version of something similar to “Best of the Internet” where, in this case, jokes collect in the FRIVOLOUS forum enjoying the humour that at least one of their number found in a SERIOUS post or series of postings.

There would naturally be SERIOUS threads that originated in SERIOUS discussion, and never descended to a FRIVOLOUS level.

WITHOUT some sort of understood mechanism like this in operation,
Re: Huh?

MathGirl said:
Dear Q, Would you mind repeating that? MG
trust me - go with it (though of course hang on to your not wanting things to change).

I couldn't have said it better, though perhaps more concisely (but I won't).

Thanks for clearing the air, at least over my head.

Perdita :eek:
I'm just a UN observer

Technically, I can't vote (since I have nothing posted on Lit). I shared dr.M.'s and Chicklet's assessment about too much fluff here recently. Still, I think MG has the right idea. With the right balance, a single forum can accomodate both the serious and the light stuff. Splitting it up into two will make both poorer. In any case, separation of threads can occur within this single forum. Everybody's been reasonable so far and I can think of no reason to become estranged in two different forums now.

PS My contribution to fluff -- For SF and other Harry Potter nuts:
I come to Author's Hangout to chat with the crowd in here. No matter if it regards Danish chefs, garderobes, characters' names, or wether or not Jesus was black.

If AH would ONLY be a chat place, where we talk about anything but writing, I'd get bored.
If AH would ONLY be for discussing writing-related topics, I'd get bored.

I think the AH in itself is self-sanatory. If people don't like the threads that are being posted in here, they'll simply not reply to them, and that way those threads will drop out of sight. How many of you remember these threads today?

The International Inivitational Slang Challenge.
10 reasons to have sex.
What would be a perfect name for a Disney cartoon sex story?
I thought we were just talking about splitting things down into 2 seperate forums like the lit personals and the playground.

I don't think it will get to such ridiculous levels,i am sure there will be humour in replies in the writing/author qurstions section and some serious bits in the authors chat cafe type area too.

i thought we were just making things a bit more clear cut,a place for authors to hang out and a place for authors to discuss authorly stuff. that makes sense to me anyway.
I think you people have entirely too much time on your hands: Let's talk about talking about things and where we can talk about the things we'll talk about there.

I see Author's Hangout as just that - a place where authors hang out and talk about this and that.

Last night's wrestling session with Honeybear, that inspired Author A to write a story about a person's first gangbang experience.
Author B asking his/her fellow writers if a story written in hexameter would annoy or amuse readers.

Both of these are relevant to Authors. I think the AH is fine the way it is. A little fun, a little serious. If we divide it into The Serious Corner and The Chatty Cafe, I'm afraid we're not gonna see such a wide variety of people, as many will stick to their favourite forum.
dr_mabeuse said:
I think you people have entirely too much time on your hands: Let's talk about talking about things and where we can talk about the things we'll talk about there.


you tell the girl that's worked nine hours by two thirty for the last ten days in a row, who's back hurts, who's legs need shaved, who's boyfriend still lays in bed wishing that his laundry would get done, that she has too much time on her hands? tsk tsk tsk...
Male chauvinist pigs

Once, I came home from the university to find my husband sitting in a chair, his arms crossed, looking grumpy. He said:

"I've been sitting here for 2 hours, looking at that dust over there. Why don't you clean up? This place looks so horrible, one could never tell that a WOMAN lived here!"

A few months later, we were divorced...
I believe Dr M was voicing a general opinion...i didn't see it directed at anyone!

smile,take a deep breath and get on with it...

unless that was deep sarcasm that i didn't detect then i'll un-ruffle my feathers and giggle! :)
Originally posted by dr_mabeuse I: Let's talk about talking about things and where we can talk about the things we'll talk about there.

Dear Dr M,
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Dr. G

Ps. Actually, I probably could have said it better myself, if I had any idea of what you were trying to say.
MathGirl said:
Dear Dr M,
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Dr. G

Ps. Actually, I probably could have said it better myself, if I had any idea of what you were trying to say.

If some people only knew what some people are saying about some people, then some people wouldn't say so much about some people..!:cool:
On the other hand, we could change the name of the Author's Hangout to the eColi Cafe and get in on the whole virtuosity of the internet. :cool:
There was an 80 year old Italian man who came to the doctor.
"Professore, I'd like you to examine me, to make sure I'm still in a good shape, sexually."
"Allright," said the doctor. "Let me see your genitals."
The old man said "Eccoli", and held out his tongue and his left index finger.:eek:
Must have lost in translation, specifically "sexual equipment" and "left middle finger".

Quasimodem said:
On the other hand, we could change the name of the Author's Hangout to the eColi Cafe and get in on the whole virtuosity of the internet. :cool:

That would certainly be a logical site for garderobe discussion.
the G word

MathGirl said:
That would certainly be a logical site for garderobe discussion.
It warms my heart to hear you using that word again. Time heals all bodily disfunctions, eh?

Svenskaya, love:

I wish someone would make a smilie of your AV face. I'd use it all the time.

:kiss: Mrs. Snape