being a sub doesn't mean weak (vent)

I dont think it really makes submissives...but it certainly set the ones who are made that way on the right road...dont ya think? And Doms...hmmm dare i say (hehehe) are almost godlike figures. I do believe we are born to be what we are, i feel a little like my religion has made it easier to slide right into it so to speak. And surely there could be nothing better for a Dominant to feel they are worshipped like a God :D
Kajira Callista said:
And surely there could be nothing better for a Dominant to feel they are worshipped like a God :D

It would depend on the God, I guess. One of the Norse or Greek gods would be fine -- lots of food, wine and sex involved there! But some of the eastern Gods... very ethereal and no sex! No thanks.
Get rid of the dictionary.....

I am sure each of you have a different view point on what being Dominate or being submissive means to you. To me that is how it should be, my submissive has over the course of a few years decided to honor me with her gift of submission. This gift is in no way a act of weakness on her part. It is as it is suppose to be a form of POWER EXCHANGE between two willing concenting adults acting in a sane, sensible, and safe manner. My submissive is the best of all world especially with our choice being D/s. Both at home and in the real world she is without a doubt one of the strongest and most dynamic women I have ever had the pleasure to meet and call my pet (term of endearment). I am no GOD and I would never berate or treat my submissive as anything less then the warm, loving, attentive, affectionate woman I have grown to love very deeply over the past few years. I am very proud and honored that she has chosen to call me Master. If you wish a definition for a submissive try reading "Extreme Space" it is without a doubt one of the best books I have read on BDSM and the lifestyle in a very long time.

Congratulations spauldid. And Im pretty sure we all know we are strong, and what ive gotten from here is we wonder why others see us the opposite. And i dont really thing a Dom is God :rolleyes: to often. tee hee Ok i was really only joking, i need ta stop that pisses ppl off i think.
hmm...dom as another word for god? I never really equated dom and god. I can see how some people might believe that way, and hey, there are worse things than having a minor god complex....
but me, well, I don't think of ANY dom as any more that a human benig, faults and all...and i don't think of any person as dom all the time...not part of my personality...maybe that doesn't make me as "hard core" but it works for me and at the end of the day, whether it be today, a year form now or when i die...I only have myself to rationalize to, so i guess thats all that matters...and yes, that was meant to be lighthearted...see how good i am at it?;)

my Master is very much like my God...i adore and worship him, and His ways and the guidelines he sets down for my life are my only religion. i think probably everyone needs something (or someone) to believe have an unconditional faith in...Daddy is what/who i believe in. it doesn't mean that i think he's flawless and faultless, my idea of a God doesn't equate to perfection.
While I worship the ground he walks on most days, it does not go into the God neighbourhood. He feels too uncomfortable with that type of thought process and I can relate to where he comes from. We both have a reality base where we and our relationship are concerned which though Master/slave, still acknowledges the humanness and the difference between Godlike deity and humble human. Add to that my beliefs surrounding inviting disaster by ignoring and abusing life's gifts and it becomes impossible to hold him as my God. I found out the pain and traplike fallibility of being placed on a pedestal early in life when I was placed in a similar position against my will........I could never put another through that pain, especially Master whom I love so deeply for all his good and not so good points.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
While I worship the ground he walks on most days, it does not go into the God neighbourhood. He feels too uncomfortable with that type of thought process and I can relate to where he comes from. We both have a reality base where we and our relationship are concerned which though Master/slave, still acknowledges the humanness and the difference between Godlike deity and humble human. Add to that my beliefs surrounding inviting disaster by ignoring and abusing life's gifts and it becomes impossible to hold him as my God. I found out the pain and traplike fallibility of being placed on a pedestal early in life when I was placed in a similar position against my will........I could never put another through that pain, especially Master whom I love so deeply for all his good and not so good points.

Catalina :rose:

i think Daddy is comfortable with me looking up to him in a God-like manner because he knows it is not the same way that he, and other more traditionally religious people, view a God. i know Daddy has faults...i know he's very capable of making mistakes...i know he does not know everything, does not have all the answers to everything. those things are not what encompass "God" to me, but then i have never had a true belief in any god before. i was always a skeptic about such things. when i read holy books it feels like reading moralisitic fairy tales, not reality. when i try to imagine a god in heaven ruling over everyone and everything, it sounds as fantastic to me as Zeus and Apollo glaring over the peaks of Mt. Olympus. but my Master is a God that's real to me, that's solid and true. He is not the average human, but he is not this mythical creature that i can't put any faith in either. He is my own personal God, with control over not the universe but over a single life. He has mapped out my life's purpose and path, never revealing the final destination to me, but my unquestioning trust in him tells me that wherever that path leads, i must walk it...there is no choice. He knows best, i simply must obey.

for a different kind of Dominant, a different kind of man, a submissive viewing them in such a manner would be very taxing and potentially dangerous indeed. the average person just has no desire to be in such a position. and for my Master it would also be too much, with any other submissive. but with me he cherishes it, he craves my complete and utter, blind obedience to him and his wishes. my automatic acceptance of his ways. the huge bridge i draw between him and every other man, every other human on this planet. for us, it is natural and right.
i don't see my Doms as gods. ain't but one God for me. i do see them as somethin way above the everyday person. not sure what i'd call it though. i also see my Doms different than others. mine rank higher on the respect scale. everbody gets respect but i don't say Sire to anyone else. sirs and ma'ams are a southern thing. everbody gets those. only my Masters get called Sire

i love all these opinions. this is still new for me but it feels natural and right. good too. thanks for all the replies
I'm not sure there is a correlation between complete obedience and worshipping someone or something as a God. I have yet to meet anyone who subscribes to any religion who holds 100% to obeying the guidelines. Even the Dalai Lama admits to his areas where he strays from what is seen in Buddhism as in keeping with their belief system.

