being a sub doesn't mean weak (vent)

FungiUg said:
Okay, I'll have the woman, you lot have the lingerie.

What am I saying? I'll have the woman AND the lingerie! You lot can just suffer! :devil:

Not entirely sure what this has to do with the topic at hand, but thanks for sharing ADR. :D

I guess I have to spell it out for all of you ;-) .... These are hints for under my Christmas tree. I want that outfit.
So? What do we get out of it? Hmmm? Not nearly enough begging happening here, for starters...

(Admittedly, the thought of ADR's cute legs in those stockings... yum!)

By the way, where is it from?
I was not aware of that site! Hmmm... I shall have to go perv, er, I mean peruse.
FungiUg said:
There's a difference between athiest, agnostic, heathen and pagan by the way... if you don't believe in any diety, then that would make you an athiest.

FungiUg, my use of the word "heathen" was my pathetic attempt at humor. i know what it means. agnostic would be closest term to describing the way i feel about such matters, although that doesn't completely fit either. but i'm no atheist is sure and i'm far from sure.
DVMnLA said:
i guess this is my one pet peeve about how others view subs. so i'm gonna fuss and bitch and get it outta my system.

i hear so many people say 'how can you be so weak?'. proof that the speaker has zero clue about being a sub. being a sub isn't about being weak or spineless. its about being strong enough to subjugate your own wants and needs for someone you love. for some folks more than others constant subjugation of our own needs takes immense mental and emotional effort. 24/7 effort and succeeding is strength folks. not weakness.

everbody subjugates themselves for others. parents do it for their kids. kids do it for their parents. employees do it for their bosses. we all sacrifice. you do what you're told or what's necessary even when you don't like it and you shut the hell up about it. everybody does it, but mostly part time. subs do it full time for their Masters because we can and we want to. being a sub is full time. no weekends. no vacations. no sick leave. try it and see if it's easy. it ain't. our time off is in our restful thoughts and sound sleep. in our protected bodies and cherished souls. knowing we pleased our Masters every second of every day to the best of our abilities is better than 2 weeks vacation in aruba.

some were born to serve and some were born to be served. i was born to serve and i'm damn good at it. so fuck off.

alright. done. thanks.

:kiss:es to Daddy

Never a truer word spoken. Buy that sub a beer bartender and put it on my tab.
What I have learned from this thread:

1. That being submissive is not the "weakness" that society makes it out to be.

2. That the journey to finding your true self, whether Dominant or submissive, is well worth the trip - even through the trials, errors and mishaps that occur along the way.

3. There is freedom and safety in being true to one's submissive nature whether one was: aware of it from their earliest known remembrances while growing up, raised in a main stream religion with lots of rituals or just had parent(s) with heavy hands that consistently found your backside when you did not meet their expectations.

Each one of these points anchors a submissive and sustains them in their ability to submit to their Master/Mistress or Dom. I have a question, though...

Every slave/sub gives up some of their strengths when they submit themselves to the authority of a Master/Dom. Even in a very loving relationship, there will be times when the Master/Dom does not respond to a slave/sub's request for intervention or information. Knowing that a patient slave is more pleasing to their Master/Dom than one who is not, where does a slave find the inner strength to be patient enough to wait for the answers being sought? And what if the answers are never given?

Esclava :rose:
Esclava said:

Every slave/sub gives up some of their strengths when they submit themselves to the authority of a Master/Dom. Even in a very loving relationship, there will be times when the Master/Dom does not respond to a slave/sub's request for intervention or information. Knowing that a patient slave is more pleasing to their Master/Dom than one who is not, where does a slave find the inner strength to be patient enough to wait for the answers being sought? And what if the answers are never given?

Esclava :rose:

I think my most recent observations/lessons on this from an up close and personal viewpont is that the answers may be given, just not always in a blatently obvious manner, or perhaps in a format or language we readily understand and expect. I find that challenging, and definately growth oriented in making me step outside my own comfort zone to discover yet another part of me that was not being previously utilised to his full benefit. It helps me to reflect on these lessons when my normally high patience threshold is being tested to the max.

Catalina :rose: