Bi curious Sissies for Trump

I believe that Biden’s age and cognitive abilities are a danger to our country and Kamala is an idiot.
I don’t believe Trump would sign an abortion ban (both houses of Congress could never get it passed anyway.)
I do believe that Trump treats everyone equally and favors no group.
I like wearing parties but I hate paying one penny in taxes.
I believe that Biden’s handouts and social programs tear at the fabric of our society, not helping but hurting those he promised to help.
I think student loan debt is illegal and theft.
I believe that both presidents contributed to inflation but now that we’re in a hole Biden doesn’t know to stop digging and a $1 trillion deficit should be illegal
I believe that Biden is responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives lost because he is weak and has a terrible foreign policy and I do believe that Trump values life and avoiding conflict, wall softly and carry a big stick.
This sissy knows that EVERYONE got a tax cut under Trump but the rich pay more taxes so when they get a tax cut it’s more money than me.
I believe that our cities are in decay because of failed social programs and high unemployment under Biden

So yes this closeted bi curious MWM sissy wanna be is going to hold my nose and vote for who I believe is best for our country for the next 4 years.

Happy to debate

I don't care that you're a sissy. I do care that you're a complete fruitcake.
Have you listened to the Howard Stern interview of Biden? If you haven't I highly recommend it.

I understand you don't believe it. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was told SCOTUS wouldn't repeal Roe. What would you say if Trump is elected and within a year or two of his term a national abortion ban passed?

Did you read Trump's twitter account when he had it? Massive insults to those who disagreed with him and lavish praise for those who supported him.

The conservatives who largely support Trump do not support you. Many of them would consider you something of an abomination.

Unless you are rich, under Trump's tax plan your taxes will increase. Not only because of the 2017 (temporary for everyone but the wealthy) tax cuts but also if he is placed back in office the policies he is touting have been widely criticized as economically harmful. Even by conservatives.

How do you feel about corporate taxcuts that go toward stock buybacks?

Then you should support Biden.

The American economy leads the pack out of every economy in the world. Considering that Trump's economic agenda has been widely panned how do you think Trump would be better?

Trump's foreign policies were favorable to Russia. Specifically Putin's desires.

No everyone did not get a tax cut under Trump. The very poorest in our country got a tax increase. Your taxes will increase at the end of next year. The rich will get to keep theirs. Theirs is permanent.

What was Trump's infrastructure plan?

That is your right, however I vehemently disagree that Trump is best for our country.

We shall see.

Well played.


Let’s see if this latest member of “Sissies for Trump” was serious about having a “debate”.

(I believe, given your comprehensive rebuttal of the nonsense in the OP’s original post, you have already won, and the OP was never serious about having a “debate”.)

We shall see.
Why didn't trump repeal and replace it as promised? Why are you on it if it's so bad?
Just repeal don’t replace, health care or health insurance isn’t a right.
If an entitlement requires someone else’s labor then it isn’t a right
In fact if stealing from someone else is a sin that the left justifies as empathy
Well, you’ve convinced me. I am onboard the sissy trump train, but I’m still a bit lost. I know if I want a ‘Blacks for Trump’ t-shirt I gotta find an elderly white woman. Who do I go to for a ‘Sissy for Trump’ one??? Should I just amble on over to the nice group of skin heads or the Moms for Liberty?
Mein gott, Cardy.

you didn't even try in this thread. Do you know how many sanctimonious RW schmucks we've gone through on this board, who've written never-ending screeds that would put a Gabriel García Márquez novel to shame?


your sissy sistren who fought at Stonewall for you to live in modern-day sissyhood weep in the afterlife at your lazy attitude. :mad:
The offer was a better healthcare system not NO healthcare
Try telling the people they get nothing
Be honest

You are batshit crazy

Many were paying money into a system that provided nothing

Paying for those with no insurance as and is bullshit

The rest of the world pays less and gets far more!! Well, not the shit hole countries like you want the US to be with oligarchs able to pay their own way
Just repeal don’t replace, health care or health insurance isn’t a right.
If an entitlement requires someone else’s labor then it isn’t a right
In fact if stealing from someone else is a sin that the left justifies as empathy
Healthy citizens are imperative for a nation to survive and grow, you short-sided 🤡.

I'm sure that you, a level-headed person, thought of all the ramifications that go along with ripping healthcare away from about half of the country, already though 🙄😁🤡
What evidence do you have of Trump being racist?