Catalina :rose:
Religion plays no part in any of this for me. I am a submissive because that is the personality type I have. It has nothing to do with how I was raised or any trauma I (never had) experienced or my religion.

Being submissive is just the way I am.
ADR, i agree with you there. i think being a Dominant or submissive is something that is simply innate, from birth, and nothing that can be created/conditioned. it just is.
ownedsubgal said:
ADR, i agree with you there. i think being a Dominant or submissive is something that is simply innate, from birth, and nothing that can be created/conditioned. it just is.

We agree on this point, indeed.

If it is created/conditioned, it will not last, without constant reinforcement, at least. And in that case, I don't think it is authentic.

Certainly, environmental conditions effect us all. But I think people are born with certain predispositions, especially in regard to personality.

Be true to yourself... whatever that truth is.
A Desert Rose said:
We agree on this point, indeed.

If it is created/conditioned, it will not last, without constant reinforcement, at least. And in that case, I don't think it is authentic.

Certainly, environmental conditions effect us all. But I think people are born with certain predispositions, especially in regard to personality.

Be true to yourself... whatever that truth is.

Wisdom born of truth....couldn't have said it better if you paid me!!

Catalina :rose:
just wanted to point out, i am not equating religion with BDSM...that wasn't the point of my post...and i can't remember who said it, i think may osg...but for some of us, Zeus and Apollo glaring over MT. Olympus ISN"T such a fantastical notion...for some of us, gods of ancient myths and legends are neither myth nor legend...:D
A Desert Rose said:
Religion plays no part in any of this for me. I am a submissive because that is the personality type I have. It has nothing to do with how I was raised or any trauma I (never had) experienced or my religion.

Being submissive is just the way I am.

Well said. There are cultural and religious patterns of dominance and submission as well, but for those of us who live in "enlightened" cultures, I personally agree with ADR -- it's about personality types inherent in the person.

Of course, how we discover that truth within ourselves can be a journey in itself.

I will never view submission as weakness because of this. Knowing yourself and being true to yourself is not easy or weak, it takes determination and strength.
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hurtme said:
just wanted to point out, i am not equating religion with BDSM...that wasn't the point of my post...and i can't remember who said it, i think may osg...but for some of us, Zeus and Apollo glaring over MT. Olympus ISN"T such a fantastical notion...for some of us, gods of ancient myths and legends are neither myth nor legend...:D

oh i realize and understand that hurtme...(had an old friend who was a firm believer in the dieties of norse mythology)'s just that for me personally, whether i'm thinking of "Allah", "the Lord Almighty", or Zeus, it's all unrealistic and unbelievable to me. i'm a heathen from way back lol
There's a difference between athiest, agnostic, heathen and pagan by the way... if you don't believe in any diety, then that would make you an athiest.
FungiUg said:
Well said. There are cultural and religious patterns of dominance and submission as well, but for those of us who live in "enlightened" cultures, I personally agree with ADR -- it's about personality types inherent in the person.

Of course, how we discover that truth within ourselves can be a journey in itself.

I will never view submission as weakness because of this. Knowing yourself and being true to yourself is not easy or weak, it takes determination and strength.

Boy, is that ever true. For many of us it takes years to walk that walk. But I don't regret any of the steps along the way. Something good came out of every experience (I refuse to call them mistakes.)
Again, I agree with you. Although I'm okay about making mistakes, so long as I learn from them and don't repeat them. (Well, don't continue to repeat them... there are a few I've had to make more than once to learn from!)

Some people though, sad to say, never seem to learn. Which is why you get "patterns of abuse", which is the reverse of BDSM in my opinion. Taking responsibility for who and what you are, accepting yourself, and becoming yourself fully is a painful and difficult process.

So where's the "weakness" in that? Weakness is when you deny or ignore yourself, because you don't have the strength or integrity to face up to who you really are. And I'm sure we all know people like that, unfortunately.
FungiUg said:

So where's the "weakness" in that? Weakness is when you deny or ignore yourself, because you don't have the strength or integrity to face up to who you really are. And I'm sure we all know people like that, unfortunately.

This is so true, and so often a reason for why people never experience the path in life they crave. Fear of what might happen so often cripples that choice when in reality if they stopped to look at just what they were losing in not following their dreams they would realise they stand to lose more by remaining where they are, than if they opened themselves to taking the opportunities that lay waiting.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
...than if they opened themselves to taking the opportunities that lay waiting.

Catalina :rose:

Here's a gift opportunity for me that lays waiting....

Oh pardon me... wrong thread.
A Desert Rose said:
Here's a gift opportunity for me that lays waiting....

Oh pardon me... wrong thread.

Mmmm, not quite my type of woman but the dressing was lovely!!

Catalina :rose:
I agree, the woman doesn't really do much for me, the outfit however....yum...
Okay, I'll have the woman, you lot have the lingerie.

What am I saying? I'll have the woman AND the lingerie! You lot can just suffer! :devil:

Not entirely sure what this has to do with the topic at hand, but thanks for sharing ADR. :D