When Colin Kapernick took a knee during the National anthem as a peaceful and silent protest for the widespread mistreatment of black people by police Trump didn’t have any concern for the issue at hand. He called him a ‘son of a bitch” - literally called his mother a bitch and made a spectacle out of protesting the NFL - an organization Trump had a grudge against since the failure of his investment in the USFL.

Trump never officially addressed the issue of police violence against blacks, giving motivation and fanning the flames of the more violent protests of BLM.

Think about it. He did everything he could to forbid the peaceful protests of football players. The steam had to blow out somewhere. That happened under Trump’s leadership because he displayed no interest in protecting black lives.

Remember the Central Park Five? The black teens who were eventually found innocent for the murder of jogger?

Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five​

Even if he truly wasn’t racist, how could he not have the compassion and decency to admit that he was wrong and take the opportunity as leader of a nation to improve the optics of a potentially racist position?
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When Colin Kapernick took a knee during the National anthem as a peaceful and silent protest for the widespread mistreatment of black people by police Trump didn’t have any concern for the issue at hand. He called him a ‘son of a bitch” - literally called his mother a bitch and made a spectacle out of protesting the NFL - an organization Trump had a grudge against since the failure of his investment in the USFL.

Trump never officially addressed the issue of police violence against blacks, giving motivation and fanning the flames of the more violent protests of BLM.

Think about it. He did everything he could to forbid the peaceful protests of football players. The steam had to blow out somewhere. That happened under Trump’s leadership because he displayed no interest in protecting black lives.

Remember the Central Park Five? The black teens who were eventually found innocent for the murder of jogger?

Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five​

Even if he truly wasn’t racist, how could he not have the compassion and decency to admit that he was wrong and take the opportunity as leader of a nation to improve the optics of a potentially racist position?

1970s - Trump being charged by DOJ for housing discrimination. Twice.

1980s - Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor, Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”

1980s - Central Park Five

1990s - “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”

1990s - The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred Black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.

2000s - on Apprentice, Trump wanted the black man who won to share his title with the white woman runner up.

2010s - Birtherism

This isn't even a complete list and it doesn't include any of what he has said or done against Latinas and Native Americans.
I've put a lot of alts on ignore on the first post. 99% of which are BB's Alts. This one has a join date of 2001 so I doubt it's BB. Given the estimated age, asking for "proof of Trump's attitude" towards certain "people", there is no sense engaging. The person has already seen it, and decided how Trump treats others, agree'with his own view towards those same people.

I'll sit back n watch, but I figure this will turn into a sealion by the end of this thread.
Another spreadsheet alt brought off the bench
This isn't the first LBGT that has come here touting support for a party that has openly advocated outlawing the lifestyle they lead.

I just don't get it.
A possible explanation of LGB walking away from the Dems:
Same sex marriage went nowhere for a long while. Dems promised, did nothing, and kept the LGB votes because what are they gonna do, vote Pub? So they organized their own marriage equality movement and achieved it themselves instead of letting the Dems take the credit. Dems responded by pushing everything trans to punish the LGB, who are now starting to say fuck you very much and walking away. And later, trans people will be thrown under all the buses.
Equal to any wild a twisty ride one could take a Six Flags! 🥰
Healthy citizens are imperative for a nation to survive and grow, you short-sided 🤡.

I'm sure that you, a level-headed person, thought of all the ramifications that go along with ripping healthcare away from about half of the country, already though 🙄😁🤡

Addressing / expanding education, healthcare, climate change mitigation, diversity and inclusion, and a more equitable distribution of wealth in America is also vital to the country’s NATIONAL SECURITY interests.


Addressing / expanding education, healthcare, climate change mitigation, diversity and inclusion, and a more equitable distribution of wealth in America is also vital to the country’s NATIONAL SECURITY interests.


You, you, you COMMIEEE !!! YOU!!!
You, you, you COMMIEEE !!! YOU!!!

“The Grapes of Wrath” IS my favorite movie, and it probably had the greatest influence on my political / societal ideals, so…



I actually prefer - “Pragmatic Progressive Democratic Socialist who can acknowledge that certain occupations merit SOME (not exponential) extra compensation to attract participation - with capital investment of financial resources earned from one’s ACTUAL LABOR meriting SOME additional (not exponential) income.”


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I actually prefer - “Pragmatic Progressive Democratic Socialist who can acknowledge that certain occupations merit SOME (not exponential) extra compensation to attract participation - with capital investment of financial resources earned from one’s ACTUAL LABOR meriting SOME additional (not exponential) income.”
